Project Fat Suit

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Okay, I just have to add this going off of the last chapter: something that has really been bugging me lately is the book "Project Fat Suit." I'm not trying to hate on the writer here, but seriously? Even fat characters aren't allowed to actually be fat? In the book, the main character wears a fat suit to school every day, but when one of the popular boys finds out it's just a fat suit and she's actually a skinny pushover, he starts to like her, because god forbid they have an actual fat female character who is allowed to be outspoken and get a happy ending. Nope. Only skinny women who are quiet and obedient and submit get a happy ending. Like, you couldn't just make her an actual fat character who gets a happy ending? It's way simpler than her wearing a fat suit and having him find out and then fall in love because he finds out she is skinny and pretty and a pushover who will do what he says. Let girls be fat and outspoken and brave! Not all of them have to fit your own personal beauty standards in order to be a good character who deserves a happy ending! Stop putting it into young girls' minds that fat or unattractive is the worst thing they can be!

Also, you all need to realize the effects of your words, even if you think they don't mean anything. Here's why: I am not overweight. I'm fifteen, 5'0, and 96 pounds. That's not a lot. Yet every time I eat, even at dinner, for some reason, my parents feel the need to comment on my weight. They never do it to my brother who eats way more than me. They only do it to me(I really don't think I have to explain why.) And they think it's just harmless teasing, but if they could have just kept their mouths shut, I probably would've never started actually paying so much attention to my weight. I probably never would've become too self conscious to wear crop tops or tight fitting shirts and I definitely wouldn't have become too self conscious to even wear leggings or shorts. And maybe, just maybe their daughter wouldn't have been slumped over the toilet, desperately trying to make herself throw up while they sit downstairs watching Tv, completely oblivious. I am so freaking tired of people teaching girls to hate their bodies and be so disgusted by themselves that they actually hurt themselves, and then shaming girls for caring about how they look. STOP COMMENTING ON OTHER PEOPLES' BODIES! WHETHER ITS GOOD OR BAD, JUST STOP. IT TAKES LITERALLY NO EFFORT TO NOT BE A JERK! I don't care if you were raised that way. I don't care if it's just a joke. I'm sick of going to be with a sore stomach and scratched up throats from trying to throw myself up. I'm sick of looking at myself in the mirror and seeing nothing but my physical "flaws." I'm sick of being nothing more than an aesthetically pleasing object. And I'm sick of people getting mad when I try to defend myself. I'm not going to stay silent about this, and again, if you can't handle my rants or my opinions, then don't read my books.

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