chapter 10

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Finally the sun sets and i climb out of my window, it's a cool night but it doesn't bother me i'm practically the same temperature. I absolutely hate hunting mostly because it reminds me of the Cullens which saddens me. I miss them all but they chose to leave so i have to learn to live with that. As i hunt i imagine what it would be like if Carlisle were still here. I bet we'd have competitions on who caught the most or who took down the biggest animal. I smile sadly to myself and continue to hunt using the skills carlisle taught me. I stop hunting after a while and when i finish the sun is already rising but being hidden beneath a cover of clouds. Usual day in Forks Washington i think to myself as i climb back in my window. Then once inside i close my window and get dressed and ready for the day. Bella plans to confront the wolves today so i plan on going with her for her own protection because i say screw the treaty. Finally bella wakes up and slowly comes downstairs then sees me sitting waiting for her. "Hey sis." she says waving at me i smile and wave back to her and say. "Sup Bells." she just shrugs her shoulders and mumbles nothing much. "Are you okay bella?" i ask her sensing somethings wrong. "No i'm not okay, how can you just sit there and act like everything's okay Sophie?!" she yells at me. "Carlisle left you just like Edward left me and your not heartbroken over it, it makes me wonder if you ever loved him." she whispers the last part but i hear it nonetheless. "How dare you question my love for Carlisle!, i loved him more than words can describe Bella. He was my everything he fixed me when i was broken. He helped me to speak again and you dare say to me that i never loved him. I am done Bella! You know why i act normal and not like i'm breaking into a million pieces. Because i am breaking everyday i break more and more until it feels like there is nothing left to break, but i keep going because i have to i can't break down in front of dad or you because someone has to stay strong in this family. So yea maybe i don't show my emotions but don't you dare doubt that i ever loved Carlisle Cullen. He was my everything and he left me." i yell at her finally finishing what I've been wanting to say for a long time. She just stands there stunned at my harsh words and i storm off up to my room. She can face Jacob alone today for all i care, she went to far this time. Then i curl up on my bed and start to read game of thrones the book.

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