Chapter 3

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Mara and Leera are on their way to the dining hall. After walking in silence for a while Leera suddenly asks; "What was that all about?"
"What was what?" Mara replies.
"That thing with Kylo back there, letting you alter his plan," Leera says.
"Oh, that," Mara shrugs her shoulders. "I met him in the hallway, and since he already takes his rage out on me, I had nothing to lose to tell him my opinion. His plan was nearly perfect, but with many failed missions behind us and too many casualties, I had to say something."
"And he didn't choke you half to death?" Leera asks anxiously.
"No, not today," Mara says. "I guess he got out on the right side of the bed this morning."
"There is no right side of his bed. He's always raging on," Leera shakes her head.
Mara just smiles, thinking about his hard, hot kiss.

"Letting a Sergeant interfere with your plan?" Hux asks Kylo.
"So what if I did?" Kylo asks him sharply.
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing," Hux says, clearing his throat. "I'm just pointing out that it's very unlike you to let anyone, even me, have a say in anything if you got your mind set on something. I might execute plans and have my own ideas that I run by and mostly get approved by Supreme Leader Snoke, but it's usually just us three that makes the strategies around here."
"And look how far we have come," Kylo says and scoffs. "The rebel alliance have managed to slip away several times, staying clear of our radar, sending assassins to take out our troops and agents. I've had it up to here with loss and destruction, we can't risk it anymore. Every move we make from now on gotta be head on and lethal." Kylo looks at Hux through his mask.
"Of course." General Hux is standing straight, looking sharp ahead on the hanger outside the window.

Kylo watches Mara from a safe distance. She's standing by the ramp, watching the troop board the spaceship especially picked for the upcoming mission, her look serious. The new plan is about to be set to life, and he hopes it will go well. The last mission was a bust, with Mara's crew being close to an end. He knows he won't rest until the ship is safe back in the hanger, Mara walking out from it in one piece. He should feel indifferent to the mission, to Mara, that all loss is just a loss for a greater cause, a bigger plan, where pieces will come together in the end, but at this point he can't stand the thought of not having her... Around.

He remembers when she and about fifty other young adults where brought to the base. They were hostages from a rebel alliance planet. They were told their families would live if they obeyed and served the First Order. Many tried to escape, Mara as well, but he caught her. He remembers the look on her face, full of fear, but also gumption, to cross him and the First Order. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't. He wanted her to yield, to serve him. He brought her to his torture chamber, working his force magic on her. He can still hear her screams, first of pain, than anger. She yielded at last, and fell into the ranks of the First Order.

Even though her anger was directed towards him back then, and how she wanted to hurt him just as much as he'd hurt her, he knows she won't. She shouted and called him a monstrous beast poisoned by the dark side, that it would swallow him up whole and that she would stand on the edge of the abyss laughing at him when it did. Kylo remembers he got so angry that he took of his mask, his eyes blazing with fire, barking in her face. He recalls her face when she saw his face for the first time, how she lost her speech completely. He tortured her some more, looking her dead in the eyes. She screamed so loud. Then he stopped, her head drooping. Then she looked up into his eyes. "I surrender," she said. "I will obey, as long as I'm your to command."

Kylo finds himself walking towards the ship, lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly he stops, realizing he's exposed. Mara's looking at him, about to board the ship. He nods discreetly before he turns on his heel. Mara's eyes follows him till he's out of sight. Then she takes her place on the ship, taking a deep breath, hoping she'll see him again. 


Leera's startled as General Hux approaches her from behind, his steps soundless, only his tall shadow to warn her. She spins around, sighing in relief when she sees it's him.
"Excellent job today," he says and pulls the right side of his lips into a smile, his hands folded behind his back.
"Thank you, General," Leera says and nods.
Hux steps closer, shortening the distance between their faces till their breaths are mingling. The control room is empty. After the triumphant outcome of the mission, the others went to celebrate, but Leera decided to stay behind to await Mara's arrival.

She's always fearing for her friend, if she'll make it through the day. Leera took her under her wing years ago after she was first brought to the base, after Mara's failed attempt at fleeing, teaching her that to comply will be met with gratitude. She knows Hux is very grateful for her efforts as he tugs her tight to him, his lips caressing hers before they are firmly placed against her mouth, kissing her sultry.
"Meet me back at my chambers in 30 minutes?" he asks.
"As you wish, General," Leera smiles.
"Excellent," Hux says and turns to leave.

Kylo's walking fast towards Mara and Leera's chamber. He knows Leera's still with Hux, but he doesn't know for how long. He just got to see Mara.

His heart rate had finally stabilized earlier in the evening when he heard that the mission was a success. Three days had gone since the spacecraft took off, and he's been pacing, ready to jump into his tie fighter to accompany them if needed - which was not a part of the plan at all. It was his plan.

After passing a few sergeants along the way, they saluting and looking down as soon as they saw who was coming, he's suddenly outside the door to Mara and Leera's room. He's not sure how he'll find her, if she's awake or not. He wanted to greet her at the hangar, but felt too excited about it, and he didn't want to give away that he was actually feeling some sort of glee. The dark side forbid.

He opens the door by using the force. It slides open quietly. The room's dark. He looks over his right shoulder to find the hall behind him empty before he steps inside, closing the door behind him. He walks slowly over to the beds. One's empty, in the other one lays Mara. Her hair is loose about her face, which is relaxed. He looks at her, not used to see her with her hair down, it always being tied in a perfect do. The white shirt she's wearing makes her skin looks even paler than usual, making him think how fragile she looks, but just on the outside. He knows how much she can take.

He sits down on the bed, removing his helmet. Mara stirs, but doesn't wake. He wants to wake her, but he's also just pleased to get to look at her. His heart starts to race again. Her delicate features doesn't exactly make him calm. For once he's not pumped up with rage, but with lust. His mind is suddenly back in the console room five nights ago. His mind's been visiting that night several times since it happened. He sighs, thinking how incredible it was. How insanity good it was. He's completely lost in her moans, not realizing that Mara's staring right back at him.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, her voice sleepy, but her body alert.
"I... I wanted to see you,",Kylo swallows and looks down.
"Why didn't you come and find me sooner?" Mara wants to know.
"I wanted to, but," Kylo looks up again.
"But what?" Mara stares at him.
"I shouldn't have come." Kylo's about to stand up.
"No, wait," Mara tugs at his jacket. "I'm glad your here," she smiles.

Kylo doesn't know what to say. Some things are implied like "congratulations on a job well done, I'm glad you made it back, I think it's time you got a higher rank and so on", but he can't make the words leave his mouth.

"Of course, you wouldn't be you if you didn't act all quiet and menacing," Mara says and snorts. "All right, two can play that game," she says and moves in closer to Kylo. She sits up, her knees bended behind his back. She strokes her hand over the left side of his face, caressing his ear, sliding her thumb over his full lower lip. She pulls his face closer, he tries to resist, but Mara's firm and soon their lips meet. He knows what she meant when she said that she could be menacing too, the immense enchantment she's come to hold over him, tempting him to give into her. She's a threat, but he's not going to eliminate her. He's just going to let himself be threatened, to give her all he's got to give.

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