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My name is Peter Parker.I'm a shy 17 year old guy.I live in New York and I go to Midtown Science.Oh and I'm also Spider-Man.I have a hopeless crush on Danielle Lia.She was funny and confident and absolutely beautiful.

But what did she think of me?You'll find out...

It was around Eight-Thirty in the night.I was out saving people in my Spider-Man suit.I seriously loved doing this.I hate how some people just didn't understand me though.

I was on a building when I hear a voice.

"HELP!"a girls voice screamed.I immediately knew where they were.

I was in the alley and saw a girl I recognized,it was Dani.

"C'mon honey let's have some fun!"the man said,I walked out,"Aye!Let er go!"I yell madly.Dani turned and looked at me,her mouth agape.This was the first time she had ever really glanced at me.

The mans eyes widened terrified,then he pulled out a gun. "Ooooh!A gun,I'm so scared!"I say sarcastically.Then I shot webs from my web shooters and I pinned the man to the wall. "Hmm,that was pretty easy!"I say in triumph.She looked at me in amazement. "What is your name?"I asked,even thought I obviously knew the answer.

She gulped,"I'm Danielle." "Well Danielle,would you like me to take you home?" "N-no,my mom sent me to get m-milk..."she stuttered "Well then,so long then Danielle." "O-okay S-spider-Man."She said nervously,"Who are you? "That's for you to find out."I said running off "Wait!" "Yes?" "Thank you..." "It was no problem."

I helped more people and got home at about 3.I went to sleep.I can't believe I just talked to Dani.


I woke up for school and picked out some clothes.

I got in the shower and quickly dressed.

"Hello Peter."Aunt May warmly smiled at me. "Hey."I smile back.

I got out some cereal and ate it before I left.I always walked to school or skateboarded.

Soon,I got there.I went to my locker and pulled out stuff for science.

The bell rang soon after that and I went to my seat in the back.I was alone because no one wanted to be my partner when we got to choose seats.

Yup,I was that alone.

I noticed that Danielle still wasn't here yet.She usually came a little late.Her and her friend Ashley.

They walked in seconds before the second bell rang. "I'm glad to see you showed up,"Mr.Bell said with pursed lips.They looked at each other and shrugged,then sat down.I looked at Dani and smiled,I remembered yesterday.I wish I could talk to her.

Maybe I should talk to her.Okay.Peter,you can do this!Could I?

"Okay class,which type of chemical bond forms when electrons are either gained or lost by an atom?"Mr.Bell asked.Right away Gwen raised her hand. "Gwen?"he said and looked at her.

Yes,ionic is the answer." "Correct Gwen!Class you should learn from this girl!" I looked at Dani,who rolled her eyes.I could imagine her saying that we aren't all as smart as them or something.

The bell rang soon after.I was finally going to talk to Dani,but she went off with her friend. "UGH don't you just hate Gwen?She thinks she's so perfect!"Ashley said in annoyance "You don't like Gwen?"Dani said,confusion etched on her face,"Why?" "Because Thomas likes her." Dani sighed,"Don't hate her Ash,it's not her fault Thomas likes her."

Ashley walked away and I looked at Danielle,our lockers were across the hall from each other.I was about to talk to her but I chickened out.I looked at her one last time.She looked my direction and gave a small smile,then left.

Was that smile for me?!I don't know but all I know is that she makes me feel so weird inside.


I got lunch,today there were Enchiladas.I go to my table and sit alone.

This is how it usually was.I was the loner of the school,sadly.

"You met Spider-Man?!"I hear someone scream.I look over immediately and saw Dani covering Ashley's mouth. "SHH!"she hissed.I laughed.I wonder what she was saying about me.

The rest of the day passed by and I stayed at school.I liked skateboarding here.And also Dani also stayed here everyday.Okay am I obsessed or is this how normal people treat their crushes?!

I saw her shooting hoops,she wasn't looking my way.She kept shooting it in and I was impressed.I gained courage and finally said something.

"Nice shots."I say nervously.She turned around and looked at me."Thanks."She replied. "May I take your picture?"I asked. "What?"She said confused. "Oh,sorry,I am taking pictures for the yearbook."I smiled and twiddled my thumbs nervously and ran a hand through my hair." "Oh okay,I thought you were a stalker for a minute."She laughed her pretty laugh.

It was true,I was taking pictures for the yearbook.

"So how bout those photos?"I asked. "Yes!Sure of course."She smiled.I took a couple photos. "Thank you."I say. "Oh yeah sure,and your name is?"She asked. "Peter,Peter Parker."I reply. "Well it's nice to meet you Peter!I'm Danielle."

"Well,thanks again for the pictures." "Yup,you're welcome for the sweaty pictures of myself."She joke. "Oh,they look fine." "Surreee...Well,anyways I better be going home."She said.I bit my lip and looked at her,"Mind if I walk with you?" She looked at me,"You sure you aren't stalking me?" I laughed,"No,I just hate walking alone." She nodded in agreement.

"Well,let's go!"She said and ushered to the sidewalk.We started walking."You skate?"she said all of a sudden "Yeah..." "We should skate together sometime."She smiled. "Sure." I say shyly.She wanted to walk with me again?!

"So Peter,tell me about yourself?" "Well,my parents died when I was little,I moved in with my Aunt,May and Uncle Ben,my Uncle died recently..."I say,my eyes started to tear up,"It's okay,I'm sorry I asked." "It's fine,it's a little hard,tell me about you."

"Well,my parents are divorced,they have been since I was 10,I have a younger brother who is 13 and lives with me,and a half sister that is 5,who is with my dad.It's really bad,I live with my mom during the school year,and my dad in the summer,winter,and spring breaks.But I guess I'm lucky,I don't know what I'd do without my parents."She frowned sadly.

"You get used to it..."I say. "This is my stop..."she said and looked at her house "Okay,bye." "Hey,can I have your number,you seem like a nice person."She smile. "Yeah sure." We exchanged numbers and I went inside.

She asked for my number?!This was more than what I hoped for!

I skateboarded the rest of the way home.I went up to my room and crashed onto my bed.What just happened?!Danielle said I'm nice,she asked for my number.


Best day ever.

I went out in my suit,swinging from building to building.I look and notice a girl.It was Dani.She was looking at her phone.The walking signal came on and she went across the street.She wasn't paying attention and it had turned.I heard her scream,She was almost hit when I swooped her up. "HOLD ON!" She look at me and held onto me tightly,I had my arm snaked around her body.I was probably red as a tomato,so I'm glad I had a mask.

We landed on the ground. "Aren't I your knight in shinning armor?"I joked. "Hmm,you're more of a spider in spandex."She joked back.I laughed."Have we met before?"She asked. "Just yesterday!" "I meant without the suit."I got nervous...please don't recognize me. "Why?" "You sound familiar,but I don't know,I have been a little weird since that incident yesterday." "Ohh okay,well I have to go."I said and made web and swung from building to building,I look and she stared in awe.

(A/N:Haha hey,I thought that I'd write chapter one in Peter's POV because I was bored,so if you read chapter one,you could see that they are almost the same,I did this because chapter 18 is going to be a big chapter,their first date,so I just gave you this to reminisce!!!So this doesnt count as a chapter,but it gives you something to read :D )

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