Authors Notes

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Hello, the readers of Wattpad! 

I'm Chicmack and this is The Secret Basket Girl

So this is the maybe first book that I actually complete so yeah. Enjoy the book but I do have some rules about this. They're not like 'don't have fun rules' but more of a suggestion so people know what to expect and what I would like so everyone can enjoy the book. If you don't like this kind of stuff, skip this chapter. 

- So I have school and soon marching band so I won't be able to update every day but I'm hoping to do at least once a week.

-I really don't like hate comments do please if you do have hate comments, send it to me privately since I want people to enjoy the book and read funny comments not hate.

-There aren't any specific characters in this book since I personally hate when they give you actors and the jazzy stuff. You remember it for the first couple of chapters then you make up your own. So have fun with your imagination and make up the characters.

-I really hope people don't copy this book, I don't care if they get an idea from this but not copying the whole thing as your own.

-This is my imagination and somethings might be cheesy but I'm a romantic addict so don't judge.

-Please have fun reading this book, I'm doing this for fun so it should be fun for you.  I may seem like "YOU MUST HAVE FUN" but I'm not. I just everyone to enjoy my imagination and have fun reading this book.

That's it and I hope you comment or like the chapter if you liked. Now I sound like one of those YouTubers... Just give me a reaction instead of just reading. That sound betterish. Well, I hope you enjoy this book and have fun!!!! 

-Chicmack <3

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