Past in the Present

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I had woke up at 9 this morning as the usual, normal girl I've always been. I threw on a pair of blue jean shorts, a light blue tank top with a silver compass on it, & a pair of black flats. My brown hair with purple tips was beautifully curled going almost mid-back & I had some natural makeup on. After grabbing my messenger bag & car keys I went downstairs.

"Hey Cara, I'm heading out" I called out as I made it to the bottom.

Just then I looked up seeing an all too familiar face sitting in my living room. Seeing him made me freeze while my eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hey Hollyn" he gave a small smile.

Without saying a word, I dropped my bag & keys by the stairs, walked away going through the back door, & onto the deck. I had to grab the rail to keep from falling over. This couldn't be happening. I'm dreaming, he's not real.

Just then I heard the door open & close as well as footsteps. Slowly, I turned my head to see him standing there looking at me concerned. His brown eyes were the same as I remembered, but he was a little taller now. He had obvious muscles & his hair was different. He kept it shaved on the sides while his longer blonde locks flipped to the right side.

"You look different, you look good" he smiled.

I instantly looked away refusing to believe he was really here.

"Your mom told me where to find you. She told me you couldn't stay in town any longer" he continued.

I heard his words, but none of them would register.

"Hollyn, please look at me. I'm sorry. I didn't want to put you through that, I swear. There wasn't a choice" he tried explaining.

Still I couldn't bear to look at him.

"Please Hollyn, I'm really sorry" he urged.

"Three years" my voice cracked.

"I know & I'm so sorry, Hollyn. It couldn't be helped" he pleaded.

"You died, Tanner. Every week I left flowers at your grave. Every anniversary of the day we met & the day you died I left flowers. For two years I cried at your headstone. Till finally, I couldn't handle it anymore! I left town because everywhere I looked reminded me of you! You weren't even there" I raised my voice, but never looked at him.

"I saw" he whispered.

"You saw" I yelled.

"On the anniversaries, I saw you lay down the flowers. I heard you talk to my stone. You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you I wasn't dead" his voice wavered a bit.

"How could you...why did you" I couldn't grasp the concept that he was really here.

"It's a long story" he sighed.

"After everything you put me through, I deserve an answer or so help me the next funeral will be real" I glared at him finally finding my confidence.

He looked at me for a long moment as if taking in my appearance. His expression then changed as if he was debating. Finally, he sighed before beginning.

"You're not going to believe me, so mine as well tell the truth. My dad is an undercover agent secret agent. In fact, so am I. We moved to town for a case. When it went bad we staged my family's death & left town. We jumped from place to place, but I promise I never forgot you. I never...I couldn't have any other friends after I left you. It just was never the same. I'm sorry, Hollyn, seriously I am" he told me with a serious face.

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