Chapter 6

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Did he just say what I think he just said? What do I look like, a girly girl? Just thinking about kissing him wants to make me vomit. "What? That's never going to happen. How about this, if I win then you can't tell anyone about me being able to play basketball. Do we have a deal?"
He looks at me with a pouty face. I swear to god if my parents weren't inside, I would hit him so hard right now. "Fine, it's not like your going to win against me." He says flexing his 'muscles' if you even call them that. I just rolled my eyes and took my shirt off to be in my tank top and I swear to god his eyes were bulging. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies." He shakes his head and I swear to god I see a small blush on his face.

Can it be true, he is embarrassed? Well whatever, I have to get my head in the game like Troy. Best movie ever. Alright, let's do this. I smirk at him and say, "Are you ready to be beaten by a girl?"

He laughs and says, "I may be a man but I refuse to lose to a girl." I rolled my eyes and say, "Yeah, whatever you say." Right after I say that I dribble around him and make the first shot. His face is in shock and says, "You can't do that, I wasn't ready!" I laugh and say "I'm sorry, was I suppose to wait for the princess?" he smirks and says, "Your on."

(20 minutes later)

It's tied and the next points win. I have to distract him somehow. I can't lose to him. It would crush what little ego I have left of me. It would be like selling my soul to Satan and living as his slave. Get it? Blake's Satan. Sorry, got to focus. Maybe if I show him my bra I can win. I can just take off my tank top. If he has at least the same reaction as when I took my sweater, I will win for sure. Okay, what am I talking about? Am I going crazy by Satan? That sounded wrong.

I was just about to score when all of a sudden our parents come out and say that they are leaving. I was breathing hard. I almost won. Almost. "Dad, can we do one more game plleeaasseee," says Blake. Did I just hear him whine? What is he, two? I roll my eyes and walk over to get my sweater and put it back on. "No, Blake. We have to go now," says his mother. Blake pouts and walks over to put the balls away. Yep, he is a two-year-old in a teen body.

Once he put the basketballs away, he comes up to me and says, "Since I was the last person to shoot, I think I won." He gives a victory dance with a smirk.
Seriously, he thinks he won? Who do you think I am, one I'm not a lser, and two I don't take peoples lying. I laugh so hard that I'm wheezing and bending down. I swear he was rolling his eyes at that. What can I say? It's not like I can keep it in. I just had to...... LET IT GO! Sorry, I had to. Alright back to reality. I am so out of breath from laughing that I whispered out, "You..." laughing in between words.

Blake rolls his eyes at me and says sarcastically, "Of course, since I'm the King of basketball." I think he was sarcastic. Well, he probably thinks he is and its really creepy. After he said that though, I laughed even harder, I got onto my back and rolling on the dirty floor because of him. Does he think he is the basketball king? Seriously, and I'm a girly girl. HA! I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice he was already out of the shed we have. I get up with a sore stomach. Seriously, I haven't laughed like that since I was a child.

I get out of the shed and go back into my house to see everyone is at the door saying goodbye, I try, hint TRY, to go up to the steps to my room until I hear my mother yell, " Jessica Rose Smith! Get down here and say goodbye!" Great, now he knows my horrible middle name. Like seriously, it WAY too girly. Now I am cursed with this middle name that Blake now knows. Can my life get any worse?

I let out the biggest sigh and slowly drag myself down the steps. I did not want to say goodbye to that douche. Why does my mom have to be like this? I can't even go to the safety of my room without her bugging me. Once I got to the last step, I could see that my mom was furious because I think I walked down about 10 steps in three minutes. Now I know that I am going to get a big lecture about this. Once I close to Blake, I felt so exhausted from going down those few steps, I just said, "Bye."

I could tell that my dad was trying not to laugh and I think my mom saw that so she elbowed him and he coughed. Finally, they say there last goodbyes and leave. I ran up the steps and just before I could get to my room, I hear," Jessica, we need to talk right now!" Great, I just had to deal with Blake for who knows how long and now I have to deal with my mother too.

I get down the steps and into the kitchen to see my mom washing the dishes. " Come here and put these dishes away once you dry them", she says. I fight my urge to roll my eyes as I grab the towel and start to dry the dishes. "Why were you so rude today. I thought you would like him since he plays basketball and I know you love to play basketball?" I just sigh and say, "I can't really deal with him, he is the most arrogant person I have ever met and he thinks he is the best basketball player when he is obviously is not." She looks at me confused and says, "How would you know he isn't the best?" "Well, its because I'm better than him," I state as I dry the last dish and put it away. My mom shakes her head and says, "Whatever you say, Jessica, for all I can tell, you have a crush on him."

Did she just say what I think she just said? Me, liking Blake? Shes pretty much saying that fire and oil are great together. I give the 'I'm about to puke face' and run upstairs. I could hear her laughing the whole way up to my room. Now I have my mom on my case. Can this day get any worse?
Well, not today but I can tell tomorrow will be worse.

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. My junior year of high school has been very stressful. I really hope you like this chapter and I would love to hear some feedback from you! Thanks for reading and I am going to write more often now. Love ya all!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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