Moonlight Delight

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Alice's P.O.V.

It was our turn. I glanced over at Aiden who was staring at our teacher speaking. When the talking stopped Aiden stood up and I followed him up to the front of the class.

I didn't like presenting because I would always get nervous about how people just stare at me as I speak. As if they were all trying to find major flaws in me or my presentation.

"Ok so me and Al, over here decided to do like the whole revolutionary war" he said while running a hand through his hair. I blocked out the rest of his speech trying not to look at the class.

I could hear whispers and a bit of laughter but I couldn't quite tell what it was about although I had an idea that it was about those rumors. When Aiden finished the class began to clap and we took a seat.

The day felt long. But after class I met up with Rebecca who told me she needed to talk to me "ASAP".

"Bull" I said crossing my arms.

"No come on Alice, please? You'll enjoy it!!" she said pleading for me to go with her to the "Moonlight Delight" which was a club a few miles from her house.

"Why can't you go with someone else?"

"No Alice I can't everyone else has plans" she said still standing in front of me not moving.

"You'll owe me" I finally said and she hugged me.

"THANK YOU AL!!" she shrieked with joy.

Sweaty people began to walk out of the club, a few puking on the floor right before they began to laugh again. Rebecca had managed to get us fake I.D.'s from her brother, Adam who I had met at her party. I looked around and noticed two big body guards in the front of the line.

They were checking a paper and some I.D.'s it was weird. Rebecca walked up to them and handed her then her I.D. and mine. The man on the right with a fade glanced at us and back at the I.D.'s then nodded in approval.

When we walked in Rebecca immediately walked over to the dance floor.


" I'm sorry Al, I'll catch up with you later go mingle!!" she yelled and I rolled my eyes.

She loved parties. That much was understood. I walked over to the bar they had.

"What would you like gorgeous?" the man asked as I pulled out a stool.

"I dunno" I said and placed my elbow on the table.

"Ohhh, new around here?" he asked and I nodded. "How about we give you a simple cocktail?" he asked but I didn't reply."It's on the house" he said then began to make it.

He was probably in his mid-thirties and still full of glee. I looked over at Rebecca who was still dancing but this time with a crowd.

I looked over at a man sitting a few feet beside me who was cracking jokes with the bar tender. He looked 19 and had a tattoo of an anchor on his left arm.

He glanced over at me and smiled. The bar tender handed me my drink after chatting with the guy and I just stared at it. The man then walked over to me and my heart began to pound fast. I was at a club in the middle of the night technically alone. With some stranger.

"You're definitely not suppose to be here at this time" he said with a smirk as he pulled out the stool next to me. I didn't look at him I just stared at my glass of cocktail.

"Don't talk much or you're just a buzz kill?" he said then chuckled.

"I'm not suppose to be here" I replied.

"Well I'm not gonna sexually abuse you or something don't think everyone's like that, why don't you go have fun like your friend over there?" he asked glancing over at Rebecca.

"How do you know I came with her?"

" I saw her ditch you before she began to dance" he said still smirking. "How old are you?" he asked placing his elbow on the counter while staring at me.

"That's top secret" I didn't know the guy why would I just say something a bit too personal to a stranger?

"Haha, ok well I'm 18 but let's keep that between you and me" he said then looked up at the bar tender. He was drinking one of their famous "Moonlight Delight" drinks that were for people 20 and up.

I chuckled and then looked back at my drink. "18, that's like a year older than me" I said.

"You're 17?"

"I said like" I pointed out and he grinned.

"Well what's your name doll?" he said after taking a sip from his drink.

"You can call me Al, or Alice" I said and he said "Ally." It was something no one ever called me I mean why would they? Ally is a completely different name.

"My name's Mike" he said then looked back at his drink and placed it aside.

"Nice name" I said. He was dirty blonde. Very good looking.

He stood up and took my hand. "Wanna dance?" he said and I smiled. It was my life, I'm suppose to enjoy it right? I gladly held his hand in mine and nodded in response.

He held my hips and I began to dance along to the beat of the music. After a while he let go and began to dance along to the beat with me. It was strange to feel so alive in the dead of the night but I did.

After a while of dancing and a few drinks, I walked over to Rebecca who was holding a guy claiming she loved him. I pulled her hand as he waved bye to her. She was drunk. I was a little drunk but still drunk.

We got out and began to walk home then I heard a car beeping at us. It looked like a van but I was beginning to see a bit blurry so I couldn't tell.


Mike's P.O.V.

I got out of the dance floor and headed to the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and stared at the mirror. I wasn't wasted, or drunk but was very tired. I reached in my pocket about to call a taxi but pulled out another phone.

"What the hell?" I said to myself then opened it. It had a picture of Alice and some girl with blonde hair, then on the other side the one that had walked in here with Alice.

"She handed me her phone while dancing because she didn't have pockets with her dress. But she had forgot it" i reminded myself. Great. I walked out of the bathroom but didn't see her in the club so I headed outside.

I looked around and didn't see her. No trace. I walked over to the parking lot behind the club and saw something horrifying.


A/N: Really hoped you guys loved reading this. I had writer's block and didn't know what to write but finally got an idea so here you go.

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