I'm here...

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"I moved here with my mum, hoping to get away from our past in Ireland. All of my siblings moved out a long time ago, they left as soon as they could, but, since I'm the youngest, I had to stay. Even if I was old enough. I wouldn't have left my mom in that monsters home." I was tearing up talking about this. "My dad was physically abusive to most of us. Especially towards me and my mom. He got worse on me because he found out that I was gay." I sniffed. "The guy we met earlier... That was Victor. Victor was my boyfriend in Ireland. Up until...." I took a deep breath. "Take your time baby." Mark said holding my hand. "Until he raped me." Those four words broke me immediately.  I was pulled against Marks chest as I sobbed. "He...He called me by my old name. The one I had a long time ago. It was Sean." I said. "After a while my mom had started calling me that and my dad called me Sean. So did Victor." I explained. My dad hated me because of what I was able to do. For the longest time, he thought I was gonna grow up and be a singer or a musician like him.

Not a dancer, an artist, a singer, hell, all of the above." I said wiping my eyes. "I'm scared mark. I'm really scared. What if Victor does something to you? I couldn't stand to see you get hurt because of me." I said, panic rising in my chest. "Hey, breathe, here." He put my hand on his chest. "Breathe with me Jack." I felt his chest rise and fall at a steady pace, I tried to make mine match his. When I was calm I nodded. "I promise, I won't let anything happen. Not to you, and not to me." He said. I buried my head in his chest and held onto him. "I'm so happy we met Mark. I don't know what I'd do without you." I sniffed. "I'm glad we met too Jack. I've never loved someone so much in my life." His chest rumbled with each word. We sat that way for at least two hours. Silently holding onto one another, Mark holding one of my hands and his other rubbing small circles in my back. 

I could feel myself falling asleep against his chest. I let out an involuntary yawn which made him chuckle. "Get some sleep Jack. You need it." He said running his fingers through my hair. We laid back a little bit and I rested my head on his chest. "Mmm, your warm." I mumbled. "And your adorable." He said holding me against him. He pulled the blankets over us and I snuggled against him. "Sleep well baby." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you." I murmured. "I love you too." He said. And with that, I fell asleep.


Mark(What is this? Different POV? Never heard of it.)

I looked down at Jacks small sleeping frame. He looked so cute when he was asleep.  He nuzzled against me and let out a small snore. I smiled and pressed a light kiss to the top of his head. He smiled in his sleep. How did I ever find someone as amazing as him? He's so talented and beautiful and amazing. He's complex and different and I love that about him. His soft pale skin and his soft hair, his eyes. God. His eyes. They were astonishing. They were deeper than the universe and brighter than the sky. The were calm like a lake but as wild as an ocean at the same time. they held so much emotion. Love, fear, concern, happiness. All at once. I knew that he had been through a lot. The way he stood and walked told me he wanted to make sure that people couldn't hurt him again. He was different when we weren't together. His eyes darted everywhere and always kept his guard up. But when I was around him, it was like he just relaxed and was himself. He let his guard down. He let the wall that held everything back fall over. 

He trusted me. I trusted him, and I didn't want to lose his trust. I wanted to be there for him through everything and anything. I wanted to be strong for him, he'd had to stand for himself for so long and I knew how hard that it got after a while. I wanted to protect him, much like he wanted to protect me. I ran my fingers up and down his arms as he slept. It seemed to calm him. I stopped when I felt something though. I looked down at his pale arms, but I could see it. Thin white scars trailed up and down his forearms. The sight of it made me tear up. How could someone so perfect and beautiful, do this to themselves. But I didn't need to ask that. I knew who. I would kill them if they ever touched him again. I made sure that my arm was wrapped around him and I closed my eyes. We both needed sleep. I didn't sleep at all the whole time he was in the hospital. I rubbed his back softly and held him close to me. 

