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Dedicated this chapter to SwegSweetSuga and my all lovely readers!



"Can you see that?" Jongin asked in small tone.
He pointed to the dark sky.

Jongin decided to come to my house which makes it much special than the other night.
We always meet each other, as frequently as we can and talk to each other about everything.

It had been a year since I came back home.
Things had been rough for me even though I had went to therapy for 5 years with Dahye by my side.
I may seem smiling but no one knows what I really felt.

I still couldn't stop thinking about my brothers and they way they left me.
Who would?

The dread feeling always clings to me yet Jongin is there for me.
This time, I am not alone.
I have everyone on my back.

I'm not completely healed by the painful past but I'm going to.
I'm almost there.

"You alright?" His voice snapped me from my deep thought.
He turns to face me with a frown.

"What's wrong?" He immediately wrap an arm around my waist and pulls me closer.

"Nothing." I cracked a smile.

"You promise to me that you'll tell me if you have a problem." Jongin said in a soft tone.

As if on cue, my eyes watered.

"Who makes my sunshine cry?" Jongin puts his large, warm palm on both of my cheeks.

I chuckled as tear escaped from my eyes.

"I love it when you called me that." I sniffed.
"Remember that we're all here for you, Susie. You're not alone."

"I'm sorry." I apologized and wiped my tears quickly.
I shouldn't be crying.
I shouldn't make Jongin feels bad.

I don't want he thinks that I'm annoying and decided to leave me in the future.
I must be strong.

"You don't have to be strong in front of me. I love you just the way you are. I love you a lot."

"Like a lot! I love you more than I love my wings!" Jongin exclaimed while I put my head on his chest.

"I love you too." I replied shortly after.

"Whatever you want to do in the future, do it for yourself. You don't need to think what others think about you because at last, the real enjoyment and happiness can be felt if you're truly joyful without being forced."

That's right.
I want to be happy again.

"Thank you, Jongin." I hugged him.

"What do you think if we have a child after we're married?" I asked.
"Of course I want a child. Children. Mini me and mini you." Jongin answered.

"No, I was wondering what happened if our children inherited your teleportation ability?" I asked in curious.

It actually reminds me of Haneul, Chanyeol's son.
Chanyeol got married last year and he had a son few months later.

Chanyeol told us that baby Haneul accidentally set his crib on fire which makes Chanyeol's wife freak out.
Since then, Chanyeol had been always carrying Haneul around, just to make sure he didn't set anything on fire again.

"Well, I'll carry them around like Chanyeol did. Then, when they are older, I'll teach them how to control their power." Jongin answered in ease.

I nodded with my lips puckered.

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