Chapter 7: I like him

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A few days had passed by; the pair had not said a word to each other. Glances were stolen from across the Great hall, in their Common room and in the classes they had with each other. 

Hermione, was quite confused – to say the least. She hadn't expected it to be all roses, but she had expected to be friendlier with him.

Although she had to admit, she was jealous. She was walking to potions one day when she saw Draco and Parkinson leaning on a pillar, snogging. To her disbelief, she walked away before any of them had noticed her presence. Standing in the empty potions class, letting a few tears stride down her face - she had never felt so jealous of a person before. Not even Lavender.

Draco had kept himself entertained. He hadn't wanted the conversation that occurred between the two, to have changed their friendship status. He was well aware of what he had been doing, and why he was doing it. He was snogging – not just one, but three girls – within a day. Draco had skipped a few classes he had with the Gryffindor, attempting to keep as far away from her as possible. He knew that if he admitted to what he was feeling, that everything would change. 

He knew that he wouldn't be superior to everyone. And, for once, he hadn't cared. Although, the one thing that had mattered to him was the way Hermione looked at him. She looked as if she hadn't slept, her anger rose in her eyes, sending him glares whenever their eyes met. If looks could kill, Draco would've been dead, along with Voldemort.


Ginny and Blaise had grown close; their friendship was now public. They met often in the library to discuss matters about Draco and Hermione. Tonight, was somewhat, different.

The pair sat across from each other with their homework placed on the desk in front of them. With a sudden outburst, Blaise looked up at Ginny with a large smile.

"I have an idea!" His eyes lit up. Their eyes turned toward the students around them, annoyed at his sudden outburst. Ginny ignored the sight and looked back at the smiling Italian in front of her.

"What if we make Draco jealous? What if Hermione starts dating someone, a person who is completely out of the ordinary – someone who Hermione would never go for?" His smirk lit up his face, Ginny smirked – knowing where it was heading.

"She should date you! Draco will be completely furious, and you will know it, considering you're his best friend. You'll be able to tell whether he is jealous or not. Therefore, he will admit his feelings, indirectly." The pair smirked and agreed. They packed their books away and begun to head out of the library and into the head's common room.

"It's open," Draco announced, they both entered. Noticing Draco's longing stare at the fireplace in front of him. Blaise took a seat beside him, smirking widely, leaving Ginny to walk into Hermione's room.

Hermione was sitting on her bed, confused at the sight of her best friend waving a speechless spell.

"Date Blaise!" Ginny said, with a smile wider than Russia. Hermione shut her book and placed it beside her.

"I most certainly will not!" Hermione replied, confused at what her best friend was saying.

"Hear me out." Ginny begun, she took a seat beside Hermione – letting in on her plan.

In the room, next door, Draco was infuriated by what he was told. What his best friend  had said.

"You're dating Hermione?!" His voice came out louder than intended, he was angry and it was obvious. Blaise smirked at the sight, at how his best friend reacted. He had only hoped Hermione agreed to doing this. 

He needed to prove Draco wrong.

"You don't mind, do you, mate?" Blaise pushed further. Draco was now staring at the burning fire, his face turned red, clenching his hand into a fist. Blaise smirked, knowing his plan had worked.

"I'm not so sure about this, Ginny. Draco wouldn't care whether Blaise and I dated. It's stupid." Her voice came out a little cracked, Ginny knew why also.

"Do it for Blaise and I, we want this prank to work." Ginny hadn't told her the exact reason why; she took a few short cuts.

"Fine, but under no circumstances am I kissing Blaise." Hermione stood up, straightening her uniform. Ginny agreed, smiling. Hermione opened the door, leading to where the pair had been sitting.

Their eyes snapped to her, Ginny subtly nodded toward Blaise – signaling that Hermione had agreed.

"Blaise! Lovely to see you here." Hermione smiled at the Italian. Her eyes shifted to Draco, noticing his cold expression. He was angry.

Blaise stood up and walked toward Hermione, embracing her into a hug. It had been awkward at first, but it slowly faded away. Draco was still sitting on the couch, dumbfounded at what he had seen. Blaise placed a short kiss on Hermione's forehead.

"Lovely to see you too, Hermione," He smiled. "Anyhow, I was only coming to break the news to Draco. But considering I've done that, I'll be heading to my common room. Good night, my love." And with that, Blaise and Ginny left the common room. Leaving the pair, alone.

The door shut, Draco stood up instantly and stood dangerously close to Hermione. Her breath hitched, his eyes made their way to hers. Admiring her beauty. 

She searched his, it was filled with sadness, with jealousy perhaps? 

He placed his finger beneath her chin, tilting it upward so he had direct access to it.

"Why him?" He asked, the sadness of his voice made her heart tighten. She wanted to assure him that she isn't with Blaise, that she had feelings for someone else – that someone was him. Her eyes looked down, noticing that he had pressed his body against hers. She looked at him and couldn't help but feel the need to reach up and kiss him. Only then she noticed how tall he was compared to her.

"I like him, Draco." The lie rolled off her tongue smoothly, causing Draco's heart to now tighten. She took a step back, letting his arms fall. The sadness in his eyes only made her heart shatter.

"Good night, Draco." And with that, she had left the boy standing in the middle of the common room, saddened and confused.

He refused to let this overcloud his mind, yet, he failed. He kept on replaying what Blaise and Hermione had said.

"I'm dating Hermione."

"I like him, Draco."

But why, why had he felt the pang of jealousy. The pang that never left him, no matter what he focused on. No matter how hard he tried. He couldn't help but wonder, how or why.


A little shorter than usual, but I promise the action will begin soon! Drop a vote and tell me what you think. Lots of love.

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