Chapter 15

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"Twinkle dear, please open up the door. Let me explain" he bangs on the door

"No Dad, please leave. I can't talk to you right now. Just go" I scream

"Sir I'll calm her down. Please leave" Stacy responds my Dad

I can hear his footsteps slowly fading away.
Stacy sits close to me and places her hands on mine.

"I know you're shocked, I understand how your feeling now but you've gotta calm down"

I stand from the bed and remove my hands from hers
"You don't understand anything. Your life is perfect, you have everything going well for you. But me, my life is upside down. I just got to know my mom and now this"

She stands
"What's wrong with you Twinkle. Do you think your the only one with problems in life? Well we all have problems but we aren't letting it take the best of us. Not everyone has someone who cares about our feelings, or someone who's ready to give an explanation."

I've never really seen Stacy being this angry. Is there something going on with her that she isn't telling me.
"Stacy what's going on. Is everything OK with you"

"Just let me be alright. I'm sorry but I've gotta go".

"Stacy wait" I try going after her but am stopped by Dora whose sitting by the door. I guess she's been sitting here for a while, not bothering to knock, just waiting till I open the door.

"Please stand, the floor is too cold for you to be sitting on" I offer her my hands and help her stand.

"Twinkle am sor... "

"No, it's not your place to apologize. You did nothing wrong. We both just got to know about it."

"Are you OK now, no more hospitals?" she asks

I can't tell her am not OK. It will shatter her all the more.
"Yes, am OK now. But I'm also at fault, I shouldn't have agreed to that."

"It's OK. I did it having my best interest at heart."

"How about your dad? You know, am not trying to justify his actions but he did it all to give you a better life. He didn't use the money to establish himself alone, he took you along and gave you a life of luxury. I got to live this long because of him. Yes, you're allowed to be angry. But don't stay there for too long. He's your Dad, and we parents do anything for our children."

"Ummmm, but I don't really feel like talking to him right now"

"Yes dear, take your time. You need to hurry over to your friend. I think she has problems and she needs you. You can stay over there tonight."

"OK, I'll get going now. Please take care of yourself." she kisses me on my cheek

"Yes, bye"
I can't have her hating Festus, he's the only family she'll have left when I leave.
Now I understand why they say Trust no one. Even love can betray and hurt you for it's own personal gain. That's what Festus did, he didn't do it for me or Twinkle, but for his selfish interest.

"Hy, I waited for your for call"

"Well I didn't promise to give you one" I reply.

"Ummmm, I can see you're in a hurry" he helps gather my books.

"Thanks. I need to catch up with the bus, so yes I'm in a hurry" I leave the class and he follows after me.

"How about I race you to the bus stop"

"Jeez, we ain't kids. How can we be running on the street"

"Are you shy" he lets a little laugh
"You know, the bus will arrive in the next 5 minutes. If you walk down to the bus stop, you'll still miss it no matter how fast you go. So don't be shy, no one is watching, let's run. The loser will have to do anything the winner wants".

"Hmm, I don't like the sound of this. I think you're trying to trap me"

"Too late" he grabs my books from my hand and begin to run.

I can feel my heart beat going faster than normal. I'm actually running, chasing after Daniel to be precise.
Love is blind, they say.....but isn't it more that love makes us see to much? Isn't it more that love floods our brain with sights and sounds, so that everything looks bigger, brighter and more lovely than ever before?
Who knew running could be more fun than tiring. He turns around for a moment, smiles and continue running. Isn't it funny how love magnifies little things before our eyes?

"I won" he bends to the ground and laughs out loud.

"I knew it, you just want to trap me". I sit on the ground, am out of breath and yeah, I don't care who's looking at me. Right now, my brain doesn't recognize the presence of any other person apart from Daniel.

"See, we arrived in time. The bus is here". He points towards the bus.

I'm about entering the bus, but I stop and turn towards him.
"So what do I do for you?"

"Call me"

Call me! That's all, I thought he would say something like Date me or ask if I like him or stuffs like that. So he went through the stress of running just to get me to call him. It's funny, not in a funny way but i can't help myself from laughing.

I'm in Stacy room. Her mom told me she went out to get something so am waiting for her.

"Twinkle, you should have let me know you were coming, how long have you been waiting" she speaks as she walks into the room.

Have you forgotten how angry you were when you left my house. How would I have called you.
"No, It hasn't been long since I came. Am sorry, for the way I spoke."

"No, am not angry at you. I should be the one apologizing. You just found out something shocking, instead of being there for you, I rather poured my anger about something else on you". She replies.

"Yeah, speaking of anger. Do you wanna tell me about it now or later" I ask

"I'll prefer later. You've already had too much for one day."

"You know, now that I look at it from the bright side, I actually saved a life".

"Yes, you saved my life"

"Your life" I ask
"What do you mean Stace"

"Do you remember, I said the visitor's car looked familiar? Well, it's my dad's car. It broke down while he was leaving your house. So I met him on the way when I left, and he told me everything"

"Oh Stacy, how are you feeling right now?"

"Am fine. I can't hate him for that. He did it because he loves me. Now I understand a parent heart. They can go miles for their children. I should be the one asking. Aren't you surprised or shocked?"

"Jeez, I've found out about a lot of unexpected stuff today. So there's no more room for being shocked or surprised anymore"
I give her a little punch on her arm though a little tear is running down my cheeks.
"The world is really spherical, and fate never misses out"

"Hey, stop crying, you're gonna make me cry"

"It's tears of joy. All the hate and anger I have for my Dad has disappeared. We are no longer best friends, but a little less than girlfriends and a little more than best friends."

She smiles in between the tears.
"We're Sisters."

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