Chapter 5

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I hear Festus biding Twinkle goodbye by saying "Love you" The sound of these words coming from his mouth feels so fake and deceitful. I flashback to the days when he said he loves me. He was so nice, sweet and gentle.

“When I say I love you more, I don't mean I love you more than you love you me. I mean I love you more than the bad days ahead of us, more than the fights we'll ever have. I love you more than the distance between us, more than any obstacle that could ever try and come between us”.

These were his words to me
At that moment, I fell too deeply in love with him and there was no way out. We began living as a married couple though dowry wasn't exchanged. I got pregnant and he said he'll try hard to provide for us. My mom was against it all. She prayed so hard that I have a miscarriage. I know I hurt her; I uttered the dreams she had for me, the life she wanted me to live. She raised me as a single mom but I ended up bringing shame to her. I don't know when last I heard from her because she disowned me after that incident.

Yea I know I was stupid but at that time I didn't realize it. I fell into the trap of love, I saw only its light, not its shadows. I woke up one morning and saw a note saying
"I'll be back".

Yes he came back but that was 2 years after the birth of our child. He barely stayed for a month and came up one day with a deal that I eventually agreed to. So now am seeing him again, 15 years later. We might be old school, but we still had our way around love.

I’m too weak to attend my lessons today and Stacy has an important appointment so I can't stay at her place. I’m stuck with Dora so I stay put in my room, I don't want to run into her. I hear a knock on my door.

“Who's it, come in” I say.
Unexpectedly it's Dora,
"What do you want" the words sluggishly leave my mouth.

“I noticed you aren't feeling very good. You look pale, you hardly touched your breakfast and you haven't left your room today"

“You’re actually the reason am stuck in here" I mutter.
"Yes so what” I say to her hearing

"I think you’re coming down with the flu, so I stopped by the pharmacy and got some drugs for you. I also bought some fruits for you. I don't know your preferences so I bought all I could find”.

"Why are you doing all this” my voice sounds so weak, I can feel the tears gathering up

"Because I love you and I don't want to see you ill”.

"Love, ill” I say in a low tune, “Where was this love when I was sick”, my voice gradually climbs “Where was this caring mom when I ended up in the hospital and had to undergo surgery when I was just 5, Where was it” the pitch of my voice finally reaches the roof.
Yea I was 5 but I still vividly remember the events at that time. I want her to say something, give an excuse. “Tell me you secretly came to check up on me when I was sleeping. Even if you have to lie just say something, anything”.

She tries getting closer to me, but I scream "Get out". I break down in tears, though I need her hug and comfort now but I don't want to accept it.

As I leave her room my heart hurts, watching her in so much pain caused by me. But what could have been so serious that she had to undergo a surgery at such young age. No, I need to find out. I pick my phone and dial Festus number.

I give him no time to say Hello. "What happened to Twinkle when she was 5, what was the cause of the surgery".

"Ummmm, She.... She....” He stammers

"She what, say something Festus” Whenever he stammers, he's trying to hide something. I just wonder what

“I've got a meeting to attend; we'll talk when I get back”.

It's not as though you’re coming back tomorrow or next.
Right now am talking to myself because he's already cut the call.

I drop the drugs, fruits and a note in front of her room.
"I’m sorry for not being there when you needed me, but please give me the chance to make it up to you".
How would I tell you that I didn't mean to hurt you? I didn't mean to leave you? I wish I knew about the surgery, I would have been by your side. I thought I made the right decision when I let you go 15 years ago. I wish you would find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m so sorry.

Now I know the pains my mom felt when I put her to shame. Karma will always come. In my own turn, am getting hatred from my daughter. I walk to my room and pick my phone. I dial my mom number. I want to tell her that am sorry. Though I've been telling her this for the past 15 years but today I really mean it.

"Hello mum, I know you won't say anything. You never do. You always pick my calls and stay silent. Is this your way of punishing me, it hurts so much. Am really sorry, please forgive me now. Am being sincere, life has given me it's own punishment and I can't bear all. I was stupid, I was foolish, I being paying for it all. So please lighten my burden by talking to me. Just say a word please"
I say these amidst tears, I’m sure she's feeling my pain. She's also a mother.


The last words she spoke to me were
"You are no longer my daughter; I have no ties with you anymore"
Now she's saying OK, for the first time in 15years. But what does she mean by OK. Has she forgiven me? Has she accepted me back?

She doesn't wait to hear another word from me. She cuts the call. Does it mean she's still angry, then why did she say OK? Oh am so confused now.

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