Chapter 7

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"Ren? Ren, are you there?", General Hux shouts from behind the door to Kylo's chamber.

Mara's cuddled up beside Kylo, their naked bodies tangled in deep sleep and satisfaction. "Reeeen?", another shout. Kylo awakes abruptly, confused and in a heavy daze. He looks at Mara, running a hand through his hair, last night flooding back into his mind. She wasn't supposed to spend the night, but they had fallen asleep, and here she is. Kylo smiles vaguely, then he hears the roar from behind the door.

"Fuck, no, no, no", he mumbles. "Mara! Mara wake up!". She just shifts in her sleep. He gets up, rushes about the room to find his clothes, puts on his pants, and his cloak, not bothering to close it, then throwing a blanket over Mara, making his bed look messy. He sure's in a deep mess. "Don't move", he whispers to Mara.

He walks over to the door and opens it. A rather stressed General Hux's standing there. "Wake you, did I?", he scoffs and walks into Ren's room. Kylo's heart is racing, throwing a quick glance at his bed. "Haven't made your bed yet, have you?", Hux smirks. "Well, you're not dressed either". "No, I'm not, so why don't you just leave, and I'll find you in a few minutes", Kylo says. "No, I'm off soon, I just had to run an important matter by you before I left", Hux looks around Ren's room, but not really looking, or else he would have noticed Mara's uniform laying about. Kylo's stopped breathing. It's only a matter of time before...

"So", General Hux continues. "As you know by now, the arm's deal went to shit, and we're no closer on hauling it in. The merchants have left Canto Bight, and won't return before the end of the month, leaving them plenty of time to sell to the Resistance as well. I've tried to reason with them, making them pick a rendezvous of their choosing, but they'll only deal with us on Cantonica. So, we got about a month to prepare. And I'm thinking of suggesting someone who can truly reel this in, namely Lieutenant Leera and Lieutenant Mara".

Kylo looks over Hux's left shoulder, noticing Mara moving under the blanket for a split second, but then she's utterly still again. General Hux's about to turn, but Kylo starts talking. "Yes, excellent. They'll be perfect for the job. I'll run it by Lieutenant Mara when I see her". "Oh, no need, I've already talked to Leera, she'll brief Mara". "Right, well, it seems like you got it all figured out. I think it will go much better this time", Kylo says, adjusting his cloak. "Yes, I think so too. Well, I'm off", Hux nods and leaves.

Kylo sighs after the door is shut. Mara throws the blanket aside. "That. Was close!", she says. "I'll say, you're not even supposed to be here!", Kylo frowns. "I know, I know! I was about to get out of bed, but my body wouldn't cope, and sleep was calling me ever so loudly", she pouts her lips. Kylo smiles. "I don't think I've ever slept better than I did last night, and waking up with you by my side was rather nice, though risky, Hux with no respect for personal space and such". "Yeah, what's that about? Couldn't he just wait for you to get dressed?". "He's quite rabid, but he gets things done", Kylo says.

"I guess you heard what we were talking about?", Kylo asks. "Yes, hard to miss, especially when one hears one's name as well", Mara smiles. "You think you'll be able to handle it?", Kylo wonders. "Handle it? I'll own it", Mara smirks. "What? You don't think I'm capable?", she asks, narrowing her eyes. "Of course I do", Kylo takes off his cloak. "I think you are capable of a lot of things". He opens his pants. "I thought you were getting dressed", Mara looks mischievously at him. "I will, but first", he takes of his leather pants, crawling into bed, between Mara's legs. "First I'm gonna handle you", he says and kisses her.

Mara walks back to her chamber, hoping Leera's not there. She still hasn't figured out what to say about her whereabouts last night, and she's no nearer a lie when her mind wanders to Kylo and his beautiful body, his massive shaft rammed inside her, the pleasure he can conjure with his hard thrusts. Biting her lip till she tastes blood, brings her back to reality as the door to the turbolift opens.

"There you are!", Mara hears Leera shout from behind her. "Where have you been?". "I, uhhh", Mara says as she turns around to meet her. "I fell asleep by the console board last night. I was going through the troop's training and taking notes... And this morning I woke up face down on the datapad". "Oh.. Okay. Well, I got some news, a new mission", Leera continues. "Great, brief me!", Mara says, sighing relieved on the inside for Leera believing her lie.

"You know about the team that was sent to Canto Bight to do the arm's deal last week?", Leera asks. "Yeah, I heard about that", Mara replies. "Well, needless to say; they blew it. A new meeting has been scheduled at the end on the month, and Hux wants us to handle it", Leera smiles. "Dating the General got it's perks, doesn't it?", Mara smirks. Leera does too. "Perks or no perks though, I'm crazy about him", Leera's eyes get dreamy and she drifts off for a while. "Galaxy to Leera, galaxy to Leera", Mara laughs. "Right!", she snaps to it. "Let's go and find some really sassy outfits for the mission. The more skin, the better. They'll think us daft, but we'll outsmart them and seal the deal", Leera says. "They'll never know what hit them", Mara says and grins.

The month goes by pretty fast, and Mara and Leera have been running about gathering all documents and information they need, sending spies to find out what the Resistance has bought from the dealers and such. The outfits are designed and sewn, hanging ready to wear in their closet, and the tension for not screwing up the mission is weighing down on them. Not to mention actual screwing. Kylo and Mara's been at each other every which way but loose; up against walls, in janitors closets, Kylo smashing cameras to give them their privacy. Kylo in Mara's chamber when Leera's not there, Mara in Kylo's chamber whenever she could come up with a decent lie about where she went. They are so head over heels crazy about each other, they can hardly keep it together when they're not together. It's love, it's need, it's comfort and not having to be alone anymore. It's a beacon of light in a gloomy galaxy forever at war.

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