Chapter 20

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Now I know why the words Mum just couldn't come out, no matter how hard I tried. It didn't belong to me, it wasn't just mine. Now I think back to the days I shouted and screamed at her, I hurt her. I hated Bella and sent her out of her own home. All this while, I was living another person's life, enjoying her privileges and taking on her rights.

"Doctor, how is she" Grandma ask the doctor as she comes out from the room Dora was put in.

"Your daughter has a weak heart. We've been searching but there hasn't been a donor. I told her that if she has another breakdown, it's gonna be fatal. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do to save her. We've put her on life support but I doubt she'll last an hour".

Grandma goes in to see Dora and comes out few minutes later.
"Bella, Twinkle. Go in, Dora wants to see you".

As I step my foot into the room, I ask myself. Am I really worthy to see her? I stop moving and make attempts to turn back but she beckons on me to come In.

"I don't really know where to start. I should apologize to you first Bella. For not recognizing you, for ditching you whenever we planned to hang out. You had to crave for your Mother even when she was close to you.
It's all my fault, I shouldn't have let you go at such tender age. I'm sorry that I'll have to leave you."

"There's no need regretting over spilled milk. If you're really sorry then stand up let's go home. I just found you, you can't leave. I'm not gonna let you"
Bella holds Dora hands as she speaks. Her eyes and face is still very dry, her expression is empty.

Dora coughs a bit and turns to me.
"Don't blame yourself anymore. You're a victim in all this, none of this was by your own making. So don't feel bad or sorry".

Your words are building up a well inside of me.

She coughs a bit and smiles
"They keep saying beautiful is what a girl needs to be. But honestly, forget that. Don't be beautiful, be witty, intelligent, angry, klutzy, interesting, funny, adventurous, crazy, talented. Be your own definition of amazing.
When life rearranges itself unexpectedly in front of you, when familiarity and understanding vanish from beneath you. When logic and reason are not able to explain to events unfolding around you, hold on to the love, hope and strength inside you".

"Stop talking, I don't wanna listen. Don't speak anymore, save your energy." I try to put the oxygen mask over her face but she hesitates.

"Be soft, don't let this pain make you hard. Don't let bitterness steal your sweetness. Your body is gonna heal. Your heart, mind, soul will repair itself. And your happiness will come back. Your heart is not a box for keeping tension and sadness. It's a golden box for keeping roses of happiness and sweet memories."
She lifts her hands a little and touches our cheeks.
"You both are my daughters, I want you to live as such"

"Mum" the word slips out from Bella lips.

I can feel her hands sliding slowly away from my cheeks. Sound of the monitor beeping floods my ears and in the midst of these, I notice the tear drop that leaves Bella's eyes. She's shaking Dora like a coca-cola bottle. Daniel is struggling to hold her back but she's fighting him away. I'm in Stacy arms, soaking it wet, and Grandma is standing, watching and trying to be strong. She's gone, Dora is dead.

I've been standing at Dora's room door for over ten minutes now. Bella is on the bed, staring at Dora's picture not minding to notice my presence.

"Bella" I walk and sit beside her

"I think I'm cursed in love." she speaks without looking at me.

"Why do you say so?"

"My Foster Dad, My step-mom, my friend. They all loved me at first but became fed up of me after a while and left. Now that I found my Mom, she's gone. Love isn't just meant for me."

"Don't say that" I wipe the tears trickling down her cheeks and mine falls too.
"I'll be your Mom. All the things Dora did for me, the things she wanted to do for her daughter. I'll do with you." I pat her gently on back as we hug.
"I'll never leave you, I'll give you the love Dora wanted you to have".

I heard the words Dora mumbled up before she died. She said that if she's given another life, she won't trust love.

It's been two weeks since Dora left. Grandma signed up as the legal guardian of Bella, Daniel and I. Stacy's parents are divorced and her father won custody over her.

"Don't go Stacy" I hold on to her luggage at the airport.

"I wish I could stay. But I have to go with my Dad".

"So you wanna leave me all alone"

"You're not alone" she holds my hands.
"You have Daniel, your brother and Bella. And who says am leaving you? The roots of our friendship is too strong for distance and time to break."

The plane is about to take off, so I give her hug. She squeezes me so tight and whispers into my ears. I whisper back into hers
"I Love You Too"

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