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Sleep evaded me once again, though it was more because I pushed it away rather than it was slipping from my grasp. If I was being honest I could sleep and be happy to never wake up as long as the beautiful girl in my arms never left them. But instead I chose to lie awake and take in the beauty of Rori wrapped tight in my arms. She had her head against my chest, her breathing deep and even with sleep and her face was the epitome of peaceful content. Her ashy blonde hair was splayed behind her, washing over one of my arms; so silky. Her warm body was pressed into my side, fitting to me like a puzzle piece and her legs tangled between my own. Her hand gently rested against my chest and I couldn't help, but wonder if I was dreaming despite the fact we'd done this quite a few times now.

A smile graced my face as I thought about how well things were going between us and I knew now that she contained the same feelings I did, though I didn't know if she loved me yet. The way she kissed me and thoroughly enjoyed our make-out sessions told me that she carried feelings for me, but because she'd never said she loved me, I was willing to wait until after the Annual Gathering tomorrow. Hell, I was willing to wait until forever because she had to be sure of her feelings for me and love me the way I did her. Bonding was no light subject in the Lupus society and unlike soul mates who connected instantly and fell in love even faster and bonded within a matter of days, they were halves of a soul. We were just two Lupus with our own souls and we were choosing each other as mates and that took time, just like with humans.


Rori had been doing well with school, but she had trouble trying to keep Bree away or from going to see her. She had managed well though and her douchebag ex-friend Jason no longer seemed to be giving her any problems since Winter had broken up with him. Winter had seemed somewhat upset about being forced by Yorik to break up with Jason, but I figured it was simply because she wanted something that Rori had once wanted too.

A snarl lodged in my throat as my wolfish possessiveness rose at the very thought of Rori wanting anyone else, but me now. It was hard to not want to rip the bastard's face off as I recalled his hurtful words to Rori, but I was just glad he was leaving us alone and that he was no longer tied to the pack through Winter.

Rori wiggled in my arms slightly and her hand gripped the material of my shirt in such a way I found adorable and sexy all at the same time even though she was clearly asleep. My hand rubbed her arm though to calm her and she immediately relaxed again. I liked that she calmed to my touch, so much more than I ever thought I would.

My thoughts turned over as a wave of pride washed through me; she'd finished training earlier today which was a helluva lot faster than I had ever done, but then again my father had worn me into the ground and Damion chose to keep training. I knew she'd try to get her brother back soon because of it, but Yorik still had to okay things and I knew he wouldn't until at least after the Annual Gathering tomorrow night.

Oh, the gathering. I was so excited for Rori to go and meet other pack members and even other supernaturals. It was a great time and really the only time supernaturals got together and got along somewhat. However, even though we had our spats between species, it was nothing compared to the Jaecars and their hatred for us all.

I let out a soft sigh. I knew how much Rori wanted her revenge, but I prayed that she wouldn't be foolish enough to try and kill them all. I hoped she only got her brother, Cole and just in case she didn't want just that I'd ensure that I was there to pull her away when things got out of hand.

My eyes trailed over Rori's sleeping figure one last time and I decided it was time to sleep. I'd made up my mind and I got to take in the beauty in my arms, sleep would be essential for tomorrow night and I was sure the both of us would be woken up early.

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