Chapter One

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 High school

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 High school. Not only where your life begins at whatever age in youth, but also the bitter end to, well, everything. Social lives, friendships, relationships, popularity. You get the idea. If you don't follow the steps, the strict rules of high school which could ultimately shoot you to the top or straight to the bottom, you can bet your life savings on it all flying out the window without even so much as a warning. Now isn't which something to look forward to? I, on the other hand, have learned to avoid it all by doing one simple thing. Or at least, having no choice in the matter: being born a social reject. An outsider. A loser. A nerd.

My sister Cameron, on the other hand, is everything but a reject to all things social and trending. With her perfect long blond hair, her perfect weight and build, her perfect smile and perfect whatever else got her the top spot in school. Being the princess that she is, she goes to parties, throws parties, hangs out with a group of people you can only dream of hanging out with and befriending, her clothes are name brand and perfectly fitted to her body shape and most importantly, she's popular. Super. Popular. She's the girl who breaks all the boys' hearts, who you clear the halls for. The girl who you show respect to and learn to quickly do it. She wasn't mean or anything, never has been and never will be. She still fawns over adorable puppies she sees on the side of the street. I don't think she even has the ability to be mean to anyone other than me but that's only because we're sisters. Well, stepsisters but we'll get to that later. But, again she was Crossroad High royalty. Which was why when I came into the picture, no one believed I of all people was her little sister. Only a year younger yet so much farther away from her. I, Audry Blue, am nothing like her, and it's not because we're stepsisters. I'm short, have dark hair, dark eyes, a petite build and am anything but perfect. I'm clumsy, weird on all levels to most people who are in my school and not even close to the top of the A-list. I'm pretty sure I'm with the negatives on that one. My clothes are whatever I find in Target that I think looks cute and my hair might be long and wavy but come rain or humidity and I turn into one of those troll dolls you get in a happy meal.

My glasses are black-rimmed and the typical nerd style which ultimately proves just how much of a social reject I am. I read almost every second of the day and while my sister goes to the mall to meet up with friends or gets ready for cheerleading practice with her 'girlfriends', I roam the shelves at the bookstore looking for some new title with a full month's worth of allowance completely down the drain once I leave with books upon books in my arms, piling them on so high they leave red marks on my arms and they're sore for hours. Cameron paints her nails, I play Mario Kart. Cameron reads TeenVogue religiously, I catch up on the newest episode of Doctor Who or The Big Bang Theory on Netflix with my dad. Cameron would rather get mauled by a lion than give up her favorite mini skirt, I like reading or studying because I find it relaxing. We might be sisters, I born to Willson Luis Blue and Cameron to Debra Kaplan, successful business partners in crime, but we are anything but alike. So, now assuming you can see why my life is anything but peaceful, let's come back down to reality. The bitter-sweet insanity that is my life.

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