Stay away from me

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When I'm finally able to go back to school, Mark and I agree to meet up at one of the coffee shops to grab a little breakfast before we head into our first classes. I grab my black hoodie and stuff my phone and earbuds in my pocket. "Be safe at school." My mom says hugging me as I head out. "I will, love you ma." I say heading out the door. I put in my earbuds and start listening to my music on the way there. I close my eyes and nod my head to the beat of the music. Since I wasn't paying attention, I bumped into someone. "Oh. S-Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized quickly, hoping it wasn't a jock. "'S alright mate." He had a British accent and hazel brown eyes. His blonde hair was cut short and he was definitely taller than I was. "I'm Jack." I said holding out my hand. "Aaron, but most people call me Yami." He said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you Yami." 

"Where you headed off to this early anyways? I have to go in to school early for re-registration." He said. "I'm meeting up with my boyfriend to have breakfast." I said. Weird. Long ago, if someone asked me that, I would've said I was hanging with friends. I guess that I'm just not embarrassed to have Mark as my boyfriend. "Awe, that's adorable. You have fun with him. I'm heading this way." He jabbed his finger down a road. "I will, good luck with your stuff." I said waving. "Thanks. See ya." With a wave, he disappeared down the road and I headed down to the coffee shop to meet Mark. "Hello there beautiful." He said as I approached the door. I chuckled. "Hey there handsome." He gave a small laugh and pulled me into a hug. "I love you." I whispered as he swayed back and forth. "I love you too, my little leprechaun." He leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled into it and kissed back. He pulled away and gave me a huge smile. "Damn. How'd I get someone like you?" He asked slipping his hand into mine. "I've been wondering the same thing about you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said as we walked inside. 

We picked a table to sit at and ordered our coffee and food. "I ran into this guy earlier. I think he's either a new or returning student." I said. "Really? Where from?" Mark asked. "I don't know, the U.K. I think." I said. "Hmm. Interesting, we haven't had someone from the U.K. since... Freshman year I think. He moved off and said he wasn't coming back." Mark looked a little troubled saying that. Maybe it was a close friend of his. I was gonna ask him about it but the waitress set down our food. "If you guys need anything else, let me know." She said kindly before walking to another table. Mark and I laughed as we drank our warm coffee and nibbled on croissants and cookies. Afterwards, we proceeded to argue for about ten minutes on who was gonna pay before Mark eventually won and paid triumphantly. He even left the tip. Little turd-nugget. 

We walked out, hand in hand, and headed towards Hell. I mean.... School. As we were walking, I saw Aaron and smiled at him. He smiled back until his gaze drifted to Mark, who I could feel tensing up next to me. Yami gave a smirk and proceeded  to walk away. Mark looked pissed and sad at the same time. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked slowing down. "Jack, please. Please. Stay away from him." His voice cracked a little, which signaled that it was something serious. "Okay, what'd he do?" I asked. Mark shook his head. "I'll tell you this Friday when you come over. Unless you end up coming over sooner." He said. "Okay." I said rubbing his knuckles with my thumb. "Take your time though. If you aren't ready to tell me details. You don't have to. I won't force you to say anything." I said reaching up and wiping the stray tears from his face. "Thanks Jack. I love you so  much." "I love you too. Now, let's get to class before we both get in trouble." I said. He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Yeah, good Idea, let's go Jackaboy." He said opening the classroom door.

"SKREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I jumped and fell backwards. Mark caught me before I hit the ground. Felix was jumping up and down, screeching. "Jesus Christ Felix!" I said standing up. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I OWE CRY TWENTY BUCKS!" He said. "Why, and will you please stop yelling?" I said sitting my bag at my desk. "Yeah, what did you bet on this time?" Mark asked.  "Sorry, sorry. I owes him because I said that you and Mark weren't a thing, and he said you two were a thing. Little arrogant, future seeing, adorable, Rovhol." He said sitting in the desk next to me. I laughed and pulled out my book. "He sees the future huh?" I asked. "Not really. At least I don't think. He gets stuff right most of the time." Felix shrugged. 

"That's because I pay closer attention than you do Fe." Came a voice from behind of me. "JAVLA HELVETE!" Felix yelled falling out of his chair. The other students in the room started uncontrollably laughing. I kept my eyes on my book and held up a hand to high five Cry. "I can't believe that you aren't used to that yet Fe. I haven't even been here a month and I'm used to his sneak ups." I said. "Shut up..." Felix said dusting himself off and sitting back down in his seat. The rest of class goes pretty well, nothing super exciting happens. Mark and I headed to our separate classes. Him dancing, me singing. Today was just like pretty much every day. Freestyle singing. The only thing different was today we were having a sing off. I sat in the back of the room, trying to figure out which song I was gonna sing.

I ended up on one of my favourite songs. Closer cover by Tanner Patrick. I watched Mark dance from the window as I sang. Someone else caught my eye too. Victor was dancing too. My breath hitched in my throat. I didn't want him to be around Mark. It wasn't safe. "Jack? You alright dude. You look like you've seen a ghost." I turned and saw Molly standing behind me. "yeah, I'm fine. Just got lost in thought I guess." I shrugged it off. "Okay, well, it's starting." She said. I nodded and walked over to the chairs. Rules were simple. Two people go up, winner stays up until they lose. 

The first few people were really good. All were way better than I was. "Okay. Jack against Nathan." Nathan had won the past four rounds. I sighed and stood up. "Okay, Nathan first." He started singing a song by Set It Off, Sleep when I'm dead.

No way in hell was I gonna win this. "Alright Jack you're up." She said. I took a deep breath and stood on the stand. I closed my eyes and started to sing.

When I opened my eyes everyone, including Nathan, looked at me with shock. "Jack is the winner of this round. Nathan high-fived me and sat down. I wasn't gonna make it very far in this. 


I ended up winning against the last seven people. How. The frick? "Jack, can I talk to you?" My teacher asked at the end of class. "Yeah." I walked over to her. "I need a favor. Me, my sister, and our friend were supposed to do a performance at an up coming school event, it's just three songs, but our singer was in a car accident and he's gonna be on bed rest for three weeks. I was wondering if you'd like to fill in?" She asked nervously. "Um, yeah sure. Is it at the school fundraiser dance?" I asked she nodded. "Yeah, is there a practice I can be at?" I asked. "Yeah. Here, these are the lyrics along with the songs. Practice will be this Saturday at noon." She handed me some papers and a CD. "Thanks. I'll work on them when I get home and I'll see you guys on Saturday." I said. "Okay, have a good day Jack." I wave bye and leave. 


"Boo!" I jumped on Marks back as we walked out of the building. "Hey babe." He laughs and puts his hands under my legs and holds me up. I lean around his shoulders and kiss his cheek. "So, you have anything planned for this afternoon?" He asks. "Not really. Just practicing some songs for next weekend." I said. "Oh, cool. Next weekend is the fundraiser dance, right?" I nod. "Mrs. Camilla wanted me to fill in for the singer for her group." I said. "Nice. I was gonna ask if I could come hang out. My brother is having his girlfriend over and she thinks I'm their slave." He said. "Of course you can come over. " I said. "You're a life saver." He said. I dropped off his back and took his hand. 


"They're leaving. Headed towards his house I think." I said as I watched Mark and Jack walk together hand in hand. "Good. Keep an eye on them. I want to know where he lives." I smiled. "I'm happy to be working with you. Now we can take back what's ours." I said with a smirk. 

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