Flash Backs

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Alice's P.O.V.

*Flash Back*

"It's my turn" one of the men said. The one with an earing pushed me over to the other man. I sobbed as they forced kisses on my face. One of the men grabbed my butt and I kicked him but suddenly regretted it. He slapped my face and they began to tear my dress apart. I cried louder trying to get them off of me but they wouldn't move. My lip began to quiver and my hands twitched with every touch they did.

Before they can go any further I screamed and the Driver turned around. He had black hair that had like a military styled cut. "Shut her up you idiots, I don't want to get pulled over!!" he yelled then looked back at the front of the car. He quickly turned the wheel and we hit a boulder on the side of the road. The men went unconscious because of the impact. but I hit mine against the front chair so it wasn't so painful. When I was getting out one of the men tugged on my foot causing me to hit the road with my head. I quickly got up and began to run. He chased after me but soon I lost him.

I walked all the way to my house in hopes of finding Rebecca but I didn't find her. My vision began to get hazy. I just saw another car pull up close to me and I saw Brad. He gave me a lift but then I knocked out in his car.

~End Of Flash Back ~

I shook my head trying to erase the thought. But it was there. It was still there. I felt my cheeks get cold then noticed my tears had fell.

"I remember" I whispered to myself. My dad walked by my room and stated at me.

"Pumpkin, are you ok?" he asked and I nodded. "Yeah dad, I just got my memory back" I said smiling and he hugged me.

"GREAT!!" he yelled and called the hospital.  I texted Rebecca and she told me she was at her grandmother's house so she'd visit me when she got back.

She also went on about how sorry she was and how terrible she felt but I stopped her. I kept telling her it was ok, that I was fine in hopes that it would cheer her up.

Was I really fine though? No. I wasn't. I was traumatized. I called Mike and told him what happened. Moments later I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it and saw him. Mike sat down beside me and smiled. "I was gonna come visit you anyways" he said still smiling.

His cologne filled up my room and I hugged him. He smelled so good.

"Hey Ally, I know you might refuse, but do you want to go out sometime?" he asked and leaned in closer to me.

I was gonna refuse but then i got happy. I'd love to have someone there for me. At that club, I was alone. With those men I was alone. I don't wanna be alone anymore I want to be with someone.

"Ok" I said with a grin and he hugged me tight.

"Thank goodness Ally, I kept telling myself that if you'd reject my offer I can always still be your friend and at least that way I'd be with you but I'm glad you accepted" he said stuttering but still speaking smoothly.

I snuggled up on his chest and giggled. "That's sweet" I said.

"Actually what's sweet is that you got your memory back" he said then his smile dropped. "So you remember...those guys?" he asked and I looked up at him.

"Yeah..they didn't touch me" I said shrugging. They did touch me. They just didn't rape me. I sighed and he put on a fake smile for me.

"That's good then, I'm glad I met you though" he said as he pulled me in for a hug.  His warmth made me smile.

Aiden walked in the room and stared at us. I'm so glad to see him. I missed him so much but wasn't really thinking about him. I got up to hug him but he refused the hug. Instead he just handed me some get well balloons then walked away. Not one word spoken.

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