Chapter 28: They hated eachother?

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"Italy was bloody brilliant. Not to mention all the wonderful women that hung around." Draco entered the Slytherin common room after his little mishap with the brunette in the library. He was not in a great mood to listen to anyone, let alone Theo. Draco walked past him and the posse that he had gathered whilst bragging about his trip. "Hey, Malfoy!" He yelled. "Come over, I want to tell you about my latest catch." Draco's jaw clenched. Latest catch?

Brusquely, Draco had Theo on the wall by the throat. Everyone gasped at the sudden intake of situation. "Latest catch?" Draco said through gritted teeth. "Please, Nott, do tell." Theo gasped for air, trying to get the words out.

"My-wan-wand." Draco looked down to see Theo grabbing his wand. Only, it was new. It wasn't the one he had for the past seven years at Hogwarts. This one was rather new, much more stylish and somewhat, more Theo. Draco let go of his hold on Theo and glanced at his friend who was gasping for air.

"My new catch; my wand, Draco." Theo breathed out. Draco looked around, seeing all eyes were on him. "What's wrong with you, mate?" Theo asked, standing.

"It's the Granger girl, isn't it? Been giving you a hard time, has she?" A voice called out. Turning, Draco saw Professor Parkinson looking at him. "Mr. Malfoy. I'd be more than happy to speak to Miss Granger, if that would help. I will ensure she won't come within a mile's radius of you." Professor Parkinson went to turn.

"Stay away from her." He said. All eyes snapped to him.

"Pardon me, my boy?" The woman said, smirking at him.

"I said, leave her alone." He grew louder, taking a few steps closer to the woman. "I can assure you that if you don't listen, you will have bigger problems to deal with, Professor."

"Are you threatening me, Mr. Malfoy?" The woman asked, quirking her perfect brown eyebrow.

"It would appear so... I'd like to see my Father's reaction once I tell him what you asked of me," The lady gasped. "Without his consent."

"I don't understand what you're talking abou-

"I trust my Father would take this straight to the ministry," Draco smirked. "It's over, Parkinson." Draco looked over at the miniature Professor Parkinson who was watching the exchange with wide eyes. "You have twenty-four hours to leave before my father hears about this. I'd start packing if I were you." The Professor looked around and instantly head for the door. Draco turned around, offering his hand to Theo.

"Sorry about that, Theo." Draco said, pulling his best friend off the ground. Theo brushed the dust off him and looked at his best friend.

"My father will be hearing about this." Theo snarked, imitating Draco.

Draco chuckled, "what have I said about imitating me?"

"Yeah, yeah, you'll hex me." Theo rolled his eyes. "Seems as though we have an audience." Draco turned to see his fellow house companions still staring at the pair.

"Would you guys like to take a picture?"

"What did Professor Parkinson ask of you, Draco?" A voice from the crowd asked. Draco looked at Theo and back at the others.

"It really doesn't concern you. Now, if you don't mind, I must head off to my room." He said sarcastically. "Theo, would you like to accompany me?"

"Indeed, Draco."


"So, you and Draco made out in the library?" Hermione nodded, almost shamefully. Blaise chuckled. "It's alright. The only thing that matters Is that you walked away." Hermione continued pacing in the living area of the Head's common room. Blaise accompanied her stressfulness, as Ginny and Ron were playing a short game of Quidditch.

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