Chapter 7, Decisions.

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Chapter 7,


          "You've been no less than five surveillance cameras." My dad's strict voice said which only confirmed that he was in his serious mode and not his usual fun and playful mode.

          "Daddy I—"

          "No, you let me finish." He says.

          I just sat there in his big chair by the fire place of our living room with my hands on my lap and my head down in shame.

          My mom beside him.

          "Carmen what were you thinking?" I frowned. "I get a phone call today at work saying they found my daughter running off with a kid who they think is responsible for a shootout that apparently happened a little bit up from here, because he was a juvenile kid."


          I frowned at this new discovery of Jeremy Black.

          It couldn't be possible. I mean I knew from the rumors I heard at school that he was in a gang or...that he worked for a gang. I don't really remember but there was that and well the whole scene with him splattered in a bloody shirt with a gun in his hand and stealing a van from an innocent man.

          "The cops told you that he's...?"

          He nods. "Yes." Then he made a face. "And I asked myself on the ride home, why in gods name would my daughter, the girl who sticks to the religious life, who takes into gods steps, go off with a delinquent?"

          Tears started to fall down my face and I looked over at Ronald who was a few feet behind my dad by the arch of the living room entrance. "Daddy I'm so sorry."          

          "Sorry is beyond what you should be feeling right now, Carmen!" His young face constructing in a furious one. "Ronald for god sakes almost had a heart attack after hearing your call, and don't be mad that he told because he didn't have any other option."

          "I'm not mad at Ronald." I cried.

          "Good because thanks to him he saved your damn ass from getting caught by the police." I flinched at his cursing.

          My mom stepped in. "However what upsets me the most is that I find out that you let him into our house?!"

          "Momma he's a good guy, he will never hurt anyone." I sobbed.

          Dad sighed and rubbed his head. "You know what, I don't want to hear this anymore."

          He slowly held his head as he tried to reach for the couch with his hand for some support. Then and there I knew he was feeling dizzy.

          "Dad!" I rushed to him and helped him sit down.

          He groaned in pain, holding onto his chest, directly on top of his heart.

          "Daddy I'm so sorry." I cried as Jessie came rushing into the living room with his pills and a glass of water.

          "Carmen go to your room." Mom ordered angrily as she held my dad's hand.

          "But I wanna stay here with dad." My voice shaky as I cried.

          "Go to your room, now!" she snaps.

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