Chapter 3- Luka and Marinette Movie Night

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I wake up, I slept really well last night. I look at the clock on my phone and scream. Tikki jolts awake.
"What is it Marinette! Did something happen!?!??"
"What is it Tikki?"
"It's Saturday."
I fall onto the floor.
"It's Saturday...I believe you better get ready for you movie night with Luka though."
I get up and get ready for the movie night. I decide on a new dress I made a while back that I hadn't worn before.

 I decide on a new dress I made a while back that I hadn't worn before

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"You look amazing, Marinette!"
"That's Tikki! Now time for the hair..."
"Hmm...I know how you should do it Marinette!"
"How Tikki?"
After Tikki Fixes Marinette's Hair...
"Wow, did an amazing job!"
(Her hair is styled like in the picture)

you did an amazing job!"(Her hair is styled like in the picture)

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"Now that the appearance is good...Umm...Time to get the snacks!"
"Yay! Can I get sweet treats to eat while you and Luka are watching the movie?"
"Of course, Tikki!"
I go downstairs and grab a bunch of snacks...well...things that I have baked...and candy too! I bring them up to my room and text Luka to be making his way over here.
Luka:Cool, I'll be there in a second.
Awesome. Now time to find movies to watch.

Adrien POV
I am finished with a photo shoot and I am free to do as I please for a while. So I decide to go for a walk. As I'm walking I see Luka.
"Hey Luka!" I say, walking towards him.
"Oh, Hey Adrien. How are you doing?"
"I'm good, you?"
"I'm good. I'm actually on my way to Marinette's house for a movie night...even though it's afternoon..."
"Oh, that sounds like fun. Well you better not keep Marinette waiting."
"Bye, Adrien."
"Bye, Luka!"
As soon as Luka walks a good distance away I begin to follow him. He makes it to Marinette's home which is part of her parents bakery. I probably can't just walk in so...
A Moment Later...
Ok...I see Luka enter Marinette's room. Marinette looks! They appear to be picking out a movie...hmm...she's laughing! Oh, she must think he's soooo funny....well I can be funny too! I then see Plagg come out of my jacket pocket and say,
"Why are you stalking pig tail girl and blue hair boy?"
"Because I don't trust them together!"
"Are you sure you don't just have a crush on pig tail girl and you are jealous that her and blue hair boy are getting super close?"
"No way Plagg, Marinette is just a really great friend! I love Ladybug, you know this."
"Ya...right...Oh look their kissing!"
"WHAT!!?!???!?!?" I feel a great rage boil up inside me. I look back at the window. They are just watching the movie and eating snacks...the boiling rage that was once inside left.
"Plagg! You sacred me for a second there..."
"Whatever...oh no!" Plagg flies back into my jacket pocket. I look back at the window to see Marinette and Luka looking directly at me with extremely confused looks on their faces. I jump down off the ledge and run as fast as I can far, far away from Marinette's house. I will be back though. I need to make sure nothing happens between them!

Marinette POV
"Hey, Marinette."
I turn around from looking at movies to see Luka.
"Oh, Hey Luka! I'm glad you could make it."
"So, what movie are we watching?"
"I was thinking we watch a movie that I found called 'The Emperor's New Groove'! I hear it's wonderful!"
"I bet. Although if it's Disney it's mainly just going to be singing at random times and always a happy ending."
" *laughs* Ya! That's how kids movies are...*continued laughing*"
" *laughing also* You have a really cute laugh, Marinette."
"Oh, thanks, Luka..." I say, blushing a bit.
"So, you want to begin watching the movie or...what?"
"Oh! Right! Go on and sit down help yourself to the snacks, and I'll hit play."
"Ok." Luka replies, taking a seat. I sit down next to him and we watch the movie. We are only a little ways in and it's hilarious! Luka and I are laughing a lot at the movie. I then notice a feeling, it feels like I'm being watched. Luka noticed my expression and asked what was wrong.
"I feel like we're being watched..."
Luka nods in response and we turn our heads towards my window. There I see a boy with golden hair, a black shirt, a white jacket, and jeans. The boy appears to be talking to a black thing in the air. When the black thing sees Luka and I looking at it is flys into the boys yellow jacket. Then the boy notices, drops out of the tree and runs off.
"You saw that too...right Luka?" I ask, turning my head to face Luka. Luka turns his head to face me and replies,
"Ya, who was that?"
"I have no clue." I then notice how close our faces are. Light pink dusts my cheeks and I turn my head back to the movie. Luka does so too and eats some of the snacks I lay out.

 Luka does so too and eats some of the snacks I lay out

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"That's a lot of food, Marinette

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"That's a lot of food, Marinette."
"I'm aware."
"Ok." Luka begins to eat some of the nachos.
When the Movie is over...
"Aww...but I don't want the movie night to end's not even night time..." I frown.
"We can watch another movie? I'm cool with it. It's fun spending time with you, Marinette." Luka smiles at me. I smile back, Luka is such a wonderful guy.
11 More Movies Later...
"And we are out of gummies." I say munching on the last of the gummies.
"And no more nachos or skittles." Luka said, eating the last few skittles.
Luka and I then yawn, I am getting pretty sleepy. I rest my head on Luka's shoulder. He puts his arms around me and rests his head on my head. Luka's embrace was so warm and welcoming. I never wanted Luka to let me go. Eventually I fell asleep in Luka's arms. My dreams full of all the fun times I have spent with Luka.

Author Note: Hello person reading this! I hope you enjoyed my Miraculous Ladybug FanFiction so far! If you have any ideas of things that could happen, please tell me in the comments ! That's all...Have a great day/night everyone!😊

Have a great day/night everyone!😊

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