Chapter 14

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Well we made our flight but just barely however the whole flight Bella would not stop fidgeting and it was driving me crazy! After we took off Alice called Jasper she spoke in a low voice but my vampire hearing allowed me to hear her as if she were talking loudly. Alice was trying to assure Jasper she would be okay that she would get out alive but i could see through her facade. She was unsure and just told jasper these things to make him feel better. When she finally hung up she turned to Bella and i saying. "I hate lying to him." I gave her a serious look and asked. "Then why lie to him? If you love him you shouldn't lie to him..." i trail off thinking about how Carlisle probably lied to me about ever loving me. "It's because i love him that i lied to him." she explains i just scoff and mumble. "Wish Carlisle hadn't lied to me." of course Alice with her vampire hearing heard me and asks. "What did Carlisle lie to you about?" again i scoff and say. "He left me Alice if he truly loved me he would not have left." i state. This causes her eyes to widen. "Sophie Carlisle loved you he still does he left because he thought he was doing what's right." i roll my eyes even though her words made my heart flutter. "Right for who Alice him Or me?" with that i put my earbuds in and listen to my music tuning out Alice and Bella who are both now having a conversation. Finally the plane touched down i slowly pull my earbuds out Alice quickly explains what Edward plans to do to get himself killed. "You of course will have to wear this and stay in the car while Bella goes to stop Edward." Alice pulls out a scarf that i assume will go over my head so quickly i put it on along with my sunglasses and Alice leaves Bella and i alone to go steal a car. "Thank you for coming with me Sophie it really means a lot." i smirk at her and say. "Hey what are sisters for?" then it happens Alice pulls up in a yellow Porsche. A yellow Porsche! "Of all cars to steal.. Alice you choose the one that is the most flashy." i say grinning like the Cheshire cat. Bella just complains as we get in the car. "Sheesh Alice, could you pick a more conspicuous car to steal." then she presses down on the gas pedal and we take off in light-speed. The important question, is whether i could have stolen a faster car and i don't think so. I got lucky." Bella after a while asks. "Do you see anything more?" Alice answers. "There's something going on, some kind of festival. The streets are full of people and red flags. What's the date today?" "the nineteenth." i answer and relazation dawns on Alice's face. "Well that's ironic. It's Saint Marcus Day." According to Alice it's about some saint that drove the vampires from Volterra fifteen hundred years ago but it's just a story but its more of recognition to the police now. "They're not going to be very happy if Edward messes things up for them on St. Marcus Day, are they." Alice shakes her head and says. "They'll act very quickly." Bella looks away then asks. "He's still planning on noon?" "yes. He's decided to wait. And they're waiting for him." "what does she have to do?" i ask then Alice turns to Bella and says. "You don't have to do anything. He just has to see you before he moves into the light. And he has to see you before he sees me or Sophie." "How are we going to work that?" Bella asks. "I'm going to get you as close as possible, and then your going to run in the direction i point you." "try not to trip. we don't have any time for concussions today." she adds. "There." Alice says and points to the most beautiful city I've every seen. "Volterra." Alice says in a flat, icy voice. 

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