Chapter 5

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Once I got out the shower. My eyes went immediately to the nearly sparkling pearl sink that had a folded black T-shirt, light grey sweat pants, and a dark red towel. I quickly got dried and dressed into the warm and comfortable clothes.

I walked out of the bathroom drying my wet hair in the towel. I looked around the dimly lit room and found William laid on a comfy king-sized bed in the middle of the room. God, the things I would give up to have a room like this, to have a TV, or even just a rug like the one I'm standing on. I finished drying my hair and leave it down throwing the towel in the bathroom.

"Where is he?" I asked referencing to Jax.

"The fights are ending in a couple more minutes." William said in a sleepy tone with his arm thrown over his eyes. 

I leaned on the wall next to the bathroom door waiting, closing my eyes for a bit. This was the only way I could rest knowing my enemy could attack at any giving minute. 


The village elders souls looked down on me
mouthing something as they held each others hands. I looked around, the vampires were gone, but I wasn't safe. I stood up reaching out for the elders hoping that I could help them but it was no use. 

Suddenly I was blasted back onto the ground. I looked up and the elders were gone. I felt a hot pain on the right side of my abdomen. I picked up my shirt and found where the pain was coming from.

There's a red phoenix branded into my skin. It glimmered red, orange, and yellow like a flame would. I fell back reaching out towards the dark blue sky.


I woke up to the sound of the door slamming shut. 

"Morning sleeping beauties." Jax said grinning. 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This guy really knows how to get under my skin. 

"I will take my leave now." William said standing up.

"Yes, I need to talk to Aasira in private." Jax said taking Williams spot on the bed staring at me as William left closing the door behind him.

I crossed my arms and looked away from him at an attempt to keep my cool.

"Still mad?" Jax said putting his hands in his pockets.

"Wouldn't you be mad if someone showed everyone your past, about how the last person in your family died. tell me would you be okay with that?" I spat at him, uncrossing my arms and taking a step closer to him.

"I would be furious." He said calmly to my anger. 

"Well now you know how I feel" I was now just a couple of steps away from him. 

It stayed silence until Jax started talking breaking the awkward silence. "I have a job for you" Jax said standing up and closing the space between us. 

"And what would that be" I rolled my eyes looking away from him.

"You will go out on missions with William to kill some Moroi-"

"And?" I said knowing there was a catch.

"And you get to have a place to call home." He said smiling.

"Are you serious? You want to make me your servants" I practically yelled. 

"It's either that or you stay here forever." He said in a serious tone. 

"So what you're saying is I have to stay here with the option of going on missions or dealing with you 24/7?" I rolled my eyes because what the literally hell is wrong with this guy. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me" He said growled. 

"You want to go right here, right now!" I said not backing down. Just because he's a king doesn't make him special, especially to me. 

"Try me." Jax said grinning, daring me.

I tackled him on the bed. I pinned his arms down and leaving my legs straddled to his waist. His face was mere inches away from mine.

"How cute." He said smiling staring deeply into my eyes. In this moment his eyes were kind and genuine. I could feel my face turn red. 

"Idiot" I said throwing his arms back and slowly getting off of him. 

"Still with the attitude?" He sat up and grabbed me by my waist to pull me in closer to him and with his free hand, he held my chin to keep my gaze on him. His eyes had changed from dark brown to a blood red in the matter of seconds.

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