Chapter Eleven

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A few days later, I wake up and get dressed for my study date with Jace at the football field at school

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A few days later, I wake up and get dressed for my study date with Jace at the football field at school. He wasn't able to get out of practice this time and I offered to meet up with him there at school after practice since it would take too much time to come over to my house since he has to go straight home afterwards from tutoring for family dinner. Luckily, there's a bench and table where we can get some work done and a little change of scenery never hurt anyone. We agreed to the meet up and I made my way downstairs for some breakfast.

This morning it was just me alone in the house since my parents were working this weekend scouting out some potential businesses to maybe invest in and Cameron was out dress shopping with Gabby and Dominique and a couple of her other friends from school. I usually liked when everyone was gone because the house was finally quiet. No loud music or arguing over who gets the TV first or who's turn it was to clean the dishes. But since I didn't have to be anywhere until 4:30 p.m. the house was a little too quiet with so much time to kill that I was starting to get a little stir crazy. It was already 11:00 since I slept in late and I didn't know how I was going to pass the time. I thought about reading, writing down more notes, going over my homework to make sure everything was in check, maybe cleaning my room for the second time this week. I also thought about just chilling on the couch and having a movie marathon of some sort. I didn't like any of those options so I just settled for a coke and a few reruns of Friends. It wasn't much different from the movie marathon idea but it was less thinking that I had to do. Do you know how many movie franchises are out there?

I sit there like a couch potato for a couple of hours before I look at the clock and see that I still have a couple more hours to waste away. With nothing else in mind for me to do, I just fluff up the pillow on the couch beside me and lay down to take a quick nap. I keep the TV on since I can't sleep when it's quiet and half listen to what's going on. I don't remember much about what I dream, but for some reason all I can remember from the dream is Jace's face. I don't know why he's there or even what he did in my dream but it kind of freaks me out that he was just plainly in my dream. I've dreamt of weirder things like flying flesh-eating turtles and getting murdered by my twin but this was just plain weird. Probably at the top of the list for weird dreams that I've had. And that's only because I've never dreamed of Jace before or really anyone from school. It's not like I like anyone there anyway.

When I wake up about an hour later, I feel a little hot so I turn the ceiling fan on to try and cool off. When that still doesn't really work I debate whether or not to take a quick shower but I need to get going in a few minutes so I just decide to drink some cold water instead. I go upstairs and get my bag ready and head back downstairs and out the door a few minutes later. Before I leave of course, I leave a note for my parents and Cameron saying that I should be home before six if there's no distractions or changes in the plan. Not that any of them will probably be home before six but I leave it anyway, just in case. I sort through my head trying to remember if we needed anything from the grocery store that I could grab after studying since I'll already be out and about. I can't think of anything so I just focus on driving to the school and park my car in the driveway in front of the football field.

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