Chapter 1

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                    Aasira's pov

I woke up on a stone-cold floor, in a dimly lit cell. The only light that shined in was from the long hallway filled with many other cells just like this one. A wave of pain from the center of my forehead hit me. I must have been knocked out.

I stood up and began looking around. I found other women, their clothes were ripped, showing some skin and, their hair was a mess, and it was obvious they hadn't shower for weeks. For sure these women were forced to fight for a "normal" life just to be sold off to vampires, this was pathetic of kingdom ruled by vampires who claimed to be sanctuaries.

The light was now partially blocked by a guard unlocking the cell door followed by one guard looking down at a clipboard, checking off names. The women whimpered and scattered quickly backed up to the wall. This was a simple protocol for these bloodsuckers. 

I stood in the middle of the cell as the guard called out.

"Human Fighter 242, Aasira Cruz."

"that's me." I said smiling. I was prepared to fight whatever came my way just to get out of this place.

"Says here you were arrested for killing innocent vampires." The guard looked down at his clip board then back to me. "I highly doubt a twig like you could harm someone like us." 

"You vampires think you're so innocent. What a pity that the vampire I killed were a disgrace to your kind and killed my kind, yet I'm in this place." I corrected him. 

"We don't care just as long as we can get rid of you." He said with boresome look on his face. 

He tilted his head to the side to signal to the guard that the conversation was done. The guard grabbed my arm and lead the way to the armory room. 

There were aisles filled with damaged armor, weapons, and shields that had obviously recycled from in past fights.  

I didn't need armor, I was fast enough to dodge any vampire, and it would only slow me down. 

I picked up a sword off the broken shelf and stood next to the gate that would open for me to enter the tunnel that would lead to the main arena.
The guard at the gate spoke. "Hell comes sooner to those who give others hell." He said smiling with his red devil eyes.

"Hurry up and open the damn gate." I said rolling my eyes. It seemed word caught round about who I am and what I did. I don't blame them for hating me, I get why they're scared. I'm just a regular human who somehow possessed vampire-like abilities, I am the only thing that they feared most. 

The guard looked at me with a grin showing off his fangs, then back to the gate, he pulled onto a rope that opened the gate. I walked through the dark tunnel, at the end of the tunnel was a bright light that transported me to the arena.

I looked around, there were vampires watching me, watching my every move. All of them with their dark red eyes with disgust and fear. Some of them whispering to the person next to them, parents covered their children's eyes, reassuring them that I wouldn't harm them. 

"And here is the famous vampire hunter, Aasira Cruz!" The spokeswoman said, my guess is that she's the infamous Claudia Lyra. Shes well known in these areas for her weirdly exotic clothes and the wigs she loves to wear. She was tan had bright pink curled hair, she wore tons of makeup, and her clothes were extremely short and tight. 

Once she announced my name the vampires in the stands started hissing in disgust, I rolled my eyes and looked away from the crowd as a distraction, as Claudia kept talking about the things I did. 

I looked up to the throne balcony and there sat the devil himself, the vampire king and girl sat on his lap. He was looking down at the arena smiling. The girl was honestly beautiful, silky light brown hair, smooth lightly tanned skin, and a beautiful bright smile.

I looked at the girl then to him, the king, and our eyes instantly locked onto each other's. I won't admit it out loud, but he was very good looking. He had blond-white hair, red eyes but his eyes glowed different from the way both the Moroi and normal vampire's eyes would, they were a beautiful amber red, he was also lean. He was wearing a black button up, and black jeans. From what I heard he was in his mid 20's.

This kingdom is just full of filth. 

I could tell his ability was to read minds because he just read mine. He grinned at my mind comment and started played with the girl's hair, smelling, and twirling it. Purposely trying to get me mad and it was actually working. 

The Claudia spoke again, this time she stood in front of me breaking the eye contact. "And here is the vampire hunter's competition!" She yelled into the mic, and everyone got out if their seats to clap and cheer.

The stomping of my competitor began making the entire arena shake. The cheers from the crowd got louder the closer the stomps got. 

He ran out of the tunnel breaking parts of the opening. People in the crowd started going crazy for him, some even threw roses in the arena. He obviously loved having a lot of attention from the crowd.

"This is a champion?" I said and everything and everyone went quiet. My competitor and everyone in the arena looked at me. Now I could actually see his face, he was very built, his muscles were the size of my face, very tall, no hair, and lightly tanned. "I've seen better warriors; he is just an attention seeking crybaby." 

What's funny about this whole situation is that they call me a monster even though they force us humans to fight for our life, while they decrease our numbers for their fun and entertainment. They want to see a true monster, I'm happy to show them what they fear most- a human who has the same abilities as them.

My competitor was now red with angry and started running towards me. I stepped to the side with my arms crossed easily dodging his attack. A large gush of wind pushed past me making my hair fly up. He missed me and ran right into the wall. Knocking himself out and knocking some people in the stands out of their seats. I walked up to his knocked-out body and stabbed him in the heart through his spine, and then took out the sword. A quick death for a useless puppet. 

I walked back to the center of the arena, everyone stared at me in shock. I could smell the fear in the air. I looked up to the king, he was whispering in the girl's ear not paying attention. 

My blood boiled with anger. I aimed my sword up to the king and threw it. The people in the stands watched as my sword slowly made its way.

The sword flew past him and cut off a few strands of his blond-white hair. He turned to the area starring down at me with an angry look. I pissed him off.

He picked up the girl that sat on his lap. Her skin was pale. He grinned and without caring he threw her into the arena. She hit the floor with a loud thud. that far of a drop would have killed her but she was already dead. She was already drained of blood. 

Our eyes were still locked on each other's as two guards snuck up behind me and grabbed me by my arms. I fought and pushed them managing to get out of their grasp before more came to dragged me back through the tunnel across the armory room to my cell. The guards threw me in the cell. I hit the floor as they quickly closed the cell door before, I could get up.


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