Chapter 5

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That can't be him, right? There can be many Blake's in the world. This can be just one of them. It can be THAT Blake. Please god, if you're there, please make sure it's not Blake Thomas. I will be good, I'll do my homework, I'll clean my room, well maybe not good but I will.

Then I hear my mother calling for me, "Jessica, come and meet our guests." I sighed in defeat and slowly walked in 'the foyer' as in my mother calls it.

I walk in to see a couple and his son. Yep, it's the one. Why does the universe want to punish me! I smile my best fake smile, which is really bad, and shake the couple's hands, 'Hi, my name is Jessica." I shake their hands but not Blake's because who would. I see him smirk at my mom says, "Let's go to the dining table, the food is almost ready." I almost laughed out loud at that one.

As I sit down, look at that, Blake sits next to me. As quickly as I could without looking suspicious, I say, " I'm going to help my mom." I quickly went to the kitchen as my mom was putting the potatoes into a nice bowl. My mom jumps and says, "God Jessica, don't scare me like that. Help me get these to the table." I roll my eyes and grabbed some corn and the potatoes and walking into the dining room. By the time, I got there, the only two seats left were at the end of the table and by Blake. I acted as casually as I could and sat at the end even though that 'Mom's seat'. As my mom finished bring the food in, she looks at me with a glare and clears her throat. Uh oh, the throat clear, it's only used when I'm in deep shit but in front of people so she can't yell.

I reluctantly got out of the chair and sat next to the 'Basketball King'. We all got some food and then parents start talking. I swear, the only thing I heard was bla bla bla. I was so bored, I even was looking at him, barf. It wasn't until then I realized he was wearing something other than his jersey but that didn't last until he caught me staring at him and smirked. I quickly went back to picking at my food. I'm am seriously so stupid, he doesn't even deserve to have me look at him since he is such a prick. I was disturbed by my food picking to hear the devil say, "May I use your bathroom?". WHAT! Did my ears just playing tricks on me or did he just say may?! Wow, this is new. "Yes, you may young sir, it's just upstairs and its the first door to the right. " Really dad, really?

It wasn't till he was out of sight when my mother said, "He is such a gentleman. you really have a nice son." the mother smiles and the dad say, "Thank you, he has good grades and is even the star basketball player of his high school team." Damn it, here we go. As soon as my dad heard basketball he got excited and said. "He plays basketball? Jessica plays basketball as well, maybe we could get them to shoot some hoops or something." May I just say at this moment that I wish that I was invisible or that I could move to a different country. "That sounds great, maybe they can after dinner so we can talk some more." I look at my dad with pleading eyes but he doesn't get the hint and says, "That sounds great"

After about ten minutes of talking my mother says, "Jessica dear, could you please go check on Blake, it's been a while now and I'm worried." Of course, my sensitive mother asks me of all people to go check on him. He is in high school, he doesn't need a babysitter. I sigh and quickly go up the stairs. I swear to god, if he is in my room, I will kill him. I go up and see that the bathroom door is open. Great, he's not in there, please don't be in my room. I look in the spare bedroom, no, my parent's room, no, then the trophy room. Yes, my father has a specific room just for his trophies and a little of mine, only to not find him in there.

I look at my room door to see it closed, not too suspicious since I closed my door when I left. I slowly opened my door and stepped inside. I find him looking at my posters of my favorite basketball players. Great here we go. "What the hell are you doing in here?" he turns around and smirks, "Didn't think I would find you at this dinner." I rolled my eyes and said, "That's not what I asked." I looked at him with my evil glare. Maybe it will scare him like when my mom does it to me. " I was just wondering what your room would be like and its nothing like I thought it would be." I laughed and said, "You didn't think I would have Karl-Anthony Towns poster on my wall?" He looks at me and says, "Honestly no, I thought you would have all that girly shit." I had enough and said, "Get. Out. Now" he puts his hands up and leaves.

I get down after him to find everything was already put away into the kitchen and everyone in the living room talking. "Hey Jessica, take Blake outside and shoot some hoops outside while we talk." Says my dad. I was about to argue when my mom does the death glare at me again. Seriously, what is up with that. I mumble a fine and walk to the garage to get my basketballs. I hate this so much. why does my life have to be like this? what did I ever do to deserve this? I get my basketballs and roll the cart out into the backyard where my hood is. I just start shooting. After about ten baskets in a row, I look over to see Blake with his mouth open. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." He shakes his head and asks, "When did you learn how to do that." I laugh at him and say, "Practice."

He then joins me, only to fail every four shots. It wasn't until he missed the tenth one I started to laugh, "You think you could do better?" I smile as innocent as I could as said, "Of course I can." he smirks and says, "Alright, let's do a one on one. If I win, you have to teach me your ways." I looked over at him and said, "And if I win?" He smiles and says, "I'll le you kiss me."


Hey everyone, sorry about the late update. I really hope you like this. I've been really busy and it wasn't until today I could sit down and write. I know that you probably read this all the time but please comment and star this. I need the motivation to keep writing. Love you all!

~Chicmack <3

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