He groaned in his sleep and his face contorted into a grimace. My eyes shot open and I looked down at him. His hands gripped my shirt tightly and he started to wiggle around. "Shh, it's okay. Everything is okay." I said rubbing his back. He moved around more, tears were starting to spilling from his eyes. "Jack. Baby, wake up." I said shaking him slightly. "N-No, leave him alone....Stop hurting him." He was talking in his sleep. "Jack. Wake up!" I said. He shot up right and screamed. "Jack! You're okay." He whipped his head around and looked at me, eyes wide with fear. They went from fear to relief and he lunged into my arms. "I-I thought I lost y-you." He said between gasps of at and hiccups.

"Shh. Everything is okay baby. It was a nightmare. It wasn't real." I said rubbing circles in his back and rocking back and fort slightly. "Y-You were gone...V-Victor. H-He..." Jack trembled as another sob racked his small frame. "Hey." I put my finger under his chin and met his eyes.  "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I am going to stay by your side for as long as you need and want me there. I won't ever leave you behind." I said. "I'm here. And I'm never leaving." He wrapped his arms around me and sniffed. "Thank you Mark. Thank you." He whispered. "Of course Jackie. Now, how would you feel about pizza for lunch?" I asked wiping the tears off his face. He sniffed and nodded. "That sounds really good Markimoo." He giggled. 

I kissed his nose and picked up my phone, pizza was definitely needed. As soon as I was done ordering his phone rang. He picked it up an gave the screen a confused look. "Hello? Who is this?" He asked. A few seconds passed before the color from his face drained. He started breathing heavily and he dropped his phone. I picked it up and held it to my ear. "Awe, did I upset you Jackie?~" I knew that voice. "Listen here you douchebag, leave Jack the hell alone. Otherwise you're gonna have to answer to me." I said. He laughed. "Oh, you think you can beat me? Jack will come running back into my arms. Just watch." Victor said. "Leave. My boyfriend. Alone." I said. "I will not hesitate to call the cops on you." I threatened. "Oh, and what proof are you gonna give them?" He laughed. "Try again sometime guard dog. Toodles." The phone clicked. I grunted and dropped it in my lap.

I looked over at Jack, who had his knees pulled up to his chest and was staring into space. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head. 'What'd he say to you?" I picked him up and set him in my lap. "He's gonna kill you. Mark, I don't want you to die. You can't die. Please. God...He sniffed and his eyes filled with tears. "Mark...After I'm better and we go back to school..." His voice trailed off but I knew where it was going. "You need to stay away from me." He started sobbing, holding onto me. "Jack, I am not going to stay away from you. If I get hurt protecting you, then so fucking be it. I will not stand back and let him do this to you anymore. I'm going to protect you at whatever cost." I said to him. This made him sob even more. "M-Mark please. You ha-ave no idea what he's capable of. I can't let you get hurt because of me!" He yelled. "I-I can't...I'm not worth it." He said. "Bull crap you aren't worth it. You are worth everything to me. I would say I would trade the world for you, but I'm already holding it in my arms. You're the best thing to ever happen to me and I am not going to lose you now. Not because some jackass came here and thinks he's in control of you." Now I was crying too. "If he wants to hurt you. He's gonna have to go through me. Nobody. I repeat, nobody. Messes with my boyfriend and gets away with it. I love you so much Jack. I will keep you safe. I promise." I gushed. He buried his head deeper in my chest. "I love you too Mark. I-I'm sorry that I'm not strong and that I can't stand up for both of us." He said. "Hey, that's perfectly fine. It gives me an extra excuse to one, think you're adorable as hell. Two, be way more protective of you. My little clover." I said. He gave a small smile and leaned against me. "Clover. I like it." He said. "Good. Now, the pizza should be here any minute. Pick a movie or a show that you want to watch and I'll get the food." I said setting him next to me and handing him the remote. "Hey Mark?" I stopped and looked at him. "I love you and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us." He said. "I love you to Jack. I'm already looking at mine right now." I said kissing him. His face turned tomato red. "I'll go get food." I said walking out. I wasn't lying. He was my world and I was going to keep him safe.

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