Chapter 12

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Williams dream POV

"Next" I said and the other kid slowly walked to me. Most of his clothes were ripped. He had bite marks all over his arms and neck. I bit his neck and did the same thing I did to the other two. once I was done he laid next to Jackson making sure he was fine.

"Will I be like them?" The red head asked.

"Yes, if that's what you want."

He nodded in response although his wounds weren't as bad. 

 "I need you to agree to something," I said standing up. 

"What is it?" he asked bravely.

"I only turned them into half vampires so if you want to live in this world and not be a disgrace to vampires you will need to serve the king"

"Serve the king?" He asked. 

"I will ask him if I could make a Moroi extermination team out of you guys, it is the only way you all will be accepted." I said remembering how half vampires are treated. 

"We'll do it!" He didn't hesitate. "I'll do anything to protect my brothers." The red hair kids walked closer to me. He closed his eyes calming down his heart beat. I bit his neck and left my vampire venom making sure not to leave to much. He almost fell back but caught himself. 

"I will carry Jackson and Aiden" I said wiping the blood off my lips. 

"I will help Ethan walk" He said helping Ethan up.

I put the white haired kid and the one they call Jackson over my shoulders.

"We will have to go through town so don't loose your cool ok? The transition period is painful"

Ethan and the red head nodded. we walked down the main street to the castle. This was a horrible idea, there was so many people and they were kids, they barely knew how to control their blood lust which is why the king forbids turning kids into vampires. At least if they are half they will still age, just till their body is officially done growing. 

We made it to the entrance of the castle. I looked over at the red head and Ethan, their eyes were a bright shade of red, they stared at the floor not making eye contact with anyone. The two guards at the entrance  immediately stopped us.

"State your name and duty" the first guard said looking over his clip board.

"William Arild, here to speak to the king" I said boldly.

"Oh Jeremy's son" The second guard said.

"Yes I'm his oldest son" I said. 

"Then go ahead, I will alert the king you are here"  I nodded in response.

I walked up two sets of stairs till I got to the second floor where the kings office was. I was about to knock on the grand doors but a voice spoke loud through the door

"Come in William!" the king spoke.

I pushed the doors open.

"ah its so nice to see you again" the king spoke.

"Yes its nice to see you too" I said

"Who's are these kids? are you babysitting?" The king asked chuckling

"No they escaped the Moroi kingdom and came here"  I said.

"Ah yes Marina's hellhole of a kingdom" he said. "What do you propose?" 

"I had to turn these kids into half vampire half human-" I said getting cut off

"Yes the gift of your family. "

"I want to make these kids your elite team for the Moroi attacks" 

"These kids can't even stand up right" he laughing loudly to himself. 

"That's why I want to train them under your name" I said with sincerity. 

"Always so persuasive like your father" he said and I looked down remembering my father and his importance. 

"I'm sorry for your lose William." The king said. 

"Thank you, sir." I said looking at him.

"Young William will you be with these kids on Moroi missions?" He asked as he begins to write something on the papers on his desk. 

"Yes I will be with them everyday" I said owning up to my duties. 

"Then I don't see why not" He snapped his fingers and four maids came in with four small bed cots. They grabbed the kids from me and laid them on the bed cots and strapped them down.

Ethan and the red head tried to struggle out while the other two were still asleep. Ethan and the red head were angry, their eyes were a bright shade of red. The maids then got a syringe from their pockets and tranquilized them.

"Dang those two are strong!" The king laughed.

I looked at him then back to Ethan and the red head, after a while they calmed down and fell asleep. The maids then took them the same door they came out of.

"My maids will feed them and get them dressed into proper clothes." He said and I nodded

"Thank you" I said bowing to him. 

"Go see Jax, he misses you quite a bit, and if he finds out you were here he might just hunt you down if you don't go see him." He said and I took that in. I haven't seen him in such a long time since father passed away. 

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