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            There was a cool breeze that swept over my skin making me feel comfortable in the hot sun. I sat under the shade of a large tree on the edge of the park. There were sounds of laughter coming from playful kids on the playground. I could here the footsteps of joggers & pedaling from bikers that passed by. Cars were heard from a short distance away as they roared over the park bridge. There was a smell of fresh grass, lake water, & strawberries. The strawberries were from my lunch that my older sister had made me. A taste filled fruit salad that she knew I loved with a passion. Taking a bite, I could taste the banana & kiwi. Sometimes she would add a surprise fruit. I would only know she did it when I tasted it.

My sister & I lived in an apartment not far from the park, so I came here regularly. Somedays I would come for a nice stroll through the park. Other days I'd just sit by this tree with my lunch & listen to the latest book I was obsessing over. It was kind of my peaceful hide away here at the park. Today was no different as I listened to my young romance book I ate my lunch. When lunch was gone I packed the tuber ware away then just sat there listening to my book. It was just getting good when I felt one of my head phones pulled from my ear. This slightly startled me as I quickly paused the book.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to get your attention. I've been talking to you for about five minutes with no response," a warm smooth voice entered my ears.

"I'm sorry, did you need something," I tilted my head curiously.

"I just wanted to get to know the beautiful girl who always comes to the park," he responded with a chuckle.

His voice was so mesmerizing, dream like almost.

"Oh well I'm not very interesting I'm afraid," I gave a small smile.

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that? I'm Brayden," he introduced.

"Grace," I responded happily.

There was a moment of silence. I heard his calm breathing next to me, so I knew he hadn't left.

"Something wrong," I frowned slightly.

"Why is it that you sound happy, interested even, but you haven't once looked at me," he sounded a little hurt as I asked this.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I don't really talk to new people often. I guess I'm a little rusty when it comes to talking with them. I'm blind," I responded smoothly even though I knew this would chase him off.

"I'm sorry I asked then. It's nice to meet you Grace," his cheerful voice returned & I could feel his gentle smooth hand grab mine.

"Nice to meet you too Brayden," I smiled as he rubbed his thumb over my hand.

"So, beautiful Grace, what is it that you like to do," he wondered.

"Listen to books mostly," I replied still surprised that this boy was still here talking to me.

"What kind of books? Do you have a favorite genre," he actually sounded curious!

"I love many types of books! Mystery, thriller, fantasy, supernatural, & romance," I listed off enthusiastically.

"The way you talk of books makes me want to hear stories that you have to tell," his hand gently moved up my arm before caressing my cheek lightly.

"I don't have stories. There are stories I have heard from my books, but that is all," I shook my head.

"I'm sure you have stories, Grace. Everyone has them," Brayden's hand fell back to mine.

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