Chapter 6 - Plans of Escape

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Chapter 6 - Plans of Escape ©2018CarolynAnnAish 

All four captives slept very little that night, due to the amazing fact —there was a feasible way to escape from The Locker!

Boy, watched over by Blade, tossed and turned, buffeted by flashes of returning memories. The reading and discussion in the make-shift library also swirled about in his mind, mingling with discussions and debates with Seymour and the Sages. Bitterly hurt by the fact, Herbert and Seymour were one, Boy realized Herbert had originally collaborated with Sir Lin to kidnap him. But from whom was he kidnapped? His father? Of course, his father ... and his mother! Mother ... no, 'Moma' and she had another name, but he could not remember it. Moma ... Moma? Father ... and ... Grandmamma ... and there was another lady, he could picture her face, but it merged with that of Marcie's, and he grimaced. Who were his parents? What were their names? They must be wealthy, Boy thought, perturbed. Why did Herbert turn against Sir Lin? Why did he pretend Boy was his own son, and why did he bring him up like a sage? Too many whys! Boy turned his mind to plans of escape. Safe-guards must be taken; he would think ahead and be prepared for all kinds of 'discovery' and 'confrontation'.

Blade's thick voice cut the darkness, close to Boy's ear, making him jump. "What's bugging ya, kid?" The low wooden bed creaked as Blade sat on its side, and Boy rolled across on the straw mattress, to prevent being squashed.

"I'm planning my escape from this place," Boy said, pulling himself up to sit. "You will help me, Blade," Boy then asked, "Did you find out who I am?"

"Not yet. Willi won't talk. He's too scared. Afraid of losing his tongue, or his head. But I bribed a guard and he's going to find out the facts for me." Blade spoke casually, adding, "I should know tomorrow." Then he asked, "How do y' think y're going to get out'a here?"

"In a boat that you will fetch for us, Blade." Boy answered. A silence ensued, broken only by Blade's even, heavy breathing.

Making a guess, Boy said, "You have the silver pendant already, but I'm sure my father will give you much more ..." Boy waited, and wondered if Blade would deny the discovery of the pendant on the floor of that first prison-room. Blade was silent. "I want to know who my father is so I can prepare myself for my return to him. Will you help me?"

"I'll let you know tomorrow." Blade stood and added, "If I decide not to help, then I don't want to know nothin' about them escape plans! See?"

"I see, Blade." Boy felt disappointed on one hand, yet consoled in the hope that Blade wouldn't seek out their escape route and wreck the attempt.

"And y' get to sleep —now! Forget them escape plans, or I'll be for it from Helmut. I don't want y' t' look like y' been working all night! I don't want them dark rings under y' eyes to get blacker and look like I slogged y'. Now, get t' sleep. I'm tired too y' know! No more tossing, turning; turning, tossing! See?"

Boy slithered down under the coarse cotton cover and said, "Yes Sir! I see! Good night, Blade."

Breakfast, for all four prisoners was different the following morning, but it was a matter of attitude, not difference in the food. Beth couldn't hide the radiating happiness and excitement from her face and eyes. She sat by Boy, and she hoped that those around who stared at her, would think that her joy was because she had new company. Blade had reported to Helmut, and the Captain of the Guard pushed in to sit beside Boy, to check for himself that Boy's health was prospering.

Having satisfied himself as to his valuable charge, Helmut left the Great Hall. As Boy finished his hot herb drink, he saw Blade slink from the room.

Behind his hand, Boy said to Beth, "Blade is going to find out about me, Beth. Whether we have Blade's help for our escape, depends upon his discovery." He turned and stared into her sparkling eyes, saying, "You must pray that we receive Blade's help. If he co-operates, then he'll bring a boat to the other side where the tunnel is located. I feel we should make our escape from here as soon as possible, before Sir Lin has a chance to return."

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