Chapter Eight

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"What do you think of this one? The color doesn't look funny to you?" asks Cameron, standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall in the dressing room

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"What do you think of this one? The color doesn't look funny to you?" asks Cameron, standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall in the dressing room. Cameron and I came to the mall this morning in search for the perfect dress for prom, trying on dress after dress and going from store to store until I felt like my feet would fall off at any moment. She dragged me along with her because she's so convinced that I'm going to prom, even though I've told her many, many times that I'd rather eat nails. She chose to ignore me every single time and instead forced me to try on clothes. Cameron tries on the umpteenth dress that looks beautiful on her as does every other dress she puts on. I, on the other hand cannot find a dress that I feel fits me well. Cameron claims that I'm just not working with her for the sole purpose of annoying her and making her life harder than it has to be, so halfway through our shopping trip I let my sister pick out dresses for me to try on to make it easier on both of us since I'm really tired of seeing the color pink and wearing even more tule. Almost nothing I try on fits me right. It's either too long or not small enough around the waist. Apparently I'm just abnormally small for my age and even more of a high school freak. Awesome.

"Why don't you try on that blue one?" Cameron says pointing to a fluffy baby blue dress that glitters on the skirt. I walk over to it and the first thing I look at is its price tag. Apparently it also costs way too much.

"Mom always said blue was your color," she says encouraging me to try the dress on.

"I did try it. It makes me look like a fat cloud that a unicorn threw up on," I reply, my feet still throbbing in my sneakers. I have to wipe my hands off on my jeans to try and get the glitter off but it doesn't work very well, since there's now glitter on my jeans and continuing to wipe them and my hands would probably only make it worse.

"Unicorns throw up rainbows, not glitter. And besides, you say something bad about every single dress you put on." She turns this way and that in front of the mirror, trying to see if she likes how the blue dress looks against her.

"What can I say? Dresses hate me. Might as well accept it, Cam." To busy myself, I start looking through yet another rack of dresses, wishing they were shelves with books on them which would be so much more fun. At least I'd be able to spot something I like without having to try it on.

"Audry, you look great in dresses. Especially the ones you tried on today," Cameron says. She hangs the dress up on one of the racks before pulling out a short green one that looks like it'd be hard to breathe in.

"Now you're just being nice. Can we please go now?" I whine.

"Not until you find a dress. Go look around while I decide which dress I like better and if you can't find anything, then we'll go. But first, I'm starved, so hurry up."

"Ugh. Fine. But I'm not making any promises." I push away from the rack of clothes and make my way through the shop, looking haphazardly around me at all the sparkles and shiny cloth. I look at all the racks of dresses filling up the store and I have no idea where to even begin, considering I have no idea what I'm even looking for other than a specific article of clothing. I choose a random rack and start searching halfheartedly through the dresses threatening to burst out from where they hang. As I look through them, my hands quickly become covered in glitter and I think to myself how I've never seen so much taffeta and tutus in my whole life. It's almost as if teenage girls have gone back to dressing like five year olds when it comes to the fancy and expensive dresses that I could probably find at Target for way less or DIY. And once again, everything is either too long, too short, too much cleavage or is just covered in way too much glitter and rhinestones for me not to look like a walking disco ball. I look through about three racks surprisingly before Cameron comes out of the dressing room, bags of shoes and accessories in hand, and walks over to me.

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