Chapter 8

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I run to the door step, I don't want to make them wait. I’m stopped halfway by the voice.

“Where are you going to?” the voice ask.

"I thought we're going for a family outing, I’m all dressed; I was heading to the car".

"Yes we're going for a family outing but you’re not part of it. You stay home".

"But I’m part of the family; I was family before you showed up. You’re the stranger, the one that should sit at home. You’re a liar that lied your way into this family. You brainwashed my Dad and now he hardly goes against your wishes. In fact you should get out”
These are the words that arrange itself inside me, but my mouth has a huge padlock on it.

I watch as she leaves the door. I notice the man I call Dad making gestures at me, but that voice silences him. I wonder what she said to him. Dad was not always like this, for him to have picked and raised a total stranger like me proves he loves me. We were OK, happy. We would go for outings and no one would tell me to sit at home. All this changed when she came, Dad said he loves her, he's going to marry her. At first she was so kind and loving; I never knew it was all a scam. After winning my trust and getting my permission, she got married to my Dad. As the days turned into weeks, and weeks months, She finally showed her true colors. I wonder if she truly loves Dad as she claims.

It's morning already, How did time fly so fast? I turn to see Stacy coming out of my bathroom.
“What are you doing here, how long have you been here?”

“Not too long sha, I came to see you. I tried calling your line yesterday but no answer. So how did it go” she sits closer to me

Now I think everything is clear. I explain everything my mind remembers and the feelings my heart felt.

“No offense but he's a jerk”. I give a little laugh.

“Has he contacted you since yesterday?”

“No but...” I’m cut short by my phone's ringtone"

“It's Ben right?”

I pick my phone, about to answer the call but Stacy drags it away from me.

"Hey, what was that for?” I ask

“I don't want you to do what you want to do. Once you pick this call, he's going to build up reasons for his action and crown it up with sweet words and you’re just going to say Ok I’m not angry, I forgive you”.

“He's not really at fault. I think I over reacted and read too much meaning to his behavior”.

“I hate it when you defend him. Can't you see he's playing you?”

“No, l'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for what happened”.

“Reasonable you say. Tell me where you lost your senses so I can go pick it up for you” I burst into laughter.
Sometimes, the truth is different from what we want to hear, what we want to believe. Sometimes we have an answer we want to hear, though deep down inside us, we know that's a lie. But we just want to hear it. Right now, I want Stacy to convince me that Ben made a mistake. But she's saying the truth which I don't want to hear.

“You've got to recognize when someone isn't good for you and let them go. You need to make room for someone better”.

My phone vibrates. It's a message from Ben.
"I know you were hurt, and my words can't heal you. Allow me to speak through my actions. Please am waiting for your reply"

Stacy snatches my phone from me and reads the message.
“Don't tell me you’re going to believe this trash he picked up and sent to you”.

“He said he made a mistake. I can't just give up on him because of a mistake. Everyone deserves a second chance”.

“This is like the 25th time you’re saying this. You've given him too many chances. It's time to stop”

“Just this last time I promise, I love Ben and if you really love someone you'll overlook their mistakes".

"You're not in love, you're in pain and there's nothing romantic and loving about that....In fact, no matter what I say, once your mind is made up, you never listen. I can't make you understand a message you’re not ready to receive".

“Jeez why are you sounding like this?” I try playing with her but she's not in the mood.

“I've got to go now; I'll see you later alright”.

“OK. I'll call you. Love you”.
She gives me no reply
“Won't you say love you too"

She sighs. “Love you too”.

As she leaves, I walk to bathroom. I need to shower and dress up, or I'll be late for my lessons.
"Just forget everything that happened Twinkle. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes”.
I say this to myself as I let the water from the shower wet my body.

I’m dressing my bed when I hear a knock on the door.
"Come In" I respond.

“Hey, I just wanted to see if you’re ok”.

“Yes I am".

"I didn't mean to listen but I overhead your conversation with Stacy and I agree with her. You have to learn to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self respect and self worth”.

“You overheard, doesn't mean you should add your opinion. Thanks but no thanks. It's not needed”.

“Sir, there's a call for you from The Global Company Ventures”.

“OK, connect me”

“Good day, your business proposal caught my attention. I love the way you arranged and strategize everything”.

“Really” I stand from my chair in excitement.
“Thank you Sir. Does this mean I've gotten the contract?”

"Yes. I wanted to speak to you directly that's why am giving you the good news instead of my staff".

“Thank you so much sir, I won't disappoint you”.

“From what I’m seeing here, I’m sure you won't. I would love to have a one on one interaction you”.

"Yes no problem Sir.
How about I invite you over to my house for dinner?”

“I can't recall my schedules, so discuss this with my secretary; she'll let me know on the day finalized”.

“OK Sir, Who do I tell them asked me to come?”

“Mr. Smith.”

“OK Sir. Thank you so much”
He cuts the call.

Mr. Smith, Mr. Smith. Why does this name sound so familiar? I feel I know this name from somewhere, but I can't just pinpoint where.

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