Chapter 7

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I’m in the kitchen waiting for Stacy. "Stacy, hurry up" I scream She's going to make me go late.

“Okay I’m here. So what are we starting with?"

“How about we make a main meal, appetizer and dessert?”

“Not bad. Let's go with Fried rice for main meal, orange juice for appetizer and cake for dessert. I'll buy the cake on my way there”.

“OK let's start”.

"Have you forgotten that I have no idea about the kitchen, like I can only prepare noodles”.

"Yeah that's why your mum will help us”.

“Which mum, Dora? No no no don't try that. Instead I'll order the food”.

“Too late, I've already asked for help while coming down the stairs and here she is”
she makes a gesture with her hands

“Oh Stacy am really going to kill you”. She sticks out her tongue to me and laughs

“So how can I help” Dora asks?

“Well” Stacy begins
“We want to make a meal so we need help because we have no idea what comes first, salt or pepper”. She smiles a bit

“Who is the meal for?”

“It shouldn't concern you” I reply and Stacy slaps my hands. I guess she's trying to say that I spoke wrong but I don't care"

“Ok ummm let's start”.

Stacy and I watch as she teaches us how to prepare the meal. They both tease me about the size of the onions I cut. While cutting the onions tears roll down my cheeks, it was hurting my eyes. I begin shouting "I can't, I can't, and I can't". Stacy brings a camera to video me while Dora puts salt in my mouth.

Everything is finally ready, I head to my room to freshen up and Stacy helps me to package the food.

“How do I look” I unknowingly ask Dora?

“Your dress is nice just change the earrings to the black ones you wore yesterday, it fits it better”

OK I’m shocked. She actually watches me this closely. I’m in a hurry so I don't mind taking advice from her. I think my brain hasn't registered that it's Dora.

"Stacy I’m ready let's go"
As I’m about to leave, I wave Dora goodbye "I'll be back soon"

“Have you called Kelvin to find out where Ben is”
Stacy ask

“Yes I just did”

“Okay Good luck, I'll hear everything about it when you get back”.

“Won't you join me so I can drop you off at home?”

“No, you’re late already and I want to take a walk”

“Ummm if you say so, see you” I wave back at her and drive off

“That class was so boring. I couldn't even hear one word from the lecturer. I think he forgot he was teaching a class”

“You know, I thought it was only me that noticed that” She burst out in laughter

Someone taps me from behind. As I turn to look, it's Twinkle. What's she doing here, why is she here. Should I be excited or not, these feelings and thoughts rant through me

"Hi". I hug her
"what a surprise, how come you’re here"

“You’re surprised right, I came to see you”. A voice interrupts us

"I’m having another class so I'll take my leave"

No wait
“I try holding her hands but notice the look on Twinkle's face.
Twinkle this is Mae my friend and Mae this is Twinkle”.

"Nice to meet you” she stretches out her hand towards Twinkle and they shake.

“I'll call you, bye”

“Did I hear correctly or did you just not tell her that I’m your girlfriend?” Twinkle ask with a confused look

“I’m really shocked, I didn't expect you here” I try diverting her attention

“It's been a while since we last saw each other, so I wanted us to have a picnic”

“I’m so sorry but I have school plans” I take the basket in her hands.

“Did you cook this yourself?”

“Yea, but with a little help from Dora and Stacy”.

“Who's Dora?”

“My mom, I told you about her”

“Oh yea I remember. I'll really love to enjoy this meal with you on a date but school is dragging me. I'll make it up to you alright bye”. I lead her to her car, hug her and bid her goodbye.

"Hey man, wasn't that Twinkle? Why did she leave that way” my friend Kelvin jumps towards me from behind.

"How did she leave?”

“She looks so confused and shocked like she saw a ghost. Didn't you guys go for the picnic?”

“How did you know about it?”

“I planned it out with her. I told her today was the perfect day since you only have a morning class. And she came at the right time. So what went wrong?”

“Jeez so she's aware I just lied to her and she didn't try confronting me” I rack my hair as though am looking for something

“What do you mean, what happened?”

“She met me with Mae. I introduced her but didn't say she is my girlfriend. And I already have plans with Mae so I told her I have school stuff to do”.

“Guy you no try oh. Why you do that kin thing to Twinkle”.

“I don't know, the words girlfriend couldn't just come out at that time and I can't ditch Mae”.

“But Twinkle is your girlfriend; she put in a lot of effort to come here today. Don't tell me you’re now falling for Mae that you barely even know”.

“It's not that. I love Twinkle. I just....”

“Guy you better behave oh, if you no like am, no dey waste the girl time”.

What just happened, I don't understand. Everything happened so fast, there was no space for me to react. I walk straight to my room

“Twinkle, you’re back so soon. How did it go" Dora asks?

Why is she being so friendly with me? My brain recalls my attitude to her before I left. What did I do? No let's not think about Dora now.

What just happened with Ben? He lied to me, with a smile on his face. The same smile that always made me trust him, does this mean he's been lying to me from the very start? And who's she, why wasn't he proud to tell her that I'm he's girlfriend. That's not the Ben I know, the Ben that loves me.

No what’s happening, it's as though everything looks unfamiliar. I try calling Stacy but I can't recognize my own phone.

I sit on my bed starring into space, I hear footsteps. I try to look but my vision is blurry, not with tears but confusion. I can only feel, my sense of sight has failed me. I feel an arm cuddling me up and patting me gently. I try to speak, but I can't seem to find my words.

Stacy would always say "the important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said". I think I've heard enough today and my system can't carry.

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