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I had awoke the second his fingers gripped my ankles. His aura radiated hate and I knew he would be none too gentle with me.

My body had changed and I knew it had. I wasn't Rori-the-human anymore, I was Rori-the-beast.

I now had extremely sharp hearing and vision and I also had something else I didn't as a human -- primal instincts that came from the beast.

Fight! my bestial brain said and so I did.

My rather muscler body twisted around and my jaws, containing deadly sharp teeth, snapped at Dean's hands.

I heard Dean gasp, but the human side of my brain had faded and was slowly being replaced by animal. I struggled more and more, snarls and snaps ripping up my throat. I could taste Dean's fear, but his hatred overwhelmed that.

His grip had loosened, but a shrill, "Dean! Get it together!" had him gripping my ankles tighter and he dragged me across the floor.

I turned and growled at Claire who was looking at me with narrowed eyes, her lips curled in disgust. She held Cole, who clearly did not want to be held, by his shoulders and kept him standing still.

My lips pulled back from my teeth and I watched Claire's snarl fade and a look of fear crossed her face.

Dean yanked me out of the kitchen and I could hear him panting with the effort. The feel of carpet rubbed against my fur and I tried to twist again so I could sink my claws into it, but Dean jerked on my ankles.

I released a yelp of pain and heard Dean laugh. "I told Claire we should've prepared for this. I told her it would happen, but no, she had hoped that Rori wouldn't be like them."

I had stilled as I listened to his words, allowing him to drag me to wherever the fuck he was dragging me. He noticed and continued talking.

"Oh, yes, we never told Rori, but that was because of my darling Claire. You see Rori was really a werewolf. Her parents were werewolves. All it took was enough anger to flip the dormant switch and poof." He talked as though I wasn't there, as though I was a complete beast, but that wasn't what stilled me and caused the harsh ache in my chest. It was the mention of my parents, of the fact they had been werewolves and I'd never known.

I didn't know until I was fucking turning into one!

Rage bubbled in me and I went to twist again, aiming to naw off Dean's hands, but he reached his destination -- the bathroom -- and suddenly I was airborn, flying through the air and smashing dangerously into a wall mirror.

My anger faded as darkness crept into my vision and I caught the door to the bathroom slamming shut before I passed out.




"Rori Jane!"

I uncovered my little hands from eyes and glanced up to the beautiful face of my mother. She was smiling brightly and held a glass of lemonade in her hands. I was sitting in the prickly, green grass while sunlight streamed down through a large tree above me. The scent of flowers drifted on the wind and birds chirped happily within the trees.

I reached up and she handed me the cool glass, sipping at the refreshing liquid. "What are you doing, Rori?"

"Da-dee," I answered, my mouth and voice finding it hard to say the word 'daddy'.

"Are you playing hide-and-go-seek with Daddy?" she asked, giggling.

I nodded my small head, my blonde locks bobbing in time with the motion.

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