Chapter 17

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The car ride starts out silent but awkward of course so Alice takes it upon herself to break that awkward silence. "So Sophie how have you been doing controlling your thirst." i clear my throat and answer. "Okay, i mean the first few days were really hard and i almost killed my father because he cut himself trying to cook for Bella." i explain and i see Carlisle flinch. "However once i got into a regular routine of feeding i was good." Alice smiles and looks back at me. "Alice eyes on the road." i say chuckling. She just nods and turns back around. "I'm assuming we are dropping you off at your house Sophie?" Carlisle asks me. I nod my head but then add. "However seeing as you'll be moving back in to your house here i'd like to discuss some things with you all when your settled." they all look a little taken aback by my forwardness but nod their heads in understanding. "I will call you when we are settled in which should be by tonight." Carlisle says. I purse my lips and answer. "I think i can make that work." we finally pull up to my house and it seems dad is already outside yelling at Edward. "Oh this is gonna be good." i say and hop out of the car. "Be mad at me." i hear Bella say. Dad turns to her and says in a stern voice. "You bet i will be, get inside both of you." he says once he sees me. I look at Edward and whisper. "Get in your car and go I've got Bella." he nods his head but looks worried nonetheless. I sling one of Bella's arms over my shoulder and take her upstairs. Once i know shes asleep i close her door and walk downstairs only to come face to face with a very angry dad. "Ask away dad but don't yell Bella is sleeping." i explain. "You expect me to be calm after three days of not knowing where my daughters are not knowing weather they are safe or not?!" he asks trying to say calm. "I left you a note." he frowns and goes to the kitchen then comes back with a wrinkled piece of paper... my note. "Oh you mean this not that absolutely explains nothing. I didn't get a phone call nothing just a lousy note saying you'll keep an eye on Bella!" i nod my head. "Look i didn't want to go i could care less about Bella and her problems but she's my sister and i had to keep her safe. This is what happened, Bella had gone cliff diving with Jacob black and Alice and Rosalie found out they thought she had tried to kill herself so they told Edward. When Edward heard about this he did a very stupid thing which made Alice come and ask Bella for help. Bella i knew was going to go and help so i also knew i had to go with her even if i hate Edward Cullen as much as you do. It was all a misunderstanding." i explain. He seems to accept this answer and after about a minuet says. "I will give you both your punishments in the morning." i smile and say. "I wouldn't expect anything less." i say smiling. I head to my room and when i enter it there stand Edward Cullen. My eyes narrow and i cross my arms. "Bella and i are heading to the house she is putting her mortality to a vote and seeing as your her sister and a vampire i think you should be apart of that vote." i nod my head and say. "Alright let's go this might be our last night of freedom." i say smirking. Then we hop out of the window and speed to his car which is down the road and hop in his car which Bella is already in. "a vote is so unnecessary." i say from the back seat. "Why is that?" Edward ask. "Really Edward there are only two people that are gonna vote no and i think you know it." i see him grimace and i smile innocently at him. We pull up to the Cullen's house and once the car stops i get out. We all walk up to the door and Edward opens it he then calls out everyone's name and they appear. Carlisle is the first to speak. "Welcome back Bella,Sophie. What can we do for you this morning? I can imagine due to the hour that this is not a purely social visit." Bella smiles and asks. "I'd like to talk to everyone at once, if that's okay. About something important." "of course, why don't we talk in the other room." we walked into the dining room and sat down of course the only seat open for me was next to Carlisle so i slowly walked to that seat and sat down. Bella begins to explain her predicament to everyone. She finishes with. "I want you to vote yes or no on the issue of me becoming a vampire." Edward then adds something in and explains his plan on hiding Bella from the volturi. Rose hisses the word. "No." Bella agrees. "Absolutely not." jasper says. "Nice." Alice mumbles. "Idiots." and i say loudly. "Edward have you even thought about me?" he whips his head to me in surprise as does the rest of the Cullen's. "What?" he ask. I smirk and stand up. "You really think that i want to live an eternity without my sister? You think i want to watch her grow old and die?!" i say raising my voice. Carlisle places a hand on my shoulder but i quickly shake his hand off. "I will not watch my sister die Edward Cullen i will not!" i say sitting down. When i look at Bella she has tears in her eyes and she quickly wipes them away and says. "Alright let's vote." Edward,no. Alice,yes. Jasper,yes. Rosalie,no. Emmett ,hell yes. Carlisle,yes. Me,yes. Then a crash echoes throughout the house. Edwards mad then Bella makes it worse by asking Alice. "Well, Alice where do you want to do this?" Edward roars "NO! NO! NO!" i stop Bella from saying anything else. "Bella whoa whoa whoa! Hold on we aren't doing this right now you idiot!" Bella looks shocked and i explain. "What about charlie you can't just leave him you need to finish school and graduate first." Bella purses her lips but considers my words. " i'll consider it." she says then Edward offers to take her home before dad wakes up. She nods her head and they leave. I turn to everyone and say. "I best be leaving too." i go to leave but Carlisle stops me. " Sophie wait." he calls out and i stop. " i turn around and ask. "What is it Carlisle?" he looks at me and asks. " will you stay for a moment i need to talk with you." i nod my head and he leads me to his office. We sit down and i remember all of the memories i'd chosen to forget. It all comes back to me and i almost can't bear it. "Sophie are you okay?" he asks. I shake my head and hold my head in my hands. I feel Carlisle rush over to me and he hold me. "It hurts Carlisle." he holds me closer and tries to soothe me. "It's all coming back Carlisle i don't think i can bear it." i explain my voice sounding strained. "It's alright Sophie i'm here, i will always be here."



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