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Ok so today was one of those days where I didn't feel like getting up. At all. My alarm get buzzing all morning but I just laid there in bed with a soar shoulder. Besides the fact that I was now humming the song 1,2,3, by the Plain White It's because of my alarm, I was also thinking about yesterday. Aiden was nicer than usual which was stranger considering the fact I barely knew him.

"Get up for school" I heard my dad yell as he passed by my bedroom door.

"I can't my shoulder feels soar" I yelled back and he walked in my room then stared at me and then back at my shoulder.

"Ok. But you better not be tricking me" he said tilting his head in my direction then walked out the door.

"I won't and byeeeeee dad have fun at work!!" I yelled out hoping he would hear me but he didn't reply and then I heard the front door shut. I grabbed my phone and called up Jessica.

*in call*

"Hey Jess, what's new?"

"Nothing on my way to school Al call you back when I'm not busy" she said and then ended the call.

Rude. I thought to myself. Then I put TV and began to watch Teen Wolf.


Aiden's POV:

After I left the Dean's office for getting in a fight with some rich snobby kid who thought I was worthless I headed to class only to see that Alice was absent for the day. She was absent and I really didn't need to question why. It was her shoulder. Anyways after school I walked straight to her house to make sure she was ok. When I knocked on her door she opened it and she looked so adorable. She wasn't wearing any make-up this time and her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Why'd you come?"she asked looking as confused as ever.

"I can't come?"

"Well, no you can... but I'm in my PJ's and I'm not ready for any visitors today" she said looking straight at me.

"You look fine, now may I come in?"

"Sure...." she spoke a bit uneased.

"Ok what's the problem with me trying to make friends?"

"Friends. Your trying to be my friend?"

"Well honestly I could've stayed home playing basketball in my yard then coming over."

"Psshht. Whatever. Thanks for coming though."

"How's your shoulder?"

"Fine. its a bit soar but better than it was earlier" she said then began to walk up the stairs. I followed her mainly because I wasn't sure how this house was designed.  She opened the room to her door than sat on the bed and I sat next to her.

"Nice room"

"Shut up" she said with a smile. She was cute but not my type. I wouldn't want to hurt her. I leaned in closer to her staring into her eyes as she met mine. She had icy blue eyes that made me wonder why I haven't seen this color before. She looked at my eyes and then looked back at her room. As if to say I can't have her, or at least that's the way I took it. I got up from her bed  and heard a knock on her house's door. She got up and walked down the stairs with me to the front entrance and opened the door.

"Amorrrrr" said Drake then hugged Alice with a smile that ran from cheek to cheek.

"And Aidennnn" cheered Brad sarcastically.

"Ya well pleasure to see you two idiots" I said with a fake smile. That made Alice giggle.

"What were you doing here anyways dude?" asked Brad.

" I was visiting Alice because of her shoulder."

"And because he heard that there was free WiFi" said Drake then took out his laptop from his backpack. "or at least that's why I'm here today" he said then stuck out his tongue at Alice and she playfully hit his shoulder.

"Ya well I'm here for Alice" Brad said not taking his eyes off her. Maybe this whole time I was wrong. Drake wasn't the one who liked Alice it was Brad. I should've known I mean this guy really doesn't like me and Drake is a bit ignorant.

"Thanks Brad but I'm ok I promise" said Alice interrupting my thoughts.

"Ok Al, that's great to hear" he said smiling at her and I raised a brow at that remark. Then grabbed Alice's hand and went outside dragging her along.

"Owww dude let go." she said as I closed her house's door. "What's your problem?" she continued.

"I don't have a problem, but can you please do me a favor and try to see things clearer?" I asked in hope that she'd realize Brad's affection towards her.

"Ya your right I should see things a bit 'Clearer'." she said a bit ticked off then went back inside and locked me out. Great. I was locked out.


Drake's POV:

I sat up in Alice's office chair near her desk and began my essay.

"Shakespeare: " was the only thing written on my screen. I looked at Brad who seemed happy and back at Alice who was upset. Brad was patting her back saying "He's a jerk" and Alice saying "No he's just such a Douche I'm so frustrated" and then I noticed Aiden was gone. Douche. Harsh word but anyways I got up from my chair and walked over to Alice making Brad step aside.

"Hey Al, you ok?"

"Yeah fine Drake." she said in a whisper. Then Brad hugged her and I went back to sit down. I don't get what was going on but clearly Brad knew. He began to see Alice as a sister that always had his back. In my opinion Al was gorgeous but she was more like my little sister and Brad saw her the same as I did unfortunately Aiden probably didn't. Aiden seemed like someone who would hurt her because I mean he can be quite a jerk at times. Alice and Aiden really ticked each other off which can only mean that they're growing closer together.


Alice's POV: I woke up the next day and noticed it was Saturday. So I walked into my bathroom took a quick shower fixed my hair and applied my eyeliner then put on some ripped skinnies and a misfit shirt. Then I put on my black converse grabbed my wallet and headed out. I went to the grocery store to buy some fruits which I loved. Then got chills up my body and felt two arms wrap around me, I looked up only to see Aiden.

"Hey little Ms.Wonderland he said and smirked down at me. After he released his grip and I faced him.

"What the hell are you doing here? Stalking me?" I asked looking at the somewhat empty parking lot in front of the store.

"Stalking?...You know it." he said with a toothy grin. "Come on I wanna show you something" he said walking over to his bike.

"I'm not getting on that killing machine." I told him looking over at his bike. Suddenly he put on his black helmet and handed me a dark blue one.

"Come one princess, just trust me on this." he said then hopped on his bike. Was I gonna regret this? Most likely. I put on my helmet and sat on his bike then wrapped my arms around his waist not letting go. Then he began to drive and sped up.


A/N: I know this chapter was pretty crappy but I hope you enjoyed most of it. Love you all and may the odds forever be in your favor o:

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