Let The Plan Continue

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Please read the a/n later

=Erato's Pov=

"Ne, boy...I'm sorry... Do you know me..?"

The woman said softly to me. 'Know her..? Why would I know her? Or should I know her...?' I thought to myself.

"Based on your reactions, I assume you don't." she stated. "Then... do you know my mother?" she asked ever so gently.

Now that I look at her, she does seem familiar. "My mother was the one who gave you the lollipop when you were a lost kid." she explained.

"My mother told me to say sorry if I ever meet a kid with brown hair and golden eyes. It was hard to find you, but at last, I have. From all the brown haired guys I have met, yours are the only truly golden eyes." she continued.

"B-but...w-why would she apologize...to me..?" I said aloud. "She saw your mother get killed and blamed herself for separating you with your mother."

"Why...Why would she blame herself?! I was the reason..! The reason! The reason...that mom was killed..." I shouted at first, but, it turned softer by every word I have spoken. 'I'm the one to blame...'

"If only I didn't go to that convenience store then that wouldn't have happened! She wouldn't have been killed in front of me!" I screamed, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"She didn't believe it. For all those years after your mother's death, she has blamed it on herself." After those words, I begun to laugh at myself with tears in my eyes.

I held my hair with one hand while trying to contain my laughter. Crazy, right? " Heh...Why do people...have to...suffer for my sake..?" 'It's hard..! Living with regret after that event?' I thought.

"Look boy. Forget about that. Just remember your mission" 'My...mission...' I remember, how could I forget.


It has been exactly three months after my mother's death. I never really knew what she wrote on the floor, but that didn't matter.

I loved her, she was my idol. My comforter. My teacher. My nurse... but most of all, she was my...mother...

I remember we would always do things together as much as possible, but now she's gone...

That day, I was doing nothing, but crying by myself inside of my room. Locked inside with no one to hide nor to find comfort with.

I found solace in that big, wide room. A knock was heard upon the door.

"Erato-sama, please come with me to see your father" my father...what could he possibly want with a murderer..?

I stood up and walked to the door, opening it, I found my personal loyal butler, Richard James Diav. A young man who was the same age as me with straight but messy, black hair that was long enough to be tied to the lower left side, still reaching up to his rib cage. He was recruited by my mother, he doesn't live around, in fact he was a foreigner.

I followed him to my father's room. As we arrived, he opened the door, closing his emerald green eyes and gesturing his hand for me to go in.

I sat down in-front of my father. We stayed like that for about 2-3 minutes then he spoke.

"...as you know...Your mother is no longer here with us..." he started. I looked at my hands, finding it amusing.

"I want you to fulfill her last request. Somewhere here there lives two families who has fought each other for years. Shiya wanted to unite the two families together by marriage. She has already accomplished four from each family, but only by friendship. She wants the whole family, excluding the parents, to be in marriage, to be in unity. In other words, I want you to unite these two families and if possible, unite them in marriege.

Sometime near into the future, when you have lost yourself and keep on blaming yourself. A black feathered bird will be born to guide and accompany you. Into the distant future, a person will also remind you of it. That person might be someone who you know or someone you don't. That is all. You may go." He explained.

'I forgot that dad can read the future...but he can't change it...'

I then stood up from the chair and bowed in front of him "It will be done" After bowing, I headed off to the door as Richard just opened it.

"Erato...It is not your fault. Please don't blame yourself for that tragic event" he said before I walked out of the door.

=End of Flashback=

Three months after that day, I lost myself and found an egg. A week later that egg hatched and Rave was born.

"How could I forget that mission? It was my mother's last wish. But, I still haven't found them yet..." I stated.

"What do you mean you haven't? Are you really that stupid, Rato? You already have! They're your new family and Chii's!!!" Rave shouted next to my ear as he had just arrived.

"S-seriously?!" I shouted back. 'I already found them?!'

How could I not know?! M-maybe because the two families aren't really fighting.

"I swear Rato, for someone in the top of the school, both in popularity and studies, you're pretty dumb." he stated, making my head turn to him with an icy cold glare.

"Rave. I am not stupid." I replied, still glaring at him. The lady in front of me was wide eyed by my reaction.

"Heh. You're not fooling me, Rato, I already know you're just joking around." he spoke.

"How did you know? It looked pretty convincing to me." the old lady suddenly stated.

"If you've been with him since birth, you'll know quite a lot and--- Wait?! You could understand me?!"

The both of us were wide-eyed by this woman.

"Yes. Now, what were you gonna say? Uhmm..." the lady started.


"Ah, Rave. What else were you gonna say."

"N-normally, when he's joking, his eyes glare at you with normal golden brown eyes, but when he's serious, he'll glare at you with golden eyes with a blackish-red cross in the middle of his right eye." Rave explained to her, stuttering a few.

"Ah, so that's how it is. Golden eyes with a blackish-red cross..." she trails off. "It somehow reminds me of an angry bird or a cat." she continued.

"Ah!! Erato-kun~!!!" I heard Tsubaki-san's voice called out to me. I turned around and go back to look at the woman, only to find out that she was already gone.

I turned around to look at Tsubaki-san again, he was waving enthusiastically at me. "What's wrong, Tsubaki-san?" I asked him.

"We were wondering why you weren't in the room, so, I came to get you!!" He answered. I apologized to him and, quickly, we went to the shared room.

I smirked to myself before closing my golden eyes 'Hehe...let the plan continue on...'

We slept, and the next day, we went back home.


A/N: Wohhh!!! Two updates in one day!!!!
Leave a review!!! Please?!

Anyways, if you happen to see a chapter that's title is "o"  please don't mind it!!
There was an error that I can't fix.  I'm really, really sorry if you've read it.

And, if you've read it. Consider it as a spoiler?



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