Chapter 1

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Jessica's POV

I really hate school. It's pretty much about popularity, how they look, how much money you have, or how 'talented' you are. People shouldn't judge people on these things. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that people do that in high school and even in middle school. This is just one of the reasons why I decided to be a loner in school or, as most people would call it, being invisible.

I walk into school with my best and only friend, Mindy. She picks me up every morning since my dad won't let me drive until I'm out of the house. I always keep a low profile as I walk down the hallway to my locker, not like some people. I get to my locker to only hear cheering and clapping. Of course, Blake Thomas was walking down the hallways with a girl on each side while the whole school was clapping on his ' amazing game-winning shot' which I thought was just luck.

He literally almost fell when he was making the shot! I could have made that easily but I keep that a secret. I don't want the attention like some people in this school.

"Great shot last night." "Amazing game-winning shot bro" Random people were complimenting him as he walked down the hall. I just scuffed and turned around.

"Did you go to the game last night? I think we did pretty well for the middle season." Mindy said to me as she leans on the locker next to me.

"Do you not know me? I'm always at the games. I just love to judge all the players playing" I roll my eyes as I close my locker. She laughs and says as the warning bell rings, "Of course I know you, dummy. We better get to class if we don't want to be late."

I smile and wave bye. Sadly, we only have lunch together so I'm on my own in my classes. I get to math class and yes, the worse subject first. I sit in my normal seat. Next to the window in the back. I like sitting in the back since no one will notice me and it's better for me to see everything. People scattered into the classroom as I put my sweatshirt hood up and read a book. Just as the bell rings, the 'most important person of the day' walks into class, late of course.

"Mr. Thomas, are you aware that you are late?" says Mr. Humbug (well his real name is Mr. Harled but everyone calls him Mr. Humbug since he always so grumpy) Blake put on his most 'apologetic' look and says, "I'm sorry Mr. Harled, I was caught up in the congratulations from last nights game."

Mr. Humbug smiled, (wait he smiled?! History has been made!) and says, "It's okay for today but only this time because the game-winning shot you made." Blake smiled and walks to his seat in the other back corner while I'm here rolling my eyes. "Alright class, let's begin."


When the bell rang for lunch, I thanked the heavens above and did an internal dance. I love lunch, don't judge. I wait in line as of every normal person. Soon the 'guy of the day' walks in and everyone claps and he bows. I hate this, he just made one shot at the end of a stupid game, so what.

I sigh internally as I turn around and wait in line. Sadly, I was last and guess what? Someone at the front was 'offered his spot' to blake and I couldn't take it anymore. I stomped lightly to the table that Mindy was at and sat down sighing. "What crawled up your butt and died?" she asked with an amused face.

I sighed and said, "I just sick of this stupid celebration for Blake Thomas every time he walks into a room. People are treating him like he just made world peace. I couldn't even get my favorite thing in the whole world because of him!" I put my head on the table and sighed dramatically again.

Mindy laughed saying, "Just seems like your jealous. Here, have my extra sandwich since he 'stole your favorite thing in the whole world.'" She hands me the sandwich and I say, "Remind me to get new friends." She laughs and shakes her head.

I devour the sandwich only to be interrupted by some mean girls, "You really do eat like a pig," says Melissa. She the cheer captain and the biggest witch of them all, "Yeah, she should be at the farm instead of here." says Lilith, her first minion. I shake my head and say, "Ha, well at least I'm a pig, not like you. Your pretty much a clown with all that fake makeup on your faces."

Mindy's face is really red from trying not to laugh while I just glared daggers at her. She glares back before scuffs and walks away. "That was surprisingly easy today," I say to Midy who is laughing quietly. "Maybe she's saving all her energy for Blake's congratulation surprise." I cringe at the thought.

Did I mention that Blake and pretty much all the other basketball players are man whores when it comes to the cheerleader? They pretty much have all slept with each other which I think is so gross on my part. I've never slept with someone and I'm not planning on any time soon.

I shove the half-eaten sandwich to her and say, "I lost my appetite all because of you and your dirty mind." She laughs hysterically, causing some people to look at us like we're crazy. I get up and say, "Okay, I'm out. I'm going to get my stuff early and get to class early" I start walking and going into the hallway where my locker is.


Hello, readers of my book. Hope you like the book so far. I'm not going to act like those YouTubers again but please tell me what you think. If its bad good, more detail, less detail. I just really self-conscious of this book. My first original idea so I want it to be the best it could be. See you next chapter.

-Chicmack <3

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