Chapter 24.

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The sun was peeking through one of the windows in my ordinary room at the hospital and i could not help but smile like an idiot. Everything that I had experienced at Alec's house only the day before was amazing and all I wanted was to return back and never leave the comfort of their home. Alec and his family made me feel safe and happy, almost like my cancer doesn't even exist. Sadly, I could not stay for too long since I unfortunately had to show up at the hospital for my awful chemotherapy and check up. That is why I am now waiting for one of my doctors to return back into my room with my results. My father sat beside me and I could tell that he was really worried by the way he kept fumbling with his hands. I already knew that I would get bad news, since bad news are pretty much the only news that I am getting these days, but I was still fucking terrified that I suddenly only would have a few days left. I had for the first time in my life finally found something to life for, Alec. He is the one who made me realise how much
I actually want to be alive. Before we met each other at the hospital, I was an idiot who only cared about drugs and alcohol + sex. I barley even took the time to ask myself how I felt and if the stupid partying hadn't become too much. There was even times that I ignored my chemotherapies cause I rather wanted to get drunk in a very crappy bar somewhere with Camille.
- How are you feeling, baby? Father said and looked at me a bit curiously
- Amazing, I answered and smiled at my father who still continued to look at me with two really concerned eyes
- Is it maybe because of a pretty nice guy named Alec Lightwood? My dad asked happily with a smile on his lip
- Definitely, I said and blushed a lot
I could tell that my father was about to respond, but the door to my room opened and one of my doctors came walking into the room. The smile on his lips was barley visible to the eyes of a human and I understood almost immediately that I was fucked. I felt how my breathing started to become so much heavier than normally and I tried so hard to keep myself together without having a mental breakdown.
- Bad news? I whispered
- I'm sorry, Magnus. We have tried a few different methods, but no one of them seem to work, doctor answered
- Now what? My father asked sternly
- We have no other choice than stop the treatments, my doctor said sadly
- What? I said with a panicked voice
If they're going to stop all my stupid treatments, I'm going to fucking die.
- Instead of saving your life, all your treatments are killing you, he sighed
- What are you saying? That we give up trying to save my son? My father asked and I knew that he was angry
- I'm really sorry, Mr. Bane
I felt how my dad gripped one of my hands and when I looked at him, he had tears streaming down his cheeks and my heart broke into a million of pieces. I never wanted my wonderful dad to go through all this pain cause of me and my fucking disease that I hate more than anything. When the meeting with my doctor finally had finished, father and I returned back home. The thing that I fear the most is that I now have to tell the truth to Alexander that I will not get treated anymore and that I'll probably die in only a few weeks, maybe even days. I immediately fell down at my bed as I finally arrived at home. My room felt too quiet and all I wanted was to call Alec, but I was scared. I did not want want to take away his happiness and make him more worried about me. I have to tell him, I know that, but not today. I would honestly do whatever
I can to keep that beautiful smile on his lips that I adore so much, even if it means that I have lie to Alexander.

// TBC \\

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