Scavenger Hunt

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            It was soft & cozy under the blankets on the bed. I loved the spring when the air conditioner is going & I can curl up in blankets. Without even opening my eyes I knew something was missing. Slowly my eyes fluttered open. Sunlight was beaming in through the window basking everything in the room with its glow. Looking next to me I found an empty spot in the bed where my boyfriend, Chase should have been. I thought this was odd since this was the day every week that we spent the entire day together. Reaching out for my phone on the side table I tried calling my boyfriend of seven years only to get his voicemail meaning his phone was off. This was entirely odd, but I decided to just shrug it off & start my day.

Sitting up in bed I saw our light gray & white Husky, Love, laying at the foot of the bed wagging her tail. I smiled giving her a few pats on the head before climbing out of the comfy bed. Walking out of the room I headed straight to the kitchen hearing Love jump off the bed & follow me. Looking at her bowls by the counter I saw that Chase had already filled them. Going to make a pot of coffee I saw that a pot was already made & a note laid on the counter in front of it.

'Good morning, my love. I know you're wondering where I am. Soon you'll find out, but for now I need you to get your beautiful self-ready for a big day. Wear comfy clothes suitable for outdoors activities. I'll see you soon. Love you!'

The note made my heart flutter & my smile widen. Seven years of being with that man & he still made me feel like a teenager in love. Chase always treated me like a queen before we even started dating. Making a cup of coffee I took a few sips then went to take a quick shower. Once out I brushed & French braided my hair out of the way. Next, I went to the closet finding an outfit already folded & laying on the abdomen in the middle. On top of it was another note.

'My love, when your dressed please get into your car & follow the directions your GPS gives you. You'll end up somewhere very familiar. Have a beautiful day, Love you!'

Setting the note down I quickly threw on the ripped blue jeans & sky blue flowy tank top. Sitting on the floor next to the abdomen was a pair of black knee-high boots. Sliding them on I then left the closet to grab my phone & keys off the side table. Leaving our apartment, I quickly hopped into my car turning it on to hear the GPS. Following the directions, I soon realized where I was heading. parking in a vacant faded parking lot I got out to see the old park.

When I was little I would play here all the time with some random kids from the neighborhood nearby. It wasn't far from my childhood home making it easy to convince one of my parents to bring me on a regular basis. It felt strange to see my previously grand paradise as an adult with an entirely different perspective. The jungle gym I had climbed like vines in a forest was now rusted with age. The play house with its slides, firepole, & climbing wall was now rotting away. Formerly colorful slides were faded & weathered. A well-used climbing wall was missing its plastic foot holds. There was a sand box in the corner now full of nasty mud & forgotten toys. Monkey bars that had missing bars was unsafe & carotid. Walking down the cracked sidewalk into the park I went straight for my favorite part of the park.

Back in the day the swings were my escape from the world. They were the closest thing to flying for me. Most of the time at the park I was on a swing soaring through the air. I would kick & push till my arms & legs were so sore that they felt like noodles. One in particular day I had spent for what felt like hours on the furthest left swing looking up at the clouds as I got closer & closer to them. Finally, when I was to sore to kick anymore I stopped the swing standing up on wobbly legs. My little six-year-old mind was dizzy from all the swinging. As I tried to walk towards my mom who was talking with some other moms a distance away I fell to my knees. Instantly, I saw a little boy run towards me helping me back onto my feet. Who knew that cute little boy would soon become my world.

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