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When we arrived he stopped the bike and removed his helmet. I released my grip on his back and took off my helmet as well. We were at an empty place with many plants that surrounded the gate. There was a concrete sign right above the front entrance but it was blocked by the green vines that wrapped around it.

"Em" I read seeing those were the only visible letters.

"Cemetery" he said looking over at the sign.

"Oh" I said confused. We were at a cemetery. Why? Did he like visiting the cemetery for fun like some people do to see if the ghost seized to exist? He interupted my thoughts by grabbing my hand and taking me inside. All I saw were gravestones and flowers. "R.I.P." was written on every grave stone and it made me sad. So many dead people were lying here and no one really cared. Who were all these people and what was the cause of their death? It seemed as if whenever someone died they would exit the world but not our hearts or mind. We don't think of it constantly but we know that some day we're all gonna die and it can be any day. I looked over at Aiden who was standing in front of two stones. He seemed upset so I walked over to him.

" They're my parents" he said with his voice a little shaky.

"I thought your parents were working all day?"

"No. Well they are and I'm glad they are but there not my real parents"

"Is Samantha your real..?"

"Yeah, my mom and dad had died when she was about 3 months old. I took care of her and later went into an orphanage where we were both adopted by my current parents." he said and smiled at the tombstones.

"Well I'm...sorry" I said not knowing what to say or what would be the right response.

"Yeah my ex girlfriend's parents got kinda upset when they found out how humiliating that trial in court was. They didn't know she was lying and when they found out they took out their anger out on my parents. Shot them while they were on their way to pick me up from school and I never saw them again." he said as tears filled up his eyes. I had no comment that was terrible. Horrible. I hugged him and yes I began to cry. I'm such a cry baby.

"Why are you crying?" he said laughing.

"Me? Because its sad and I lost my mom when she gave birth to me."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear" he said and then looked up at the sky.

"The weather is changing, and the sky keeps getting darker, but I'll keep smiling." he said then looked down at the flowers around the cemetery.

"The flowers don't smell as sweet, and the sun doesn't shine as brightly, but I'll keep smiling. We haven't spoken in a while, and my heart seems to be getting heavier but I'll keep smiling."

I looked over at him and saw a smile grow upon his face. Then he continued.

"we've been drifting apart, and its getting a lot harder but I'll keep smiling.  I have lost almost everyone and the world keeps getting loner but...I'll keep smiling.Life keeps changing and changing but I'll keep smiling, because at the end of the day. That's really all I have left" he finished and then closed his eyes.

"Ok so you'll keep smiling I get it dude" I joked around but he just smirked at me and then the smile on his face faded away.

"Ok I guess I should take you home now." he said then walked back over to the motorcycle. I guess I shouldn't have joked. Ughhhh why must I say unnecessary things on such delicate stuff?

Anyways when I got home I placed the grocery's on the table and saw my dad asleep on the couch. I wouldn't wanna loose him. He's my dad and I know it must be hard for Aiden to live with such a tragic event that probably still haunts him.

I went upstairs then walked into my room and took out my laptop. I typed in 'I'll keep smiling' and a poem came up by Julie Martinez. It said exactly what Aiden has said earlier today. After a while of hearing and reading more of her poems I fell asleep on my bed.

The next morning when I woke I went to shower. I kept wondering why he didn't really have any friends but now I see that's out of the question. I realized he just didn't want to get close to anyone. Why did he wanna be my friend though? I rinsed the condition off of my hair then wrapped myself in my towel then stared at my foggy window.

I didn't apply any makeup. I didn't want to. I kinda felt like I was only wearing it to cover up my face in which I thought I looked bad. But my mom was beautiful. She had beautiful brown hair and icy blue eyes like mine that reminded me of polar bears and ice. I loved my mom and if what my dad said was true about me looking like her then I had no reason to cover it. I dried my hair and then headed into my room.

My closet was open so it wasn't hard for me to spot a quick and casual outfit. I put on some white shorts my black vans and a blue plain top. It was Sunday which meant it was Simpson time. I turned on my TV and went to my recordings then began to watch a few episodes of the Simpsons.

"Honey Drake's here" my dad said and I paused the TV. Then walked downstairs.

" Sup" I said looking at Drake who was staring at the ground.

"Can we step outside?"

" Um...ok.." I said and we headed out. We began walking on the sidewalk and I could smell the beautiful scent in which the rain had caused last night.

"Al, Brad went to New York yesterday. We came to your house but you weren't home and so we tried to call your phone but our cell didn't get signal. He'all be back next week though" he said and then smiled up at me.

"I'm so sorry Drake I was..well long story but I'm really sorry"

" Its fine just thought you should know."

"Ok, well why did he go?"

"Visiting his sick uncle"

" Right. The one who's having lung problems" I whispered to myself.

"Yeah well I need you to do me a favor, you see tomorrow is Monday and I kinda have this essay due." he said squinting his eyes and raising his eyebrows with a smile that called for desperation.

"Ok I'll write it for you, what's the topic?" I'm not really surprised I mean it was Drake so it wasn't something uncalled for.

"Shakespeare" he said slouching his shoulders. I took a deep sigh before heading off back home to write the report.

Shakespeare. Shakespeare... I thought to myself as I lied on my bed. My mickey mouse pillows were thrown all over my bed and I had my legs crossed up in the air with my laptop out in front of me. Well Romeo and Juliet consisted of Shakespeare so why not write a report involving that?

After I wrote the essay I shut off my laptop and placed it beside me then yawned loudly and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my pj's. It was 10:00 pm by the time I finished and I was tired. Maybe it was because I had just wrote an entire essay for Drake or because I was bored but I was tired.

"School tomorrow" I mumbled to my self and then fell into a deep sleep.


A/N: Hope you guys might have enjoyed o.e it...anyways I know it was kinda short but well ya it was short xD byeeeee

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