Chapter 4

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It feels like I've been in this bathroom for too long. I have only been here for the past 10 minutes but it feels like a century. People are most likely thinking I have diarrhea or something. I have to get out of here. Its starting to smell weird. I took a deep breath, then coughing almost instantly because of the smell. I walk out with my head high even though I was crying inside. I turned the corner, looked all around, and sighed in relive to not see him. He's probably in the nurses office. Ha take that Blake.

Luckily and I don't have any more classes with him today. Thank the Lord. Everyone was staring at me. This is not good. Social anxiety overload. I put my hood up and continued to walk to my classroom. Lucky i got there just as the bell rang. At least I wont have to be yelled at.

The classes go by surprisingly fast and this is hell in the making. Its like a bomb going to go off when Blake finds me. Can I transfer schools? No I can't do that to Mindy. Why am I so nice.

I keep my hood up as I get to the parking lot and quickly look around for Mindy. Once I found her by her car waiting, I sprinted across the parking lot and into the car in a blink of an eye. Maybe I should join track.

Mindy gets in the car and asks "Why did you just run to the car? I know school is hell but I don't think it's that bad." I look over at her like she had two heads and looked out the window. As soon as we were at least a mile from school, I told her, "I kicked Blake where the sun don't shine"

She starts laughing instantly and then clears her throat and asks "What do you mean by  'where the sun don't shine'?" I glared at her and asked, "your really going to make me say it, aren't you?" She smirked and nodded. I sighed and said, " I kicked him in the balls, are you happy?"

As soon as I said it she laughed I so hard she was to the point of crying. I swear to god she was swerving on the road. "Stop because you get us killed!" When Mindy finally calmed down, we were in my driveway.

I looked at her and said, "What am I going to do now? If he finds me he will kill me!" She looked at me with a serious face and said "You have to go to the FBI to get an identity change and move across the world." I sighed and said "I'm serious."

She shrugged her shoulders and said "Can't help you there. You got to figure that out on your own." I rolled my eyes and said "Very helpful"

I got out of the car and as she drove away and thought to myself, would she really miss me if I disappear? I shake my head and go inside.

Once I got inside I heard pans clattering in the kitchen. Great, moms trying to cook again. I took off my shoes and my backpack at the door and went to the kitchen.

I looked around to see a huge mess everywhere. Pans everywhere, flour on the floor, every ingredient in the house scattered on the counters. "Why are you trying to cook? Remember the last time you tried to cook?" She turned around and glared at me. "I'm not going to set the kitchen on fire again this time!" I laughed and said "Whatever you say mom"

I grabbed an apple and say on the bar stool watching my mom and asked, "Why are you trying to cook while destroying are kitchen in the process?" She rolled her eyes at me and said, "Your Father's college roommate is coming over with his family to catch up. I just wanted to be nice and make a nice meal for them." I laughed and said, "By poisoning them?"

She glared at me and said, "Don't you have homework to do? Go do it and I want you to look nice for them so please change. I don't want you to look like that." I looked down at my comfy sweatshirt and sweatpants and said, "But there comfy." She turned to stir something and said, "No if, ands, or buts. Now go do your homework." I rolled my eyes and said once I got in the hallway, " Just tell me when you give up. I have that restaurant on speed dial." I heard my mom laugh as I walk upstairs.

I get to my bed and plop down on it and start to do my homework. For some odd reason, I can only do my homework on my bed. Weird right?

As I do my usual homework, stupid math, hard English, difficult science, the time flies by. Once I'm finally done it's about 5:30. Why do all teachers have to give homework. It's pretty much a punishment to have to get it. I wish whoever invented homework was never born!

I sigh and get off my bed and go to my closet of doom. If your wondering by I call it that, it's pretty much a monster of clothes I shove in there when I don't want to clean.

After a big self argument on if I should listen to my mom or not, I finally give in only because she pays for my phone. I pick out some black leggings and a nice shirt. The only way you would ever get me in a dress is if you force it on me.

Once I get downstairs, moms already has cleaned the kitchen and the food has already been delivered. (Told you she would give up) She was putting it into dished to 'make it look like she made it herself', smart move mom. My dad walks in with his suit and tie from work and says, "Thank you for cleaning up. Could you please set the table, they should be here any minute," I sigh and comply by force.

Our dining room is in the room right next door to to front door so I could here the doorbell. My mom straightens her apron and walk with dad to the door as I continue finishing the table. I could here the door open.

My dad was the first one to talk, "Hey David, nice to see you again." They talk about some nonsense and then he finally introduced his wife. " This is my wife Lilly and this our son" as I finish with the last dish I heard something that ran my blood cold.

"Hi nice to meet you, my name is Blake."
HEY!! I'm sooooo sorry for the year after update. I didn't think anyone would actually like this story until @newgirlband commented to updates very nicely. I just want to thank you all for the positive feedback to keep me going. I promise I will update more often since it's the summer. Love you all!

-Chicmack <3

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