Chapter 15

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                         Aasira's POV

As I fell back I could feel his whole weight on me as he stared at my neck. I looked into his eyes they were red but not as red as Ella's were. 

He was hungry, super hungry. Questions ran through my head. Did she starve him or did he starve himself? Why would she do this? Who turned her?

I had asked myself not really wanting the answer. I dropped my sword to the side and held the back of his head closer to my neck. I know he was hesitating because the Jax that I somewhat knew wouldn't just take, he'd wait even if he was starving like he is now.  

He bit down in my neck, into an artery. His bite didn't string or burn like they say it will. His bite was soft like a kiss. After a while my body started to completely relax, my eyes started to feel heavy. I retired not wanting to fight anymore. Once I shut my eyes I felt my body being lifted.

I guess I'm dead now, Jax killed me, drained my whole body of blood and now the angels are taking me to heavens to be back with my whole family. 


                        Jax's POV

Once I bit into her neck accidentally puncturing an artery. Her tasteful blood filled my mouth fast. Her blood was sweeter than anything I've ever tasted. Her blood was controlling me without her even knowing it. I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop, but if I didn't I could kill her. 

After a while I noticed she had fainted. I retracted my fangs and lifted her up and carried her over to my bed placing her down slowly.

Once I placed her down she turned to the side getting more comfortable. From this angle it was easier to see the bite I gave her, I ran my finger along it, seeing as it stopped bleeding. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered not wanting to wake her from a deep slumber.

I moved her hair behind her ear to get a better look at her. I laid a light kiss on her cheek and left the room.

As I closed the door behind me I noticed Ella was unconscious in the hallway. I picked her up over my shoulder.

As I walked down the stairs she had groaned in pain. Her legs started kicking.

"Behave" my voiced was filled with raged, roses that once bloomed, started to die. Ella wasn't dumb, she knew what I was capable of. She instantly stopped struggling.

Once I was on the first floor I dropped her in front of the guards.

"Take her out of here and give her to the lab"

"Yes sir." Both guards said taking Ella by her arms and dragging her sorry ass out of my home.

I turned around heading back up the stairs.

As I turned around I noticed William staring back at me. He had a concerned look on his face. I ignored it and went back to my room.


I opened the door quietly. Aasira was awake and sat at the edge of the bed staring at the floor, her hand covered my bite mark on her neck. I took a step closer to her and her mesmerizing hazel eyes shot up at me.

I walked closer to her, She flinched when I held my hand out to touch her face. 

"I'm sorry Aasira" I couldn't look into her eyes because I was disappointed in myself for letting this happen to her.

She moved her hand from her neck. She jumped off the bed and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly.


Aasira POV

I hugged Jax, it shocked me but I couldn't help not being in his arms. In his arms is where I felt most protected. He held my head close to his chest and wrapped his free arm around me, helping me stand. 

"I'm sorry Aasira" Jax said not letting go, knowing what being close to him meant to me especially in this moment. 

I nodded in his chest. I was lifted up by Jax. He sat me on the bed. I looked into his eyes and he stared back into mine.

His eyes then looked down to my neck. My hand instantly went to cover the bite. He grabbed my chin gently and lifted it. I moved my hand to allow him to see it.  He placed his finger over the bite mark. I hissed in pain.

"Sorry" He said still examining it.

He leaned down to my neck. I placed my hands on his shoulders slightly pushing him away.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He seriously can't be thinking of biting me again, I think Ella hit him a bit too hard. 

"I'm going to heal you." He said calmly. "Can I?"

It took me a while to agree because I've rarely heard of vampires that could heal, or would want to. When I made up my mine I nodded my head. He leaned into my neck. His lip started kissing where the bite was. His kisses felt like electricity on my skin. He switched to the other side of my neck where Ella cut me. He began kissing the cut. His lips against my skin felt so pleasureful, so soft and gentle. I closed my eyes and held onto him, scared that I might fall into a void he created for the both of us to enjoy this moment. He continued kissing all of the cuts I didn't know I had from todays mission. 

A moan escaped my mouth as that electricity feeling came back stronger as ever. I heard him chuckle at my sudden moan and without thinking I hit his stomach, which made me laugh.
He looked at me.

"I made you moan." He said as he recovered from my hit, and chuckled.

I hit him again and this time he caught my hand. His hand on my bare skin  also felt like electricity. I stared at Jax's hand seeing if there was actual electricity shocking me. I grabbed his hand and stared at his palm. I put my hand against his, that electricity feeling came back. I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

"Why is that happening?" I asked moving my hand back.

"We were made for each other." He whispered leaning in and placing a kiss on my lips.

His lips against mine also felt like electricity. I couldn't help not kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes kissing him back. 

He moved back and stared into my eyes while I stared back into his. He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You should sleep" Jax said softly and patted my head.

I nodded and laid down. I moved to the middle of the bed giving Jax some space. The bed dipped as he got on the bed. His arms then wrapped around my waist and pulled me closed.

His hot breath hit my neck sending shivers to my whole body as he sang in my ear.

"I recognized you at first sight
Like I was calling,
DNA in my veins tell me
I was searching for you
You're the light
The only person who knew me

If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know its gon' be you
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved
You for a thousand years

It's so sweet, knowing that you love me
Though we don't need to say it to each other
Don't know if I could ever be without
You cause you complete me

And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need.
Even if we are apart our hearts are connected to each other
Forever with you." Jax sang in my ear as I drifted to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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