Chapter 16

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Dmitri lead us to the reception area and left us quickly after saying. "Do not leave until dark." i nodded and so did Edward. Finally after a few moments Edward whispers to my now shaking and sobbing sister sister. "Are you alright?" my sister doesn't answer so Alice speaks up. "You better make her sit before she falls, she's going to pieces." Edward tries to calm her. "Shh Bella shh." he says and leads her to the sofa sitting her down. "I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her." Alice suggests and i just turn and glare at her. "Here let me see her." i say. He stays sitting by her but allows me to sit on her other side. I take her into my arms and hold her. "Bella it's okay, we are all okay and safe." i say as i run my fingers through her hair. "All those people." she sobs. "I know sweetie." i reply. "It's so horrible." i kiss her on the forehead and ask her even though it's against my better judgment. "Do you want Edward?" i ask with a strained voice she nods her head so i release her and Edward wraps his arms around her she then leans her head on his shoulder. Then out of nowhere the lady that was sitting at the desk comes up and asks. "Is there anything i can get you?" i stare at her and answer her in a cold tone. "No." she nods and leaves. Then Bella asks in a somewhat calm voice. "Does she know what's going on here?" Edward nods his head and says. "Yes. she knows everything."

"Does she know they are going to kill her someday?" he answers. "She knows it's a possibility." when Bella looks at him surprised he explains. "She's hoping they'll decided to keep her."

"She wants to become one of.." Edward stops her from finishing that sentence by nodding his head. Suddenly she cries out. "Oh Edward!" then she starts sobbing again. "What's wrong." he asks. "Is it really sick for me to be happy right now?" she asks her voice cracking. "I know exactly what you mean. But we have lots of reasons to be happy. For one we all are alive." Bella nods her head agreeing. "We are together." he states another. "And with any luck we will still be alive tomorrow." Bella nods and says. "Hopefully." Alice reassures her by saying. "The outlook is quite good." "I'll see jasper in less than twenty four hours." Edward notes how tired Bella looks and she notes how thirsty he looks. "I could sit with Alice and Sophie." she offers but he says for her not to be ridiculous that he's in control more so now than ever before. I must admit it's a little sweet. Then Alice asks what was all that talk about singers. Edward explains what a lu tua cantante is and how Bella is his and i'm Carlisle's. That's when Edward turns to me and says. "You should call Carlisle i'm sure he knows by now that your here he must be worried." i stare at him overwhelmed by emotions. "Why on earth would i call him Edward? He left me alone for what just so he could feel at peace with me out of danger. Newsflash i was danger! I was a newborn vampire you can't get more dangerous than that." i whisper harshly. He rolls his eyes and pulls out his cell. "Call him please he's been worried sick about you." i growl and snatch the phone out of his hands and click on Carlisle's name. It rings and suddenly i hear his voice. That voice I've missed for about six months. "Hello Edward?!" he frantically asks and i clear my throat and answer. "No um its me Sophie, Edwards fine we all are." there's a slight pause and for a second o worry he's hung up but then i hear a sigh of relief. "Sophie is.. Is it really you?" he asks. "Yes i'm calling because Edward asked me to." i say. "Oh well thank you Sophie.. Ho-how are you doing?" he asks hesitantly. "I'm fine, how are you?" i ask "i'm okay." he answers and i must say this is the most awkward phone call I've ever been on and I've had phone calls with my mother before so that's saying something. " well i better go kits almost dark and we should be leaving soon." i say. "of course be safe Sophie i-" before he can finish what he is about to say i cut him off and say. "I will be bye Carlisle." then i hang up and hand the phone back to Edward who gives me a look. "Sophie." he begins but i just hold up my hand signalling him to shut it. Thankfully he does. I sit down and Alec walks in saying we can leave and that we don't linger in the city. He tells us how to get out back into the city. We all head out i stay quiet while Edward and Bella talk. Alice finally pulled up in a less fabulous car at least compared to the first one. We all get in and drive to the airport. Finally we boarded the plane i sat beside Bella while Edward sat on the other side. When we landed i felt relief but also fear. Fear of having to face Carlisle. then when i saw jasper that fear left me i was half grateful and half annoyed. Let me say this though when my eyes finally landed on Carlisle i almost felt my dead heart flutter. Then our eyes met and i could see many emotions fly through his. Fear. relief. Sadness. And love. That last one caught me off guard. But i kept calm and made sure no emotion passed through my eyes. He noticed this and hurt flashed through his. Slowly he made his way over to us he smiled at Edward and Bella then thanked Bella. "Thank you Bella, we owe you." Bella just smiled a tired smile. "Come on we should get going." i say and nobody protests. We all walk to the car and i'm surprised to see Rosalie and Emmett there. I notice Edward stiffen at the sight of Rosalie. Carlisle speaks up and says. "Don't, she feels awful." Edward answers in a loud voice. "She should." however Bella being Bella says. "It's not her fault." i nod my head and say to Edward. "Let her make amends." Carlisle nods and adds. "I will ride with Alice and jasper and Sophie." even though i don't exactly want to be in a car with him i nod my head. When he still seems hesitant i give him a look that says. Get your ass in the car or you will regret it. He smartly listens to that and Bella and him get in the car. Alice Jasper Carlisle and i head to the other car shortly after they leave. This'll be fun i think as i get in the back seat with Carlisle. 

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