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Slowly, Erato and Rave went over to the counter. "Hmm...Who are you talking about~?" he said as he placed his hand on the counter and leaned over it. His right eye, together with Rave's left eye were glowing gold with a dark red cross on the middle. He smirked at the now trembling person. "Found you~~" he sang to the person.

The boy's eyes were slightly different. His right eye was glowing gold with a dark colored cross placed in the middle, together with the raven's left eye. Their other eye was still gold for the idol and red for the bird though.

"Ne~ How have you been, Richard~?" the idol questioned the man, now named Richard.

"E-Erato-sama! I-I've been fine...H-how about you, m-master..?" he asked as he was trembling in place.

"Oh, the usual~ I've been fine after that, thanks to you, that is."

"M-may I ask o-one more thing..?" Richard stuttered out. Erato then replied with a 'hmm' to which meant he was allowed to.

"H-How did you s-survive?"

"If you're talking about that time then, I survived thanks to this bird giving me half of his life." Rato explained, amusement in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Richard asked again.

"Uh, uh. You said only one question. Now, it's my turn. You, who have sinned against me, shall now repent. Aren't I nice~? I'm giving you a chance to repent for it." Erato said.

"Maybe, we'll tell you some other time..." Rave spoke up in which the former butler surprisingly understood.

"Now, my question to you, my dear butler. Why have you forsaken me? I trusted you and that was how you repay me? Quite rude, I must say~" Erato then questioned his former butler.

"Y-Young master! I sincerely apologize for what I have done against you. And, if I must, I would gladly re-apply as your butler." The emerald eyed butler said as he fixed his position to kneel in front of his master.

"Hmm~~ That's fine, but, why didn't you answer my question? Fine, I'll leave that question for next time. But, remember this, I shall hire you back, but, make one mistake that involves the safety of my life, then, I shall make sure you won't be seeing tomorrow." Erato explained to his former and now 'current' butler, Richard.

"Y-Yes! Y-young master!"

"Be at this address after, hmm... Let's say, a week after new years?" he said as he gave the butler a piece of paper with some details.

So, after that event, Erato headed home with the gifts that he had just bought for the whole family, Ema, her family, Rave and Juli. The cake they ordered was to be delivered to them a few hours before Christmas Eve.

"Ne, Umi-nee-san and Machi-nee-san. Could we celebrate Christmas Eve with the Asahina's?" Erato questioned his two elder sisters, who stared at him wide-eyed.

"No." was the second daughter's reply to him.

"Okay, I'll go tell...Wait, WHAT?! But why~???"

"Sorry, Erato-kun. But, I've got to agree with Umi this time." came Machi's answer.

"because, we don't want to. And, that's final." The two sisters said in unison and left the living room.

"I wonder why..?" Erato questioned no one in particular.

"Maybe, this was your mission from the start..?" Rave said as he flew on top of his head.

"Gahh!!! Rave! I told you to stop appearing so suddenly!!!" Erato screamed at his bird, who just perched himself on the railings of the staircase.

"If that's the case... then, we have some work to do!!" he suddenly exclaimed, his eyes glowing for a split second.

"Ya'know... we've tried everything the two of us could...but...we still can't persuade them!!" Rave said, panting for air as he sat himself on the sofa where his master was sitting on.

"I know!" Erato exclaimed as he sat comfortably on the blue sofa.

Yes, they have tried everything the two of them could. From begging, bugging, persuading and even threatening and bribing, but, the two sisters still refused.

"If that's the case, then..." Erato trailed of as he grabbed his red and white phone. He quickly dialed a number and, after three rings, the latter answered.

"Hello, this is Hayuma Hiromi, what can I help you with?" The voice answered through the small device.

"Dad, can you please persuade the Asami siblings to have a Christmas party together with the Asahina siblings?"

"Erato? My, how long has it been? Anyways, I'll try, it's for the sake of your mission, right?"

"Y-You knew?!"

"Yeah, I received a text from some unknown person and didn't bother finding out who it was."

"S-sure... If you can't persuade them then can you please ask Aya-san to talk to them and if possible, also to Miwa-san?"

"Sure~ Sure~!" The call then ended as both lines hung up on each other.

"Tch. If only I knew this would happen a month or at least a week before now, I would've done it a long time ago" he said with a click of his tongue. After sighing, he picked up his bird using his finger and walked back to his room.

[Time Skip]

The Asami siblings agreed and all of them were now celebrating Christmas Eve all together in the Asami's home or we should call it, "Midnight Shore".

"Hehehe. Minna(everyone)!! Thanks for coming to today's event. The schedule for this evening would be!!" Erato trailed off as he gave the microphone to Ema who was standing beside him.

"A-annou...T-today's event will be, up first would be the games. Next, we'll be gathering up for the food that was prepared for all of us and by some of us. Next would be... I'm so sorry, but, the third event will be kept a secret." She said as she waved the piece of paper that had the words '3.) SECRET!!!'

"Lastly, would be the giving of gifts." Ema narrated as she held onto a piece of paper.

"Hmm...I see, then. Let's go and have fun, everyone!!!"

So, after having fun with various games, the two families were now sitting at the table, eating their food with smiles on their faces.

"Alright!! It's time for the third event!!!" Erato happily exclaimed.

"I wonder what the event's about?" some of them wondered.












Hehehe, next chapter would be the secret event. Try guessing!! (Though, it's pretty much obvious)




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