ELEVEN: She Has To Be Okay

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(A/N: As of July 8th, 2015 this story is going through the editing phase. I made this a while ago, so the writing is horrendous. Also, for a while now I haven't been updating, but I will as soon as I finish editing all 21 chapters.)

Chapter Eleven: She Has To Be Okay
I woke up lazily and got into some clothes for school. I honestly didn't feel like going to school. I just wanted to find her. But I couldn't, my Aunt May would kill me if I didn't go to school for no reason. I'd be a dead man. Sometimes she scared me, but was the sweetest person you'll ever meet. But hey,that's women for you...

"Peter!" Aunt May called, "Breakfast!" I went and sat down at the breakfast table and there was eggs and bacon with a glass of orange juice. "The waffles will be done in a minute." she told me. Soon enough, they were and she gave me another plate with two large waffles on them. "Thank you Aunt May for making food for me." I smile and hugged her. "Oh Pete, it's nothing!" she smiled back and sat down with me to eat her breakfast. I really love my aunt, she was my mother figure, the closest thing I had to a parent left. I seriously don't know what'd I'd do without her.

I ate all my food within ten minutes and grabbed my backpack and walked to school. I passed Dani's house, I stopped for a minute. I went and knocked on the door hesitantly. It opened up to a very sad mom, scared as to where her child was. If she'd be okay, and who took her. The sight broke my heart. All I could think was...

It's all my fault.

I gave Mrs. Lia a big hug and she cried even more, "Who would take my baby? Why? She is a perfect girl." "Shh, I know. I know." "Peter, you know she loves you right?" I looked down, guiltily. Please don't remind me. "You are a good kid Peter, she needed you in her life. I just hope she comes back." No she didn't need me, she was perfectly fine without me. "Well Mrs. Lia, I have to go to school." I say and walk away to get to school.

I got there and immediately went to her group of friends, which had become mine. "Peter." Ash whisperer, her eyes were teary, like any moment she would break down. I gave her a hug and she hugged back. "It's ok to cry Ashley." I say in her ear.

She began to weep and sob on my shoulders. "She didn't deserve this!" "I know, she didn't deserve any of this. She'll be ok, I promise." I reassured. "Thank you Peter, you're making me feel much better." she sniffled. Aaron and Wen were comforting each other also and everyone was giving us looks of sympathy.

The bell rung and I went to science. I looked at the empty seat beside me and I felt guilty. Dani would've been sitting here right now. I could even imagine her rolling her eyes and saying, "Why the hell do we even need to learn this pointless crap anyways?!" Then I would laugh at her, we would argue about how education helped and was important, halfway into the class, she'd fall asleep and I would wake her up when it was over.

I hope she's okay. I hope she's not hurt. I hope she's finding a way to escape.

Why did bad things happen to good people?


I woke up and was in a bed. I look at my surroundings and it was different than before. I was in what looked like a jail cell, there was a bed,which I was in and a bathroom. But there was no doors or anything. I was completely locked away from the outside world.

I was held hostage by a lunatic villan that wanted to kill the guy I loved, er I mean... liked. Then all of a sudden Array popped in the room. What would she do to me? Would she hurt me? Kill me?

"Why hello Dani, enjoying the place I hooked you up with?"she asked. "No, why are you doing this?" "Because you're my prisoner, you're the only thing that'll cause Spider-Man to come."

"That may be so,but I just want to go,why can't you just see he didn't do anything wrong?" I asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

"He killed my brother!" she screamed. "Violet, he didn't kill your brother and you know it, stop trying to find someone to blame and just think about it for me, Spider-Man didn't even touch your brother, if he had time he would've saved him, but you know he didn't." "I told you, my name is Array." she hissed. I only sighed in defeat and nodded. Array disappeared out of the room... she could teleport now?!

I was worried about Peter... he wouldn't try to find me... Would he? Gosh, I hope not. He's strong yes, he can fight too. But I didn't know if he could beat her... I hope he can because Peter was all I had left to return to my life.

He was my only hope...


I was sitting in class with my headphones in my ear listening to music. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be outside, looking for Dani. My best friend was taken by some psycho bitch. I just wanted to save her. To be honest, Dani was everything to me. I love her and I know she didn't like me back. I honestly didn't care though, she really liked Peter, he was far better for her than me. I was a teenage mess and I still don't know how she liked me so much to be my best friend. The bell rang after a thousand years and I went to meet up with my friends.

"Hey." I greet them glumly. "Hey Aaron." Ash replied with the same tone. Wen just looked at us and nodded sadly. Peter, he didn't do anything, it was kinda scary. It's like he was emotionless, he didn't even look sad, he looked dead. Unalive... He was obviously taking this worse than all of us. I wondered why? He must really love her because I do and I still look like I'm living. Who knew that one person gone could make me feel like complete shit.


I felt dead, emotionless, like at any moment I'd snap into a million pieces because I didn't know if she was okay. She has to be okay, she HAS to!

What would I do if she wasn't? Would I be able to fight that Array girl? Could I even defeat her? All the questions I couldn't answer swarmed around in my head, mocking me, teasing me. Almost making me want to scream in frustration... I went to a quieter area where no one could hear me, I took out my phone and dialed her number, of course she didn't answer, but I voicemailed her.

"Dani, it's me, Peter. Please be okay babygirl, for me Dani. Be okay. I'll find you soon. I promise," I stopped for a minute.

"Because I'd do anything for you... I love you Dani. Always remember that..."

"And if something happens to me trying to save you, it'll be okay. You can move on right?Just know that I'll try my best to insure your safety and I'll always protect you. You know how I protect people." I chuckle.

"I love you... always."I whispered and ended it.

I know she wouldn't hear it because she most likely doesn't have her phone. But I just needed to do that... I silently walked back, my eyes watery.

Could I save her? I was the hero right?

(A/N:Sooo yeah this chapter is a little shorter but I like how it turned out.What do you think will happen next chapter?Comment what you thought about chapter eleven,I always love the feedback!So I'm thinking that this story is a little less than halfway done...I want maybe 23-25 chapters or so,because I don't want it to be too long lol.Anyways...peace!!! -Bekah)

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