The Broken Girl & A Hero

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I'm like a mirror. Easily broken, but hard to repair. I was covered in scars inside & out. The illusion that I was alright constantly faltering. My heart was in pieces, each one bruised black. Some fragments have turned to dust while others just lay in my chest stabbing me like a knife & making me bleed. It was hard trying to keep what was left of me put together. I had no sparkle or beauty, now I was just the empty frame that the broken glass left behind. Every move I made it was hard to breathe. This pain...this destruction was everlasting.

That night the rain poured down, cold to the touch as it hit my skin. It was a chilly night which was odd in the summer. My apartment was just around the corner when five guys approached me.

"Where you goin' pretty thing?"

I just sighed & stood there. I didn't care what they did to me.

"My buddy asked a question!"

There was silence as one of them grabbed my arm.

"Are you stupid or something?"

The guy groped my butt. At that second, he was thrown onto the road nearby landing with a loud grunt.

"What the fuck!"

Next thing I know a bolt of lightning struck down between the guys.

"Yo, let's get out of here!"

The guys ran away holding up their baggy pants as they went. The one on the road quickly stood & chased after his friends. Once they were out of sight I felt another presence beside me.

"Are you ok, beautiful?"

I silently stared at the well-known local super hero. His blue & black suit tightly fitted him, the lightning strike that spread down the front of it was practically glowing standing out in the darkness. His mask was secured around his eyes looking more like a masquerade mask & his hair blended into the night.

I nodded my head in response before walking away.

"Hey, wait" he caught up quickly walking beside me.

"Let me walk you home" he smiled.

"No need" I stated as I walked up the stairs to my apartment.

"Well, at least tell me your name" he blurted out just before I walked inside.

"It doesn't matter" I told him coldly before walking in & closing the door behind me.

After locking the door I shed off my coat & boots. I went upstairs to dry off & change into dry clothes. When I came out of the bathroom, Storm Raider was leaning against the wall by my window.

"Nice view you got here" he looked out the window.

Now that we were in the light I could clearly see his wet jet-black hair, cut close to his head on the sides, but long enough on the top to flip over the right side. His blue eyes shimmered in curiosity. I ignored him walking to my bed & crawling under the blankets before laying down. The hero looked over at me shocked at how I was acting.

"What's your name, beautiful" he questioned.

I stayed silent as I turned off the lights. My eyes fluttered closed instantly. My ears picked up the light footsteps approaching my bed. I felt him get into the bed then heard him sigh.

"I'm not going anywhere, you know. I'm staying till you talk to me."

I ignored him while I dozed off, exhausted from the rough day.

The next morning, I woke up to find that I was alone. I sighed in relief getting out of bed. As usual, I took a shower & got dressed. After fixing my hair & natural makeup I went downstairs. Immediately I stopped seeing Storm Raider in my kitchen. His back was to me as he did something at the stove. Slowly, I walked up to the counter sitting on a stool watching him in shock. He was still here &...he was making pancakes.

"Morning beautiful, hope you're hungry!"

He set a plate of pancakes in front of me already fixed with butter & syrup. I watched him pour a cup of coffee before looking up at me with a smile.

"Let me guess...two sweeteners" he tilted his head.

When I didn't answer he resumed to pout two packets of sweetener into the coffee then poured some of my salted caramel creamer in. He set it by my plate then looked at me expectantly.

"Seriously! You have a superhero make you coffee & pancakes & you still won't talk" he seemed baffled.

I let a small smile on to my face, the first in a while.

"I told you I'm not leaving...not till you talk, so better get used to me, beautiful" he smirked as he came & sat next to me with his own plate & mug.

Ignoring him I slowly ate the meal he made.

"Come on, just a name...please" he suddenly begged.

As if nothing was said I continued eating.

"God, you're killing me" he sighed in exasperation.

I couldn't help, but smile at his antics. Once we finished breakfast we ended up doing the dishes together since he refused to leave me alone.

"Someone hurt you...didn't they" he gently spoke.

My hands froze & I looked at him in surprise.

"You know no one will hurt you while I'm here right" he reached up & caressed my cheek.

I turned my attention back to the dishes finishing them quickly. When that was done he insisted on watching a movie. He let me choose the movie which ended up in us watching 'Transformers: Age of Extinction'. He seemed baffled at this choice, but happily watched it with me. Neither of us made a sound while we watched the two & a half hour long movie. As soon as the credits started rolling the hero turned to me.

"Will you talk to me now" he smiled hopefully.

When I just looked at him innocently he sighed & threw his hands up in disbelief.

"Do you just not like me or something" he wondered.

I raised an eyebrow & smirked at his interesting behavior.

"Wait...that isn't it" he grew serious & looked at me in horror.

Not wanting him to get the wrong idea I gave a little shake of my head. He smiled brightly at this, his hope restored.

"A nod that's progress" he cheered.

At this I face palmed making him chuckle. In that moment, a ringing sound came from his belt. He frowned taking a phone type device from its holster on the belt. He looked conflicted as he read the screen then looked up at me. He tapped on the screen & placed the phone to his ear.

"Mayor, its Storm Raider, I can't make it to the scene you'll have to contact Silver Shadow for this one" he spoke sincerely.

I watched in disbelief as he finished the conversation with the mayor & hung up.

"Told you, I'm not going anywhere" he looked at me seriously.

"Shaylee" I spoke quietly.

The hero looked surprised at me.

"My name is Shaylee" I clarified.

"Nice to meet you, Shaylee" he smiled widely at me.

"Why wouldn't you talk" he seemed dumbfounded.

"Whoa, now you'll have to earn that answer" I stood up walking away from him.

He followed me upstairs to my bedroom.

"I'll take that as a challenge. I'm not giving up" he confessed as he pulled me towards him then suddenly kissed me.

I happily returned the kiss after a moment of shock.    

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