Chapter 2

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Jessica's POV

After lunch, it was pretty normal. Boring classes, boring teachers, and overdramatic classmates. Someone tripped and fell, the whole school stopped and stared at her like she was an alien. Seriously, I'm not joking. Being the nice person I am, I helped her pick up her papers. 

She smiled and said a small thanks before she walked away quickly, I don't blame her for doing that. I would have walked right out the doors if that was me. Once she was out of sight, I hear some guys laughing. I turn around to find the basketball players in a group staring at the hall that once walked the girl. What made me pissed off was that Blake was making a joke about the whole thing. Like who does that?! I get to the sidelines of the hallway and breathe deeply. 

I hate people who bully others for no reason. She could be the next movie star and no one now it. They will regret it when they get older. I know I do. I had to move to this school when I was in 6th grade because I was the biggest bully and was kicked out of school.

I know you must be thinking, did she kill someone? No, I just kept bulling a little girl for years until she had enough and told on me. There I was on the girl's basketball team and was the team captain. After that, my dad got a new job here and here I am. I know am rude but I changed. I even called the girl my freshmen year and made amends. I told her I was so sorry and that I should have never done that to her.

She said it was fine. We eve stay in touch to this day. That's one of the reasons I don't play basketball anymore. The first is that this school doesn't have a girls basketball team. The second is, I don't want to become the same girl I was when I was little. I think the fame and attention made me bully, to be honest. I never will ever do that again.

Finally, the prison that is called school is over. I meet Mindy in the parking lot. She looks so sad and says, "I'm so sorry Jessica, work called me and said that someone got sick so I need to fill in." I smile at her and say, "It's okay, I can stay here till my dad gets off of work." She gives me a hug before driving off to work.

I go back to school and sigh. Now I to stay here until 5:30 when my dad gets off work. But do you wanna know bad about this? Basketball practice starts then and I know for a fact that Blake would always go warm up at least a half-hour before practice even starts. 

We're not allowed in the halls after school hours. So I always sit in front of my locker when I stay after school. Luckily, my locker isn't in a hallway. I'm in front of the gym door too. At least it's at the far end and the net is at the other end. They always keep the doors open so I can see the whole practice. Please help me. Well, at least I can watch Blake fail over and over again. 

At least there's a door that goes into the gym from the lockers so I don't have him walking by me. Once 5 ticks on the clock, there he is, the 'guy of the day'. I hate him so much. I wish he would stop being so self-centered and a bully to everyone. He does his laps around the gym and I just ignore him. 

After that, he brought the basketballs out of the storage closet. He starts shooting and I internally laugh. His footwork can get him easily tripped or even fall on his own two feet. I went back to reading my book when all the sudden, I felt a basketball at my feet. 

I roll my eyes and pick up the ball and go to the gym. So much for being invisible. Time to show him what I'm made of. I need to show him a lesson. He doesn't even notice a ball has gotten out till I cough, getting his attention. He turns around and smirks saying, "Hello pretty lady, how about you give me the orange thing in your hand?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

Does he really think I don't know what a basketball is?! He's crazy to think that. I glare daggers at him and say, "You know that this is a basketball. Guess the rumors are true. You're as dumb as a nail." He scoffs and says, "Just give me the ball" I laugh and say, "Guess I got you there. Maybe this 'pretty girl' can shoot the basket from here." His ears are turning red from anger but then leans back on the wall and says, "Fine do it, you'll fail miserably. Give me a laugh."  

I look over at the net and to where I'm standing. I'm at the edge of the court. I think I can make this shot, all the way from the other side of the court. I smirk at him as I get ready to shoot. I remember what my father and the coach from my middle school used to say when shooting from this far of a distance. Ever since I moved here, my dad got a basketball court in the backyard so I still play basketball but for fun. I take a deep breath to get ready and shoot.

Both of us watch as the ball flies over the court and bounces off the backboard. It goes into the basketball net. I do an internal dance. I made it, whoop whoop, I made it! I give him my most innocent smile before turning towards the door and start to walk away until Blake asks, "Who are you?" I smirk and look over my shoulder saying, "If you really want to know, find out for your self." I walk out of the gym.

I could tell he was about to say something or even follow me until his teammates walking into the gym. I was already out when the first guy came out. "What's wrong man? You look like you just saw a ghost." One of the guys asks him. I stand at my locker with my bag where he can see me. He was staring at me in shock and I actually kind of liked it. I smirk at him and he shakes his head and says, "Nothing Jack, its nothing." He turns around and goes into the mass of basketball players.

I walk out of the prison to find that my dad just pulls up. Thank the lord for him being here at this time. I open the passenger door and get in. We start to drive when he asks, "How was school, Jessica?" I look at him and says, "Interesting, it was very interesting. " I am really looking forward to tomorrow. 


Hello, readers of my book. So this is very addicting to write and just so you know it won't be like this all the time. Updating twice in one day I mean. I just want to leave everyone on a cliffhanger or what I call it. Hope you give your review on this book. See you in the next chapter!! 

-Chicmack <3

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