Chapter 10.

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My date with Alexander didn't end there and before I knew it, the two of us were having a small picnic in the middle of the night down by a cosy small park that Alec knew all about. I knew that I was supposed to be asleep hours ago, but I couldn't bare myself to leave Alexander and return back to the loneliness of my home.
- Here, try this strawberry
Alec held out a blood red strawberry in my direction and looked at me with so much love in his crystal eyes
- Is it good? I asked and couldn't help myself but smile like an idiot
- Definitely, Alec said and a playful smirk could be seen on his pink lips
I took a bite from the strawberry that Alec still was holding in his hands and before I knew it, I let out a quiet moan due the amazing taste.
- What did I tell you? Alec said and let out the most beautiful chuckle
- You were right. It tasted heavenly, I answered and smiled once again
We continued feeding each other strawberries and other fruits that we had bought at the supermarket like we had done it about a hundred of times before and everything just felt so perfect, almost like it was faith that brought the two of us together.
- I'm proud to say that this was the best first date I ever been on, Alec said after a while and dragged his hand through his raven black hair
- Me too, I answered
When the two of us had finished the most amazing picnic, we walked down the empty streets of New York. No one of us really cared at all that it was beyond midnight, especially since it didn't seem like no one of us actually wanted to leave the other. For the first time in years, I finally felt like a normal teenager and not the brain cancer kid who probably only have a few months left to live. Unfortunately, I knew that it was too good to be true. I slowly felt how a painful pounding feeling appeared in my head and I quickly had to take a tight grip around Alec's shoulder to not fall down on the cold ground.
- Magnus, are you okay?
Alexander's voice was concerned and when our eyes met, I could see that his crystal clear eyes that I love so damn much was filled with worry
- I'm fine, I said and smiled weakly
I knew that lying is wrong, but I didn't want to seem weak in front of someone that I actually care about.
- Please don't lie to me, Mags. I can see that you're in pain. Do you need me to take you home? Alec asked
- No, I don't want to ruin our date
- You wouldn't ruin it for anything in the world. Besides, all I care about is how you feel and I can clearly see that you're not doing okay, Alec said
- Yeah, I answered and sighed
- I'll take you home
Alec placed his arm around my waist and we started walking towards my house that luckily wasn't placed way too far away from the beautiful park. We reached my house only after a few minutes and as the two of us stepped in through the front door, my father came walking angrily.
- Where the hell have you been, Mags? It's way passed midnight
His voice was furious but, I could tell that he also was really worried.
- I'm sorry, I answered weakly
Suddenly, the anger in his eyes were gone and replaced with wordiness.
- Are you okay? He asked and came up to where I stood with Alec's arm still protectively around my wait
- Dad, it hurts, I stuttered and felt how the tears that I had tried so hard to keep on the inside suddenly made their way down my cheeks
- I know, baby
My father took me in his arms and carried me into the living room where he placed me carefully on the couch. Alexander didn't leave my side once and when my father went into the kitchen to probably call after an ambulance or something, Alec sat down beside me and took both of my shaking hands in his own and placed kisses to my knuckles.
- I'm sorry that my cancer ruined our first date, I whispered and felt how my eyelids became heavier
- Hey, what have I already told you? All I care about is how you feel, Alec answered and flashed a small smile
- Yeah, I muttered
The time came when I no longer could keep my eyes open and the last thing I heard before I passed out was sirens in the distance.

// TBC \\

Q: Will Mags be okay?🙈

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