Chapter Nineteen

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We pull up to the school and I can hear the music still playing inside the gym just as loud and full of life as when it first kicked off

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We pull up to the school and I can hear the music still playing inside the gym just as loud and full of life as when it first kicked off. I can't tell how many people have left or if anyone left prom early because the parking lot is still so full of cars and people hanging out outside and having a fun time with their own personal little parties with their friends. It makes me smile a little to see everyone having fun and makes me feel a little guilty for thinking of the prom as something to dread when tonight is so magical to other students attending. I remind myself to stop being so moody all the time and consider that maybe some parties or celebrations could potentially turn out to be fun. Hectic and a little insane, but nonetheless fun and exciting.

I unbuckle myself and get out of the car and Jace follows suit. I fix my bangs as best I can in the side mirror to look a little more put together and wish I had at least a little bit of lipgloss. Maybe I should take Cameron's advice and start caring more in my purse than just lip balm and mascara. I make due by just licking my lips and I clean my glasses as best I can to rid any smudges and particles. Not that anyone will take notice of how clean my glasses are but at least I'm trying.

"You took me back to prom now that I'm a complete mess?" I ask Jace as he comes to my side of the car. If he had given me a warning or actually told me where we were going I would've at least slipped on my dress again and fixed my braid to look a little nicer. I know I shouldn't blame people for my own problems but tonight he's the one to blame, no regrets here.

"What can I say? I like a natural beauty." He takes my hand and leads me towards the doors before I can complain any further. We step inside, so utterly underdressed but no one seems to mind or even notice as they rush off to different areas to find dance partners and their companions for the night. Everyone is still busy dancing and having fun with their friends and dates, laughing and chatting without a care in the world as they fully enjoy themselves and it makes me smile a little. The prom is still as alive as ever with no signs of ending anytime soon and the place is still so full of electricity. The music plays loudly throughout the gym and the decorations look way better now that the prom is in full swing. It's hard to sit or stand still when everything is just so alive in this place.

Jace and I head over to an empty table and sit down as the song changes once again to an upbeat party song that everyone can't help but dance to. A few people rush to get on the dance floor and start busting out some moves that are both interesting and entertaining to watch. I look at Jace and he smiles at me, still holding my hand in his, now making small circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. I feel those butterflies again and don't mind when my cheeks start warming up for the umpteenth time this evening. I don't remember the last time I blushed in front of a boy that wasn't fictional and it still surprises me that the one who does make me blush like crazy is Jace. I try thinking back to a time when I didn't feel anything around him but it's hard to bring up since so many things have changed between us. It's like a distant memory.

"This was your big surprise? Taking me back to a prom I never wanted to go to in the first place?" I ask him. "Not going to lie, it's an interesting move on your part." He leans in closer than necessary to answer my question and I can feel his breath on my face when he talks which makes me blush a little harder.

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